As any X-Phile knows, there are tons and tons of great lines from our favorite show. Many are deeply poignant, others are comedic, and some would just make great computer sound bytes. I've tried to include all the great lines that the show has produced over the years, and if you can think of any that are missing, feel free to contact me and let me know. I'll see what I can do about locating them. I have categorized my collection by season for easier navigating. Many wavs are the result of my own work, others have been filched from other people's great websites, like Pete Nelson's TV Wavs (which has been shutdown). So enjoy as you relive all the best moments from Season Six!

The Beginning

Men In Black 14K

Mulder: I didn't see Men In Black.

Clown Suit 31K

Mulder: Next time I'll wear a clown suit and do balloon tricks.

Found Something 46K

Scully: Mulder, I found something. I found something you're not going to believe.

Mulder: Ditto.

What the Hell Is Going On? 27K

Scully: Does anybody know what the hell is going on?


Mr. Crump 165K

Crump: You call me by my last name, you say "mister" in front of it.

Mulder: "Mister." I got you.

Crump: Not Crump. Mr. Crump.

Mulder: I can think of something else I'd like to call you. I could put "mister" in front of that, too, if you'd like.

Peanut-Picking Bastard 146K

Crump: You know, what kind of name is Mulder, anyway? What is that,, Jewish?

Mulder: Excuse me?

Crump: Jewish...It is, right?

Mulder: It's Mr. Mulder to you, you peanut-picking bastard.

You Know How To Pick 'Em 21K

Scully: You know how to pick 'em, I'll tell you that.

Manure 19K

Scully: Big piles of manure...

Cell Phone Withdrawal 73K

Scully: Mulder, are you okay?

Mulder: Yeah, aside from terminal cell phone withdrawal, that and I got to pee. Where are you?

Numbs the Mind 63K

Scully: As we said, sir, this is just routine.

Mulder: So routine it numbs the mind.

Bozo Work 72K

Mulder: This is scud work, bozo work. This is the FBI equivalent of being made to wear an orange jumpsuit and pick up trash by the side of the highway.

Enormous Pile of Doo Doo 77K

Mulder: Now, the sun will rise in America tomorrow regardless of whether or not we're at yet another farm investigating yet another enormous pile of doo doo.

International Jewish Conspiracy 79K

Mulder: Well, on behalf of the international Jewish conspiracy, I just need to inform you that we're almost out of gas.

Composing A Sonnet 39K

Mulder: I'm composing a sonnet. What does it look like I'm doing? I'm slowing down for a light.

Eyes Tearing Up 92K

Mulder: That was an apology, right? Gee, I don't know if I can see to drive, my eyes are tearing up so bad.


In Your Dreams 55K

Mulder: I would've never seen you again. But you believed me.

Scully: In your dreams.

It's Not Negotiable 50K

Scully: I want you to do me a favor. It's not negotiable. Either you do it or I kill you.

I Love You 175K

Mulder: Hey, Scully.

Scully: Yes?

Mulder: I love you.

Scully: Oh, brother.

Nazi Paws 37K

Scully (1939): I suggest you get your Nazi paws off me before you get one in the kisser.

Stars On the American Flag 41K

Scully: Oh, you speak English, do you? Well, how'd you like to see the stars on the American flag?

Something Incredibly Stupid 36K

Scully: You did something incredibly stupid.

No Place Like Home 90K

Scully: Mulder, I want you to close your eyes and I want you to think to yourself, "There's no place like home."

Wrapped Up and Tossed Out 68K

Skinner: And if you ever ask me to break policy or protocol I will have you written up, wrapped up and tossed out of the FBI for good. Am I understood, Agent Scully?

God Bless America 29K

Skinner: God bless America. Now get your asses out of here.


Atingle 17K

Scully: I'm all atingle.

The Best Thing 27K

Scully: Are you sure that's the best thing to do?

Have A Nice Day 45K

Mulder: My work here is done. Have a nice day.

Normal Life 494K --thanks to Val N. (if you would like to take this .wav to be placed on your own site, please contact Val N. and ask first!)

Mulder: It's all our questions. The proof that we've suspected but never been able to hold in our hands. That...that proof is here.

