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 [ Spike ] 

> spike <

> extended <

> wall spike <

> ledge <

> hip-hop <

> reverse spike <


[ Shadow ]
> shadow <

> extended <

> extented (2) <


[ Wizard ]
> wizard <

> extented <


[ Dragon ]
> dragon <

> dragon (2) <

> extended <


[ Legend ]
> legend <

> legend (2) <

> wall spike <

> extended wall spike <


[ Outlaw ]
> outlaw <

> outlaw (2) <

> extended <


[ Inlaw ]
> inlaw <

> extended <


[ IllBeBack ]
> illbeback <








[ Arch ]

> arch <

> mexican flip <


[ Blizz/Blitz ]

> blizz <

> blitz <


[ Swoosh ]
> swoosh <


[ More Tricks ]

> ext.dragon-wallspike <

> warlock <

> skidow <

> legend-spike-dragon <

> legend-ext.wizard <

> ext.dragon-arch <

> ext.inlaw-shadow <

> more <


[ Other ]

> getting up <

> getting up (2) <

> getting down <

> health spike <

> health shadow<

> backflip start <

> start down <


[ Drops ]

> drops <

> nade spike <

> para drop <


[ Downloads ]

> schemes <

> maps <

> rope moves pack <


[ Message Board ]

> message board <




< Spike: spike >

The spike is one of the basic rope tricks. A lot of other moves are a spike in a different form. Here is how to do it: you gotta make a lot of speed and just make the rope shorter or you will lose speed and wont be able to do the trick. At the exact moment your worm hits the ceiling, press space and the worm will go straight down. Pressing space at the right time requires some practice. Doing it too early will make your worm hit his head, which means turn is lost. While you fly down look at the point you wanna grab and just press space again to grab that point. This is what it looks like when you did it the right way:

Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000