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Here you can find all the new features added in the site:
15 of May 1999:     Added a new clip: scene 87.
15 of April 1999:     Added a new clip: scene 51.
10 of April 1999:     Added some critics appeared in the italian press (see the News section to see the entire press release):
    Bertolucci istruzioni per l'uso by Tullio Kezich;
    Assedio d'amore nella casa di D'Annunzio by Tullio Kezich;
    Interview with Bernardo Bertolucci by Marco Bacci;
    Cosa non si fa per amore by Irene Bignardi;
    Bertolucci, l'Assedio dell'anima e della pelle by Fabio Ferzetti;
    Bertolucci, l'Assedio della noia by Maurizio Cabona;
    Ritratto di un amore in un interno by Lietta Tornabuoni;
    Talking with James Lasdun by Laura Grandi;
    Interview with Bertolucci by Paola Malanga;
    Sul set con Bertolucci by James Lasdun;