Scully: Mulder, it's the dim hope of finding that proof that's kept us in this car, or one very much like it for more nights than I care to remember. Driving hundreds if not thousands of miles through neighborhoods and cities and towns where people are raising families and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs, and... in short, living their lives. While we...we--we just keep driving.

Mulder: What is your point?

Scully: Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car? Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?

Mulder: This is a normal life.

So Scully 543K

Scully: You phoned me. Would you mind telling me what this is about?

Mulder: I'm Mulder. I'm really Mulder. I switched bodies, places, identities with this man Morris Fletcher the man that you think is Mulder, but he's not. Of course you don't believe me. Why was I expecting anything different? All right, your full name is Dana Katherine Scully. Your badge number is...hell! I don't know your badge number. Your mother's name is Margaret. Your brother's name is Bill Jr. He's in the Navy and he hates me. Lately, for lunch, you've been having, like, this little six-ounce cup of yogurt, plain yogurt, into which you stir some bee pollen because you're on some kind of bee pollen kick even though I tell you you're a scientist and you should know better.

Joanne Fletcher: Cheater!

Scully: Look...any of that information could have been gathered by anyone.

Mulder: Even that yogurt thing? That is so you. That is so Scully.

He's Not Me! 224K --thanks to Val N. (if you would like to take this .wav to be placed on your own site, please contact Val N. and ask first!)

Mulder: Morris. You! You son of a bitch! You orchestrated this whole thing! He's not me, Scully! Would I do this? Would I do this? Scully...Scully! No, you bastard, tell them the truth! Scully, he's not me! He's not me! Scully! He's not me!

Dreamland II

I'd Kiss You 26K

Scully: I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly.

Grandma Top Gun 44K

Mulder: Hey, grandma Top Gun, will you shut the hell up?

Murder Or Suicide? 62K

Mulder: If I shoot him, is that murder or suicide?

Agent Mulder 205K --thanks to Val N. (if you would like to take this .wav to be placed on your own site, please contact Val N. and ask first!)

Mulder (as Morris): I didn't know if I could trust you. We have a security leak, gentlemen, and for all I knew it was one of you. That's why I decided I should approach Agent Scully alone to find out who her contact is. Unfortunately, her partner Agent Mulder screwed everything up.

Special Tramp Dana Scully 260K --thanks to Val N. (if you would like to take this .wav to be placed on your own site, please contact Val N. and ask first!)

Mulder (as Morris): Joanne, listen to me. There's something I got to tell you.

Joanne Fletcher: I've heard enough from you for one lifetime, Morris. Go tell it to that tramp of yours, that Scully whats-her-name.

Mulder: Dana Scully--Special Agent Dana Scully.

Joanne Fletcher: Special Tramp Dana Scully.

Mulder: She's my partner, Joanne.

Joanne Fletcher: I'm supposed to be your partner.

Mulder: My name is not Morris Fletcher. It's Fox Mulder. Special Agent Fox Mulder with the FBI. Dana Scully is my FBI partner.

How the Ghosts Stole Christmas

That's A Category? 92K

Mulder: And what category is that?

Maurice: Narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniac.

Mulder: That's a category?

Charming 34K

Lyda: I hope your partner finds you a lot more charming than I do.

Frump 99K

Lyda: Masher.

Mulder: Frump.

Lyda: I don't know who you're calling a frump but I don't appreciate that.

Why Are You Showing It To Me? 36K

Lyda: I don't show my hole to just anyone.

Mulder: Why are you showing it to me?

Seriously Disturbed 45K

Maurice: Do you realize how seriously disturbed that man is?

I Have Seen Them 97K

Maurice: You know why you think you see the things you do?

Mulder: Because I have seen them?

Almost Gave Up 17K

Mulder: I almost gave up on you.

Left Cheek Sneak 53K

Scully: Is that a hound I hear baying out in the moors?

Mulder: No, actually that was a left cheek sneak.

365 More Shopping Days 222K

Mulder: It's me or or me. One of us has to do it.

Scully: Mulder, look...we don't have to do this.

Mulder: Oh, yes, we do.

Scully: We can get out of here.

