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Mothers With Angels


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The kindergarten teacher was showing
her class an encyclopedia page picturing
several national flags. She pointed
to the American flag and asked,
"What flag is this?"
A little girl called out,
"That's the flag of our country."
"Very good," the teacher said.
"And what is the name of our country?"
'Tis of thee," the girl said confidently.

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After putting her children to bed,
a mother changed into old slacks
and a droopy blouse
and proceeded to wash her hair.
As she heard the children getting more
and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin.
At last she threw a towel around her head
and stormed into their room,
putting them back to bed with stern warnings.
As she left the room,
she heard her three-year-old
say with a trembling voice,
"Who was that?"

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Two little boys were visiting their grandfather,
and he took them to a restaurant for lunch.
They couldn't make up their minds
about what they wanted to eat.
Finally the grandfather grinned at the server
and said,
"Just bring them bread and water."
One of the little boys looked up and quavered,
"Can I have ketchup on it?"

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A new neighbor asked the little girl
next door if she had any brothers and sisters.
She replied, "No, I'm the lonely child."

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A mother was telling her little girl
what her own childhood was like:
"We used to skate outside on a pond.
I had a swing made from a tire;
it hung from a tree in our front yard.
We rode our pony.
We picked wild raspberries in the woods."
The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this in.
At last she said,
"I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!"

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My grandson was visiting one day when he asked,
"Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?"
I mentally polished my halo while I asked,
"No, how are we alike?"
"You're both old," he replied.

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A little girl was diligently pounding away
on her father's word processor.
She told him she was writing a story.
"What's it about?" he asked.
"I don't know," she replied. "I can't read."

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You have to try on a pair of sunglasses with that
stupid little plastic thing in the middle of them.

The person behind you in the supermarket
runs his cart into the back of your ankle.

The elevator stops on every floor
and nobody gets on.

There's always a car riding your tail
when you're slowing down to find an address.

You open a can of soup and the lid falls in.

It's bad enough that you step in dog poop,
but you don't realize it till
you walk across your living room rug.

The tiny red string on the Band-Aid
wrapper never works for you.

There's a dog in the neighborhood
that barks at EVERYTHING.

You can never put anything back in a box
the way it came.

Three hours and three meetings after lunch
you look in the mirror and discover a piece of
parsley stuck to your front tooth.

You drink from a soda can
into which someone has extinguished a cigarette.

You slice your tongue licking an envelope.

Your tire gauge lets out half the air
while you're trying to get a reading.

A radio station comes in brilliantly
when you're standing near the radio
but buzzes, drifts and spits
every time you move away.

There are always one or two ice cubes
that won't pop out of the tray.

You wash a garment with a tissue in the pocket
and your entire laundry comes out
covered with lint.

The car behind you blasts its horn
because you let a pedestrian finish crossing.

A piece of foil candy wrapper makes electrical
contact with your filling.

You set the alarm on your digital clock
for 7pm instead of 7am.

The radio station doesn't tell you
who sang that song.

You rub on hand cream and
can't turn the bathroom
doorknob to get out.

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Last week I took my child to a restaurant.
My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace.
As we bowed our heads he said,
"God is great and God is Good.
Let us thank Him for the food,
and I would even thank you more
if mom gets us ice cream for dessert.
And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!"

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Imagine praying and hearing this:
"Thank you for calling God's house.
Please select one of the following
four options:
Press 1 for requests.
Press 2 for a thanksgiving
Press 3 for complaints
Press 4 for all other inquiries."
What if God used the familiar excuses?
"All the angels are
helping other customers right now.
Please stay on the line.
Your call will be answered
in the order received."
Can you imagine getting these kinds of responses
as you call God in prayer?
"If you'd like to speak with Gabriel,
press 1.;
for Michael press 2;
for any other angel, press 3."
To speak to Solomon
about questions needing his Wisdom, press 9
(Note: on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Dr. Laura will be subbing for Solomon.)
"If you'd like King David
to sing a Psalm for you, press 6."
(please note that we cannot
honor requests for specific psalms)
"To find out if a relative is here,
enter his/her name, date of death
and listen for the list that follows.
"For reservations at MY FATHER'S HOUSE,
simply press the letters,
then dial 1-800-J-O-H-N,
and ask for extension #3-1-6.
Our Caller ID shows that you
are not authorized to use this number.
Stay on the line and your call
will be forwarded downstairs."
"This office is closed for the weekend.
Please call again Monday."
"Good Sabbath."

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I remember once when my kids did something silly,
I said, "How do you like those apples?"
I got a quick reply
"Honest mom, I didn't have any apples."
(Maxine Urton)

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One of my children
asked me what "pry" meant.
I told him that it was when you
needed to open something,
and you would try to force it open.
"NO,NO, he said, I mean 'pry', like
when we ask you if we can do something
and you tell us 'pry'."
I guess I then learned to speak more
clearly when I mean to say probably.
(Maxine Urton)

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Thank God For Small Towns
You know you are in a small town when...
The editor and publisher of the newspaper
carries a camera at all times.
You never use your turn signal
cause everyone knows where you’re going.
You dial a wrong number and talk for 15 minutes.
You can’t walk for exercise cause every car
that passes offers you a ride.
You write a check on the wrong bank
and it bounces, then they cover it.
Pickups outnumber cars 3 to 1 on Main Street.
You speak to each dog you pass by name,
and he or she recognizes you.
People ask you how you feel,
then listen to what you say.
Third street is on the edge of town.
You miss Sunday school
and you receive a get well card.
A 55 year old farmer is called "Young John".
You drive into a ditch three miles out of town
and word bets back before you do.
Everyone's cap has a seed emblem on it.

