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Neopets Unlimited


Neopets Unlimited


... ... ...coming soon... ... ...

This is where I will post what stocks I have bought into. I will also give you tips on how they are doing at the moment, but please do not take my word as fact. I do not control the stockmarket, just ask my Neopian Bank account, and the moths that are resident there!

So far the only stock advice I have for you is... Don't take my advice! And never buy into the stocks that I do since once I do they always seem to crash right after I buy it...right HELT?


HELT IS ON THE RISE!!! 4 points in the last three days!!!

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I am not, do not know, or have any affiliations with any member of the neopets team or anyone who does have one of the above qualities. So, please show me some respect if I am a little slow on things or have false information.