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Neopets Unlimited


Neopets Unlimited

Site News

Perhaps you, my loyal viewers have noticed, there have been a few changes here. Well, here is the truth! We are under new management, they are the more creative versions of us! Had ya worried there for a minute, didn't I? Well, look forward to the site being slightly more up to date.

Other Important Stuff

Looking for something to do online? Please consider a job at Neopets Unlimited (unpaid, of course, but you will be able to have a part in what goes on the website, help to keep this website up to date, and have some fun and make a new friend in the mean time. Neomail nightangelbsb for more information.

If you have additional information about any of the things on the sidebar under Information, you can neomail me. Credit given, and thanks!

News from Nightangel

Hi all! Like the new look? I do, it is about time I strayed from the plain white! Well, I guess this is all the news I have for now.

News from Poopyshyguy


News from Drizzit107


I hope you enjoy your stay in my online abode and find everything to be very informative.

If there is ever a reason you wish to contact me, please neomail me, nightangelbsb. I will try to respond quickly if it warrants a response, otherwise, thanks for droping me a line, just in case I don't respond!

Feel Free to visit these sites as well!

They have great stuff to offer from guilds to game info, from fonts to lookups, and from information to friendship!

Premade Fonts!

Beautify Neopia by using the CSS codes here to update your user lookups, pet lookups, pet pages, guilds and shops.

To see your site here, visit the news page!

(c) 2004 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

I am not, do not know, or have any affiliations with any member of the neopets team or anyone who does have one of the above qualities. So, please show me some respect if I am a little slow on things or have false information.