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In a quasi-Utopian world, Aislin Levell would be tending sheep in Spain with Don Quixote, but since this the real world and the 20th century for that matter, she's merely a dreamy newsie with a taste for the fantastic. She's a native of Hannibal, Missouri and while she's never heard of Mark Twain, her childhood greatly resembles a more feminine version of the adventures of Tom Sawyer and company. She simply adores her older brother Matt, who is currently studying at seminary, has a somewhat reserved (though not cold) nature, is very affectionate, and despises spiced cider. She enjoys coffee, however, and loves silly people to no end.

Ads McFadden is 16 years of age, with long reddish-brown hair. She grew up in Brooklyn, and her mother died when she was three, leaving her alone with her abusive alcoholic father. Ads learned to steal early on in life to survive, first by stealing food, and later, other things. When she was twelve, she ran away from home, and eventually joined one of the nastiest gangs in Brooklyn, run by "Squirrels" Davenport. After an incident with the gang leader, Ads was forced to flee Brooklyn and went into hiding, where she settled at a lodginghouse in Queens, struggling to live an honest life. Debuts in "The Devil's Advocate" (which is as yet unfinished...)

Alicorne Broughton is about 16 with long, wavy, sandy-blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's friendly to most people, and sarcastic/teasing to some (mostly egotists). She has developed one dark secret while she's been in Ravenswood that only one person knows. Debuts in The Trouble with Unicorns..

Bicker Tschop is a spunky (near fourteen) thirteen year-old, recently shown up at the lodging house. With long dark brown hair, along with her light-brown eyes, she's the picture of normality, with nothing unusual or unique about her. (Or at least that's what she would like you to think.) In reality, she's fairly pretty, although this little tad-bit of knowledge is unknown to herself. (and will remain unknown unless told otherwise). After suffering a memory loss as a child, she was taken in (rather unwilling I might add) by her aunt and uncle. Originally hailing from who knows where, was raised in Jasper, Alabama. Sarcastic and quick-witted, is friends with most people she's met so far at the house.

Cats MacMilan is tall, obnoxious, very Southern, and the so-called "leader" of the Ravenswood newsgirls and, when difficulties arise, the newsboys as well. Sarcastic and mouthy, usually not quite able to shut up, and sometimes coming off as a bit of an egotist, she's not going to be winning the Congeniality Award any time soon, but does try to stay on speaking terms with everybody in the house and really does care about what goes on in it. She gets on well with her co-leaders, as well as Alicorne, and has particularly soft spots for her cat, Iris, and her fiancé, Cards. Don't be the lucky soul to wake her up in the morning and she might like you, too. Debuts in Sweet Emotion.

Crimson Johnson is 17 years old with wavy, crimson red hair, hence, her nickname. She also has brown, honey colored eyes with a fair complexion. Her Irish background is hinted to by her freckles (which speckle over her nose) and her some what short temper. Her boyfriend Dagger also resides here. She's nice to everyone and believes most people deserve a second chance. Be nice to her and she might just return the same courtesy. Currently no debut.

Elvira is a seventeen-year-old lonely girl. She hails from the Emerald Isle, but has lived in Manhattan most of her life. Her nasty temper has died down in her stay at the lodging house, which could possibly be caused by a caring force in her life named Andrew. She'll be friendly to people, as long as she's not in a bad mood.

Gervaise L' Heureux: A young eighteen year old who moved to New York from her home land in France against her will in February of 1904. She's petite with shoulder length, angle cut, brown hair and dark brown eyes. She's rather insecure though never let's it show, swearing and talking back in French when she gets upset. The only person she can really be herself around is Gavin Devereaux, and the two are currently perusing a relationship. For money, besides selling newspapers she occasionally will sell herself as well. Gervaise also has a very serious problem showing and expressing her real emotions, using 'cutting' as an escape, leaving her arms and stomach scarred and cut up. Debuts in Lost Soul in a New World

Gypsy Blue true to her nickname, wandered into Ravenswood with Inkblot on her heels and currently makes a living as a newsie and street artist. The only clues she has to her origins are a few faded memories, the ability to speak Spanish, and the gift of dreaming premonitions. She's pretty level-headed, realistic, and calm most of the itme. Just don't annoy her enough to earn the rough side of her tongue. Debuts in Sparks Fly.