Mulder: Even if we could, what's waiting for us? More loneliness! And then 365 more shopping days till even more loneliness!

You Or Me 67K

Scully: I don't want to shoot you!

Mulder: It's me or or me. One of us has to do it.

An Irrational Fear 86K

Mulder: Tell me you're not afraid.

Scully: All right, I'm afraid. But it's an irrational fear.

She's Wearing My Outfit 170K

Scully: You know what's weird?

Mulder: What?

Scully: Mulder, she's wearing my outfit.

Mulder: How embarrassing.

Scully: Yeah, well, you know what? He's wearing yours.

You Shot Me First! 46K

Mulder: You shot me first!

Scully: I didn't shoot you, you shot me!

With You 355K

Scully: Mmm. Not that, uh, my only joy in life is proving you wrong.

Mulder: When have you proven me wrong?

Scully: Well...why else would you want me out there with you?

Mulder: You didn't want to be there? Oh, that's, um...that's self-righteous and narcissistic of me to say, isn't it?

Scully: No. I mean...maybe I did want to be out there with you.

Exchange Gifts 207K

Mulder: I know we said that we weren't going to exchange gifts, but, uh...I got you a little something.

Scully: Mulder...

Mulder: Merry Christmas.

Scully: Well, I got you a little something, too.

Paramasturbatory 24K

Mulder: Paramasturbatory?

Silent Night 36K

Scully: If I heard "Silent Night" one more time, I was gonna start taking hostages.

Terms of Endearment

Demon Baby Snatching 59K

Scully: This isn't an X-File?

Mulder: Call it what you like. Here in Roanoke they're calling it a demon baby snatching.

You're Not Here 148K

Mulder: Scully, Spender just round-filed this case--it's unconscionable.

Scully: And what do you call rooting through his trash?

Mulder: Like that's any different from the assignment we're stuck with.

Scully: "We," Mulder? I'm stuck with it. You're not here.

Demon Fetal Harvesting 43K

Mulder: Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvesting.

Rain King

Gaze At Scully 33K

Mulder: I do not gaze at Scully.

Build the Ark 22K

Mulder: I'll build the ark, you gather the animals.

That Cow Had My Name On It 117K

Mulder: Scully, I don't think it's a coincidence that a cow gets hurled at me just as we're down here investigating the weather.

Scully: Mulder, did they check you for head trauma?

Mulder: I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it.

Blind Leading the Blind 287K

Mulder: Yeah...he wants advice. Dating advice.

Scully: Dating advice? From whom?

Mulder: Yours truly. (Pause) Hello? Hey, Scully. Scully, you there?

Scully: I heard you. Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?

Mulder: I will talk to you later.

Scully: The blind leading the blind.

Your Idea 20K

Scully: Don't look at me. This was your idea.

The Best Relationships Are Rooted In Friendship 300K

Scully: Well, it seems to me that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is...suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.

What's He Got? 184K

Daryl: Him? This the guy? Oh, what's he got that I ain't got?

Sheila: A job. A way with words. Intelligence. Good looks.

Daryl: Good looking? I'll show you good looking!

Gaze At One Another 308K

Holman: I've been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing, I'd assumed you were...more experienced. I mean, you spend every day with Agent Scully, a beautiful, enchanting woman, and you two never, uh...? I confess I find that shocking. I...I've seen how you two gaze at one another.

S.R. 819

Federal Agent! 27K

Mulder: Federal agent! Stop right there!

Death Chose For Me 391K

Skinner: (Opening voiceover) Every minute of every day we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. Who we defend and protect. To choose a side or to walk the line. To play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. This was the course I chose. Trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist. Choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which cannot hold. So death chose for me.

I Always Played It Safe 413K

Skinner: If I die now, I die in vain. I have nothing to show for myself. My life...

Scully: Sir, you know that's not true.

Skinner: It is. I can see now that...I always played it safe. I wouldn't take sides. Wouldn't let you and Mulder...pull me in.


Mulder's Thurston Howell Impression 106K

Mulder: Hi. My name is Fox Mulder. We used to sit next to each other at the FBI. How's your X-File coming?

Lucky Man 14K

Mulder: You're a lucky man.