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I didn't know if my granddaughter
had learned her colors yet,
so I decided to test her.
I would point out something and ask
what color it was.
She would tell me, and always she was correct.
But it was fun for me, so I continued.
At last she headed for the door, saying sagely,
"Grandma, I think you should try
to figure out some of these yourself!"

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A ten-year-old, under the tutelage of her grandmother,
was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible.
Then one day she floored her grandmother by asking,
"Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus:
the Virgin Mary or the King James Virgin?"

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A Sunday school class
was studying the Ten Commandments.
They were ready to discuss the last one.
The teacher asked if anyone could tell
her what it was. Susie raised her hand,
stood tall, and quoted,
"Thou shall not take the covers off thy neighbor's wife."
(Michael A. Hancock)

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A man lay sprawled across three entire seats
in the posh theater. When the usher came by
and noticed this, he whispered to the man,
"Sorry, sir, but you're only allowed one seat."
The man groaned but didn't budge.
The usher became impatient.
"Sir, if you don't get up from there
I'm going to have to call the manager."
Again, the man just groaned,
which infuriated the usher who turned
and marched briskly back up the aisle
in search of his manager.
In a few moments, both the usher
and the manager returned and
stood over the man.
Together the two of them tried
repeatedly to move him,
but with no success.
Finally, they summoned the police.
The cop surveyed the situation briefly
then asked, "All right buddy, what's our name?"
"Sam," the man moaned.
"Where ya from, Sam?"
With pain in his voice Sam replied
"the balcony."

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The Mother asked her son
"Where's the English Channel?"
The boy looked into space and said
"I don't know, our television doesn't pick it p."

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For a computer programming class,
I sat directly across from someone, and
our computers were facing away from each other.
A few minutes into the class,
she got up to leave the room.
I reached between our computers and
switched the inputs for the keyboards.
She came back and started typing and
immediately got a distressed look on her face.
She called the teacher over and
explained that no matter what she typed,
nothing would happen.
The teacher tried everything.
By this time I was hiding behind my monitor
and quaking red-faced.
I started to type, "Leave me alone!"
They both jumped back, silenced.
"What the . . . " the teacher said.
I typed, "I said leave me alone!"
The kid got real upset.
"I didn't do anything to it, I swear!"
It was all I could do
to keep from laughing out loud.
The conversation between them and HAL 2000
went on for an amazing five minutes.
Me: "Don't touch me!"
Her: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
hit your keys that hard."
Me: "Who do you think you are anyway?!"
Etc. Finally, I couldn't contain myself
any longer and fell out of my chair laughing.
After they had realized what I had done,
they both turned beet red.
Funny, I never got more than a C- in that class.
(unknown, but I would love to know this guy)

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This guy calls in to complain
that he gets an "Access Denied" message
every time he logs in.
It turned out he was typing his user name and
password in capital letters.
Tech Support: "OK, let's try once more,
but use lower case letters."
Customer: "Uh, I only have
capital letters on my keyboard."

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Animal Crackers

When the mother returned from the grocery store,
her small son pulled out the box
of animal crackers he had begged for,
then he spread the animal-shaped crackers
all over the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?" his mom asked.

"The box says you can't eat them
if the seal is broken," the boy explained.
"I'm looking for the seal."

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Who Said That ???

I believe five out of four people
have trouble with fractions.

If quitters never win, & winners never quit,
what fool came up with "Quit while you're ahead"?

What hair color do they put on
the driver's licenses of bald men?

I was thinking that women should put pictures
of missing husbands on beer cans.

I thought about how mothers feed their babies
with little tiny spoons and forks,
so I wonder what Chinese mothers use.
Perhaps toothpicks?

Why do they put pictures of criminals
up in the Post Office?
What are we supposed to do... write to them?
Why don't they just put their pictures on the
postage stamps so the mailmen could look for them
while they delivered the mail?

If it's true that we are here to help others,
then what exactly are the OTHERS here for?

STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.

You never really learn to swear
until you learn to drive.

Clones are people two.

No one ever says "It's only a game"
when their team is winning.

As I said before, I never repeat myself!

If you can't be kind,
at least have the decency to be vague.

Ever wonder what the speed of lightning
would be if it didn't zigzag?

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

It's hard to make a comeback
when you haven't been anywhere.

If ignorance is bliss,
why aren't more people happy?

If women can have PMS, then men can have ESPN?

When blondes have more fun, do they know it?

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A three-year-old went with his dad
to see a litter of kittens. On returning home,
he breathlessly informed his mother
there were 2 boy kittens & 2 girl kittens.
"How did you know?" his mother asked.
"Daddy picked them up and looked underneath,"
he replied, "I think it's printed on the bottom."

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Another three year old put his shoes on by himself.
His mother noticed
the left was on the right foot.
She said, "Son, your shoes are on the wrong feet."
He looked up at her with a raised brow and said,
"Don't kid me, Mom,
I KNOW they're my feet."

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On the first day of school,
the Kindergarten teacher said,
"If anyone has to go to the bathroom,
hold up two fingers."
A little voice from the back of the room asked,
"How will that help?"

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A father was reading Bible stories to his young son.
He read, "The man named Lot was warned to
take his wife and flee out of the city,
but his wife looked back and was turned to salt."
His son asked, "What happened to the flea?"

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A four-year-old girl was learning
to say the Lord's Prayer.
She was reciting it all by herself
without help from her mother.
She said, "And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us some e-mail. AMEN"

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