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Neopets Unlimited


Neopets Unlimited


  • Jan 3rd - Aisha Day
  • Jan 11th - Buzz Day
  • Jan 14th - Sloth Day
  • Jan 16th - Elephante Day
  • Jan 29th - Kacheek Day
  • Feb 3rd - Zafara Day
  • Feb 4th - Jhudora Day
  • Feb 12th - Lenny Day
  • Feb 14th - Valentine's Day
  • Feb 18th - Chia Day
  • Feb 21st - Tonu Day
  • Feb 22nd - Mynci Day
  • March - Gadgadsbogen
  • Mar 2nd - Uni Day
  • Mar 3rd - Cancelled
  • Mar 6th - Gelert Day
  • Mar 14th - Scorchio Day
  • Mar 17th - Illusen Day
  • Mar 22nd - Chomby Day

  • April 1st - April Fool's Day
  • April 2nd - Shoyru Day
  • April 14th - Grey Day
  • April 16th - Krawk Day
  • April 22nd - Kougra Day
  • April 27th - Cybunny Day

  • May 2nd - Lupe Day
  • May 12th - Tyrannian Victory Day!!!
  • May 14th - Moehog Day
  • May 25th - Koi Day
  • May 28th - Yurble Day

  • June 2nd - Fyora Day
  • June 6th - JubJub Day
  • June 13th - Quiggle Day
  • June 15th - Nimmo Day
  • June 19th - Kau Day
  • June 28th - Acara Aquatic Festival

  • July 3rd - Flotsam Day
  • July 11th - The Ixi arrives in Neopia
  • July 12th - Tuskaninny Day
  • July 17th - Kiko Day
  • July 26th - Peophin Day
  • July 29th - Ruki Day
  • July 30th - Discovery of Meridell

  • Aug 8th - Blumaroo Day
  • Aug 11th - Discovery of Brightvale
  • Aug 18th - Meerca Day!
  • Aug 20th - Annual Usuki Doll Convention
  • Aug 24th - Grundo Independence Day
  • Aug 25th - Mutant Day
  • Aug 29th - Kyrii Day
  • Sept 9th - Draik Day
  • Sept 13th - Techo Day
  • Sept 15th - The Annual Chocolate Ball
  • Sept 19th - Poogle Day
  • Sept 20th - Faerie Festival
  • Sept 23rd - Annual Gormball Championships
  • Sept 25th - Skeith Day
  • Oct 4th - Grarrl Day
  • Oct 10th - Eyrie Day
  • Oct 13th - Bori Day
  • Oct 16th - Jetsam Day
  • Oct 23rd - Symol Day
  • Oct 26th - Korbat Day
  • Oct 31st - Halloween
  • Nov 3rd - Slorg Day
  • Nov 8th - Pteri Day
  • Nov 15th - Neopets'anniversary/birthday
  • Nov 27th - Usul Day

  • Dec 5th - Bruce Day
  • Dec 12th - Wocky Day
  • Dec 20th - Borovan Day
  • Dec 25th - Day of Giving
  • Dec 31st / Jan 1st New Years Day

(c) 2004 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

I am not, do not know, or have any affiliations with any member of the neopets team or anyone who does have one of the above qualities. So, please show me some respect if I am a little slow on things or have false information.