Eating My Heart Out 203K

Scully: What are you doing?

Mulder: Being nosy. Eating my heart out. They're sending you on an X-File.

Scully: It's not an X-File.

Mulder: That's not what I'm reading. I'm thinking murder by telekinesis. I'm thinking maybe a shamanistic death touch. I'm thinking about the Muslim superstition that to photograph someone is to steal their soul.

Scully: Thank you. All very helpful.

Too Much Life 215K

Scully: You know, most people want to live forever.

Fellig: Most people are idiots. Which is one of the reasons why I don't.

Scully: I think you're wrong. How can you have too much life? There's too much to learn, to experience.

We're Done With This Conversation 184K

Agent Ritter: You know, Kersh warned me about you.

Scully: Uh, he did?

Agent Ritter: Yeah--you and your partner. God knows his reputation precedes him so I guess I should have seen this coming. You muck up my case, and Kersh'll hear about it. Are we clear, Dana?

Scully: Scully. And we're done with this conversation.

Two Fathers

Jagoff Shoeshine Tip 725K

Mulder: Hey, homegirl--word up.

Scully: Mulder, it's my distinct impression that you just cheated. And that you're not coming in again today.

Mulder: Oh, Scully, I got game.

Scully: Yeah, you got so much game I'm wondering if you have any work left in you.

Mulder: No, I'm ready to J-O-B, just not on some jagoff shoeshine tip.

Scully: No "jagoff shoeshine tip?"

Mulder: No background checkin' jagoff shoeshine tip.

Scully: Well, about your J-O-B, Mulder, somebody's been trying very hard to reach you by phone. Somebody who wants you back at the FBI ASAP.

Mulder: About what?

Scully: About an X-File.

Accurate Or Credible 97K

Scully: Aren't you curious what I've got in the box? Everything I could find on him.

Mulder: nothing you could every find would be accurate or credible.

One-On-One 137K

Mulder: (bouncing basketball in background) Scully, you want to go one-on-one? We got nothing but time now that we're on administrative leave.

Shove Down Someone's Throat 65K

Mulder: You looking for work, Agent Spender? Cuz if you are, I got a whole pile in that middle drawer that I'd love to shove down someone's throat.

Resistance Was Futile 42K

Krycek: Resistance was futile then. Why would it be any less so now?

Shocking At First 198K

Krycek: You've never seen one before, have you? It's shocking at first. The acceptance of the idea, it''s something you thought only children and fools believed in.


Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 76K

Scully: What are you doing down here, Mulder?

Mulder: I'm having the best damn day of my life. Any moment I'm about to burst into song. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah.

You're The Boss 12K

Mulder: You're the boss.

Out Of Here 73K

Scully: Bernard...I have to get my partner out of here.

You Have Control 34K

Scully: You have control over everything that happens here.

When Did You Get A Waterbed? 140K

Scully: Since when did you get a waterbed?

Mulder: I...I just might as easily not have a waterbed, and then I'd be on time for this meeting. You might just as easily have stayed in medicine and not gone into the F.B.I. and then we wouldn't have met...blah, blah, blah.

Fate & Free Will 75K

Scully: Fate.

Mulder: Free will. With every choice, you change your fate.

Scully: Then let's change yours. I will deposit your check.

I'll Shoot Her 31K

Bernard: I'll shoot her!

Mulder: What do you think I'll do then?

Soaking Wet 142K

Mulder: I woke up, I opened my eyes, I was soaking's a long story--but I...I had the distinct sensation that I had lived that moment before.

Scully: Well, you may have. Did you do a lot of drinking in college?

It's You 42K

Pam: It's you. It's you and your partner every time.

My Waterbed Sprung A Leak 197K

Mulder: My uh, waterbed sprung a leak and shorted out my alarm clock, my cell phone got wet and crapped out on me, and the check I wrote my landlord to cover the uh, damages is going to bounce if I don't deposit my pay. Did you ever have one of those days, Scully?

Scully: Since I've been working here? Yeah. When did you get a waterbed, Mulder?

Cover For Me 67K

Mulder: Bank's just down the street. I'll...I'll be back in ten. Cover for me, will ya?