Heist Sontiego grew up in a run-down neighborhood in Chicago. Her parents were good people, but were so busy trying to make ends meet, they never had time for their daughter. Heist would often take to the streets, were she picked up her thievery skills. She does not steal from everyone, only those who she feels are deserving or who have 'too much stuff to know what to do with'. She's generally good-natured, and a lover of life. She ventured to New York after an all-too close run in with the Chicago police. She received a call from her friend Sid that a little girl named Anna was looking for her brother, and to help locate him. Heist owed Sid, and found Anna's brother Gavin, which is what led her to the lodging house. Currently No Debut. Created and played by Caesar Carslyle..

Ice Riley is a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. She's short for her age but her mere prescnece makes her seem much taller. Most of the time she's withdrawn and cold but once she gets to know someone she can be a very caring, not to mention loyal person. She would do anything for her friends and will always be that way. Ice comes from Ireland but lived in Brooklyn a good part of her life with her grandfather and brother at her grandfather's pub.

At eighteen years old, Knots Bliese is five foot eight with brown hair and hazel eyes. She's been apart of Ravenswood since before she can remember, 3 years. She ran away from her alcoholic mother and her little brother in Maryland to reside in New York. She was asked to join by Rebel and accepted. After a rocky breakup with Picks Hewitt, she has found comfort in Dylan Finnely. She would do anything to make him happy. Although he has started her on drugs, she is trying not to want or need them a lot, which is a little hard at some points. She drinks when she's or upset or she just feels the need to. She can be rude to you if you deserve it, but is actually very caring and sensitive, which could sometimes get her in trouble.

Maura Miller is a mischievious brown-eyed girl. She's six years old, but she sure doesn't want to be treated that young. She's been counting down the days until her seventh birthday since before Halloween. Maura tries to be good, she really does, but wanting to be just like the big kids has a tendency to get her into trouble. She loves her older sister, Mack, more than anything in the world, even though Mack sees her as quite the nuisance. Maura is a sucker for games and bed time stories. If you tuck her in and tell her about a princess in a castle, she'll love you forever! Currently No Debut.

Nightmare Blair- an ever-changing girl with long glossy black hair and eyes of a simaliar color. She likes to think she only needs herself sometimes, but deep down she nows the whole loner thing isn't working for her, and feels very insecure. She is afraid of what a simple secret might do to her future. One thing she doesn't like to tell people about is her recently discovered ability to 'see' spirits when terribly stressed. Debuts in To Sleep; Perchance to Dream.

Nightsky Marlowe is the twin sister of Firefly. Seeing the pain and regret in her brother causes her much grief, as she cares greatly for him and wishes she could find some way to ease his burden. She is usually quiet and very polite, and spends most of her time reading or daydreaming. Nightsky is 16 years old, with long brown hair and brown eyes.

Normalcy Paddin is quirky 16 year old with one blue eye, one green eye and black and white striped hair. Her mother died soon after she was born and she was raised by her father, a pirate, and it shows. She is out spoken, easily distracted, obnoxious, and set on twisting people the wrong ways. But other than that she's completely normal...or so she wants to claim. Currently No Debut.

Marguerite "Rhapsody" Anderson, 17 years old and a co-leader along with Trinity, she is a very energetic girl with strange hair. Twisted up into rosette buns behind her ear, it's hard not to miss her. One can never see her without her journal or the necklace that Dragon gave her, around her neck. Into the opens arms of Stones, she's never wanted to leave here. Debuts in Written Rhapsody.

Sprite Devereaux is a cheerful little nine year old girl who loves to talk... and talk and talk and talk. She's small for her age, has curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and bears a strong resemblence to her older brother, Gavin. About a year after Gavin left Chicago she found Sid, who helped her get to New York to reunite with Gavin. Aside from Gavin she has taken to spending a lot of time around Heist, who brought her to the lodging house. Created and played by Alicorne Broughton.

Ziggy Grace is only half of the Grace twins living in Ravenswood. She's a quiet 17 year old and likes to hide in places where no one can see her where she can watch them. Not to say she isn't social, she is. She always loses her glasses so don't step on them. Ziggy has firey red hair and grey eyes. She scares easily so be careful.