Scully: When do I not?


Poopyhead 30K

Mulder: Isn't that right, honey-bunch?

Scully: That's right, poopyhead.

Let's Get It On 57K

Scully: You ready?

Mulder: Let's get it on, honey.

Scully: All right, then...

Pick the Names 42K

Scully: Mulder, if we ever go undercover again, I get to choose the names--okay?

Take A Look 31K

Mulder: Wow, take a look at this.

Carry You Over 28K

Mulder: Hey...ooh, wait a minute. You didn't let me carry you over the threshold.

Honeymoon Video 20K

Mulder: You want to make that honeymoon video now?

Play House 23K

Mulder: Admit it, you just want to play house.

Make Me A Sandwich 37K

Mulder: Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwich!

Make Myself Clear 18K

Mulder: Did I not make myself clear?

Married Now 42K

Mulder: Come on, Laura...we're married now.

Thrill Is Gone 18K

Mulder: The thrill is gone.

Bring It On 18K

Mulder: Bring it on...


Taco Bell 37K

Mulder: Yo quiero Taco Bell.

Doggone 73K

Mulder: Dog gone. Dog-gone. Doggone.

Scully: Yeah, I got it.

He'll Go On Forever 75K

Mulder: Animals that aren't supposed to exist, like Sasquatch and the Ogopogo and the Abominable Snowman and...

Scully: Don't mind him. He'll go on forever.

Bad Dog 14K

Mulder: Bad dog.

We Met Online 77K

Mulder: We met online.

Scully: Online...

Mulder: Two professionals exchanging information.

Biscuit 29K

Mulder: You get a biscuit, Scully.

Chummy 15K

Scully: Oh, so you two are chummy?

Feathering the Nest 78K

Mulder: I am home. Just feathering the nest.

To A T 105K

Scully: I think that Karin Berquist lived by her instincts. She sized people up pretty quickly and I think she figured you out to a T.

Kindred Spirit 75K

Scully: I think she saw in you a kindred spirit, Mulder. She may not have been able to express that to you.

Watching You 16K

Scully: I'm watching you.

Pee In the Corners 50K

Scully: So what is he gonna do? Walk in here, skitter across the linoleum, and pee in the corners?

Wolf Woman 51K

Scully: I don't think wolf woman is here to speak to me. I'm just ah...take a look at the body.

Interested In You 38K

Scully: Mulder, the only thing that Karin Berquist is interested in is you.

He Doesn't Listen 102K

Stacy: You, looking for Karin about boarding?

Mulder: No. It's actually more of a behavior problem.

Scully: Yeah he...uh, he doesn't listen and he chews on the furniture.


David Copperfield 94K

Scully: Should we arrest David Copperfield?

Mulder: Yes, we should. But not for this.

Dear Diary 119K

Mulder: Dear Diary, today my heart leapt when Agent Scully suggested 'spontaneous human combustion.'

Mulder, Shut Up 19K

Scully: Mulder, shut up.

Spontaneous Human Combustion 49K

Scully: Spontaneous human combustion.

Mulder: Scully.

Find That Annoying 38K

Mulder: You might warn them not to shoot to kill. He seems to find that annoying.

What's Mine 14K

Scully: I want what's mine.

Special Issue 30K

Mulder: I'm gonna need some equipment. Special issue.

Another Chance 53K

June: What did he want?

Mulder: Maybe another chance.


To Let Someone In 328K

Padgett: Even now, as she pushed an errant strand of titian hair behind her ear, she worried her partner would know instinctively what she could only guess. To be thought of as simply a beautiful woman was bridling, unthinkable, but she was beautiful-fatally, stunningly prepossessing. Yet the compensatory respect she commanded only deepened the yearnings of her heart-to let it open; to let someone in.

Slicing And Dicing 49K

Mulder: Hey, you weren't joking about being late. I was going to start slicing and dicing, myself.

Hegelian Self-Justification 60K

Padgett: The overture in the church had urged the beautiful agent's partner into an act of Hegelian self-justification.

What Would Her Partner Think? 22K

Padgett: What would her partner think of her?

Anything But 84K

Scully: My life's not so lonely, Mr. uh...?

Padgett: Padgett.

Scully: It's actually anything but.

What Are You Doing? 12K

Scully: What are you doing?

Words Are Imprecise 65K

Padgett: By their nature, words are imprecise and layered with meaning. The signs of things, not the things themselves.

You Know Me Better Than That 276K

Mulder: You know you're in here, don't you?

Scully: I...I read a chapter. What does it say?

Mulder: Well, let's just say it ends with you doing the naked pretzel with "the stranger" on a bed in an unfurnished fourth floor apartment. (Pause.) I'm assuming that's a priori too?

Scully: I think you know me better than that, Mulder.

A Vessel That Could Be Lost Or Stolen 505K

Scully: Grief squeezed at her eggshell heart like it might break into a thousand pieces, its contents running like broken promises into the hollow places his love used to fill. How could she know this pain would end, that love, unlike matter or energy, was an endless supply in the universe, a germ which grows from nothingness, which cannot be eradicated, even from the darkest of hearts. If she had known this, and who could say she would believe it, she would not have chanced to remain at his sad grave until such an hour, so that she might not have to learn the second truth before the first-that to have love was to carry a vessel that could be lost or stolen.

He Got Inside Your Head? 65K

Mulder: You read his book. You read what he wrote about you. Are you trying to tell me that he got inside your head, that what I read is true?

Scully: Mulder, of course not.

Already In Love 153K

Padgett: I made a mistake, myself.

Mulder: What's that, Mr. Padgett?

Padgett: In my book I'd written that Agent Scully falls in love, but that's obviously impossible. Agent Scully is already in love.

To Get His Attention 128K

Padgett: I misjudged her character, her interest in me.

Naciamento: Now we're onto something.

Padgett: She's only trying to get his attention, but doesn't know it.

Naciamento: Mmm...the old unconscious at work.

A Story Can Have Only One Ending 284K

Padgett: A story can have only one true ending. Even as the Stranger felt compelled to commit his final words to paper, he did it knowing they must never be read. To see the sum of his work was to see inside his own emptiness-the heart of a destroyer, not a creator. And yet reflected back upon him at last he could see his own ending, and in this final act of destruction, a chance to give what he could not receive.

The Unnatural

Nice Piece Of Ash 57K

Mulder: Hey, it's not a bad piece of ash, hunh? The bat. I'm talking about the bat.

Looking Elsewhere 135K

Scully: Mulder, it is such a gorgeous day outside. Do you ever entertain the idea of trying to find life on this planet?

Mulder: I've seen the life on this planet, Scully, and that is exactly why I'm looking elsewhere.

Nicely Wrapped Presents 411K

Scully: So uh, I get this message marked "urgent" on my answering service from one "Fox Mantle," telling me to come down to the park for a very special, very early or very late birthday present. And Mulder, I don't see any nicely wrapped presents lying around. So what gives?

Mulder: You've never hit a baseball, have you, Scully?

Scully: No, I guess I have, uh, found more necessary things to do with my time than slap a piece of horsehide with a stick.

Mulder: Get over here, Scully.

I Am A Horse's Ass 32K

Mulder: It's official; I am a horse's ass.

Ice Cream To Share 33K

Mulder: Did you bring enough ice cream to share with the rest of the class?

Personal Question 19K

Scully: Mulder, can I ask you a personal question?

Go Outside And Play 30K

Scully: Did your mother ever tell you to go outside and play?

You Rebel 11K

Scully: You rebel.

This My Birthday Present? 92K

Scully: This my birthday present, Mulder? You shouldn't have.

Mulder: This ain't cheap. I'm paying that kid ten bucks an hour to shag balls.

I Scream, You Scream 261K

Scully: Mulder, this is a needle in a haystack. These poor souls have been dead for fifty years. Let them rest in peace. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Mulder: Oh, I won't sit idly by as you hurl cliches at me. Preparation is the father of inspiration.

Scully: Necessity is the mother of invention.

Mulder: The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.

Scully: Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die.

Mulder: I scream, you scream, we all scream for nonfat tofutti rice dreamsicle!

Scully: No...(Scully screech and giggle as Mulder steals a bite.)

What Makes A Man A Man 84K

Arthur Dales: To be a man is to have the heart of a man; integrity, decency, sympathy--these are the things that make a man a man.

The Rest Of The World Just Fades Away 386K

Mulder: What you may find is you're concentrating on hitting that little ball, the rest of the world just fades away--all your every day nagging concerns: ticking of your biological clock, how you probably couldn't afford that nice new suede coat on a G-woman you threw away a promising career in medicine to hunt aliens with your crackpot, albeit brilliant, partner, getting into the heart of a global conspiracy, your obscenely overdue triple X bill...oh I'm sorry, Scully, those last two problems are mine, not yours.

We're Just Gonna Let It Fly 386K

Mulder: We're not gonna think...we're just gonna let it fly, Scully.

A Capella Blues #1 262K

Exeley & other Grays singing "We'll All Be Together In That Land."

A Capella Blues #2 281K

Scully: I'm playing baseball.

Grays reprising the bluesy number they did on the bus, now the lyrics are "Come And Go With Me To That Land."

Hips Before Hands 352K

Mulder: Now, don't strangle it--you just want to shake hands with it. 'Hello, Mr. Bat, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintence.' 'Oh, no, no, Ms. Scully, the pleasure's all mine.' Okay now, we wanna go--we wanna go--hips before hands, okay, and we wanna stride forward and turn. That's what we're thinking about. So we go hips...before hands, all right?

Scully: Okay.

Mulder: One more time. Hips...before hands. All right?

Scully: Yeah.

Mulder: What is it?

Scully: Hips before hands.

Mulder: Right. We're gonna wait on the pitch, we're gonna keep our eye on the ball...

Scully: Okay.

Mulder: ...and then we're just gonna make contact. We're not gonna think--we're just gonna let it fly, Scully. Okay?

Three Of A Kind

Three Stooges 84K

Mulder (computer manipulated): It's really important. Trust me.

Scully: Yeah, I trust you, Mulder. It's the three stooges I'm not so sure about.

Too High Profile 161K

Frohike: What do you need Scully for, anyway?

Byers: We're up against agents of the government. We need our own government agent.

Langly: And that would be Mulder. Why do you want just Scully?

Frohike: She's gonna kick our ass.

Byers: Mulder's too high profile. He's virtually a household name to the blackhops who kidnapped Suzanne in Baltimore.

Sure, Cutie 13K

Scully: Sure, cutie.

Beeep! 164K

Langly: Um, Scully? What...killed him?

Scully: My medical opinion? Beeeeeee...phft!

Who Lights My Fire 46K

Scully: I just can't decide who lights my fire.

Stardust 42K

Fletcher: We could have been stardust.

Scully: Maybe next time.

Party Girl 14K

Frohike: Good work, party girl.

You Didn't Call Me? 14K

Scully: What do you mean, you didn't call me?

I Am Gonna Kick Their Asses 41K

Scully: Aw, man. I am gonna kick their asses.

Field Trip

Sounds Like Crap When You Say It 199K

Mulder: Well, as I said, there's been no scientific credible explanation, but there are those of us who believe that these strange multi-colored lights are really-

Scully: UFOs. Extraterrestrial visitors from beyond, who apparently have nothing better to do than buzz one mountain over and over again for seven hundred years.

Mulder: Sounds like crap when you say it.

Right 98.9% Of the Time 355K

Scully: Mulder, can't you just for once, just for the novelty of it, come up with the simplest explanation, the most logical one, instead of automatically jumping to UFOs or Big Foot or-

Mulder: Scully, in uh, six years, often have I been wrong? No, seriously. I mean, every time I bring you a new case we go through this perfunctory dance-you tell me I'm not being scientifically rigorous, that I'm off my nut. And in the end, who turns out to be right like 98.9 percent of the time? I just think I've...earned the benefit of the doubt, here.

Change Your Life Forever 166K

Mulder: Put aside your scientific bias for a moment, cuz what I'm about to tell you is gonna change your life forever-your life, my life, the life of everybody on this planet.

Scully: Mulder.

Doesn't Sound Like You 79K

Mulder: That uh...doesn't sound like you, Scully. It uh...I can't believe you're buying this.

What Agent Mulder Would Have Thought 425K

Scully: My role in the X-Files has always been to provide a rational, scientific perspective to cases that would seem to defy explanation-a counterpoint to Agent Mulder.

Skinner: And you have done that. You have performed admirably.

Scully: Have I? How many X-Files has my scientific approach fully and satisfactorily explained?

Skinner: Your reports have consistently made sense of his conclusions.

Scully: Sir, this one makes no sense at all.

Skinner: Are you suggesting this is anything other than a murder?

Scully: It's what Agent Mulder would have thought.

Not The Obvious Answer 73K

Scully: You guys believe that too, that Mulder was murdered?

Langly: It's the obvious answer.

Scully: No, it is not the obvious answer!

This Is A Hallucination 121K

Mulder: Well, what can I say, Scully? I'm here. I'm real.

Scully: Mulder, this is not reality. This is a hallucination-it has to be. And either I am having it or you are having it or we are having it together.


A Sign...A Symbol...A Revelation 986K (zipped)

Scully: From space it seems an abstraction, a magician's trick on a darkened stage. And from this distance one might never imagine that it is alive. It first appeared in the sea, almost four billion years ago, in the form of single-celled life. In an explosion of life spanning millions of years, nature's first multi-cellular organisms began to multiply, and then it stopped. Four hundred and forty million years ago, a great mass extinction would kill off nearly every species on the planet, leaving the vast oceans decimated and empty. Slowly, plants began to evolve, then insects, only to be wiped out in the second great mass extinction upon the earth. The cycle repeated again and again, reptiles emerging independent of the sea, only to be killed off. Then dinosaurs struggling to life, along with the first birds, fish, and flowering plants, their decimation earth's fourth and fifth great extinctions. Only a hundred thousand years ago, homosapiens appear. Man. From cave paintings to The Bible, to Columbus and Apollo 11, we have been a tireless force, upon the earth and off. Cataloging the natural world as it unfolds to us. Rising to a world population of over five billion people, all descended from that original single cell, that first spark of life. But for all our knowledge, what no one can say for certain, is what, or who, ignited that original spark. Is there a plan, a purpose, or a reason to our existence? Will we pass as those before us into oblivion, into the sixth extinction that scientists warn is already in progress? Or will the mystery be revealed through a sign...a symbol...a revelation?

My Office 60K

Scully: You're late.

Mulder: I'm sorry. I thought this was my office.

This Fire Of Life 533K (zipped)

Scully: Whose idea was this? Who had the audacity for such invention? And the reason? Were we part of that plan ten billion years ago? Are we born only to die? To be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth before giving way to our generation? If there is a beginning, must there be an end? We burn like fires in our time, only to be extinguished, to surrender to the element's eternal reclaim-matter and gas. Will this all end one day? Life no longer passing to life, the earth left barren like the stars above, like the cosmos? Will the hand that lit the flame let it burn down? Let it burn out? Could we too become extinct? Or if this fire of life living inside us is meant to go on, who decides? Who tends the flames? Can he reignite the spark even as it grows cold and weak?

Not To Me 137K

Doctor: We're waiting to run more tests.

Scully: Waiting for what?

Doctor: He's extremely violent. With what we've given him, he should be in a barbituate coma, but there's brain activity in areas we've never seen before.

Scully: I want to talk to him.

Doctor: No. He's a danger to anyone.

Scully: Not to me.

You're Both Liars 272K

Fowley: If you know what's happening, why won't you tell me?

Scully: Why were you with him last night?

Fowley: He called me. I found him in a university stairwell. He could barely speak. He said I was the only one who'd believe him, about an artifact.

Scully: You're a liar.

Skinner: Scully...

Scully: You're both liars.

On the X-Files Sound Vibe

Season One  Season Two  Season Three  Season Four  Season Five  Season Six  Season Seven

Fight the Future  X-Files Music

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1999 by JJC

DISCLAIMER: This is an X-Files fan website. "The X-Files" and its characters are the property of 20th Century Fox and 1013 Productions, neither of whom have authorized this site or are in any way responsible for its contents. The .wavs provided on this page are the property of 20th Century Fox.