Former Characters

Bookworm Cameron is a tall girl, with brown hair and blue eyes. Normally is a loner, doesn't like groups, usually will be found sitting off to the side reading or writing. Has a stubborn streak, and is 16 years old. Abruptly left the LH in March of 1094 for home.

Ladbrooke "Duchess" Gauroche was a sixteen year old newsgirl who lived in the Lodging House. She died in the Scarlet Fever epidemic that swept through the LH in May of 1902. Created and played by Rebel O'Muireadhaigh.

Jade Locksly is a near 18 year old (or so she thinks) who is quite new to the LH. With huge brown eyes, (complete with the longest lashes you've ever seen) and a waterfall of honey brown hair she is stunningly attractive, though it's easy to miss with her occasional bad attitude.She isn't incredibly social (sometimes incredibly tempermental), though interested in making friends, and spends most of her time away from Ravenswood. You can usually find her immersed in her sketchbook, curled up in some little corner somewhere. Her biggest interest in the social world is the opposite sex, and this interest is sometimes used and abused as a crutch for her. She left the house for Greenwhich Village in December of 1904.

Liese Pflumn is an ornery little 11-year-old sprite originally from the Northern part of New York with a love for licorice and a knack for getting in trouble. She's always running into someone or falling over something and constantly forgets whether or not secrets are meant to be told. She has a twin brother named Baxter, whom she is insanely jealous of because he gets to spend increasingly more time around their cousin Otto in Harlem because his family needs help every once in a while. All the same, she loves her brother very much though she's becoming more and more attached to Phia and Gavin. Debuts in Sense, Nonsense, and their Related Adventures.

Mackenzie Miller is a typical tomboy; growing up in a loveless household with a drunkard father and without a mother she pretty much raised herself. She loves rough housing with guys and going out and getting into trouble, not to mention smoking (she's a horrible addict, something she picked up from her father). Unfortunately, she has been stuck with a heavy burden---raising her young sister. She's sixteen, friendly and loud with long dark (almost black hair) and dark brown eyes with a dark tan complexion. Currently No Debut.

The girl known as Molly Riley hasn't spoken a word since her house burned down in a fire. She's very small for her age, 6, with violet eyes and dark brown hair. She gets along with everyone, but especially is attached to her brother, and her kitten Broadway. Her only way of communication is a small slate and piece of chalk which she uses to write to anyone. She and her brother Matthew left the house all of a sudden in March of '04.

Rehla "Mysteria" Loreh Mangini: Seventeen year old (will be 18 September 13) girl who hides a deep secret. She has opened up to Wizard and Nimue. She is deeply in love with Protector and will marry him as soon as she is able to return home. She is very wary of strangers but is very nice after she gets to know them. She has told Rebel more about her past than anyone else at the Lodging house (with the exceptions of Wizard and Nimue). She, Protector, and Lance returned home in late January of 1904. Debuts in Mysterious Heero.

Nimue Morwenna--former newsgirl. A quiet bookworm, she was graet friends with Mysteria--and Wizard, winkwink. They got married in Italy while visiting her parents in 1904.

Phia Grannett, resident poetry fan, is a somewhat spicy Brit who happens to harbor mountainous grudges against her former homeland. She has no sense of nationalism whatsoever, but this is understandable when you come to know the family, especially the paternal side, she grew up with. She’s a bit shy, but her way of frowning slightly into an occupied room fools you in to believing she’s simply not a people person. (Oh, but she is! She wants to get to know you, her pride just won’t let her be overly friendly.) She has a family-defense syndrome, which basically means she won’t stand for any verbal mistreatment of her family, clobbering anyone who dares to speak a word against her mother or brother Jamie. She’s also obsessed with John Keats, whom her mother favored over any other poet. Moved out west with Jamie in September of 1904. Debuts in Grecian Urns and Clanging Bells.

Poison Ivy is an enchanting girl with mysterious eyes, and bouncing red curls that fall just below her shoulders. Her personality itself changes depending on who she is around, but it takes a lot for her to trust you enough to get to know her. Ivy is currently running from her brother who is out to kill her, but she tries to hide this from everyone, not wanting to get anoyone invoved, or hurt. Poison has the power to "see" the future, but is terrified of this gift. Currently no debut.

Rebel O'Muireadhaigh is 16 going on 17, and the former leader of the Ravenswood Newsgirls. She's normal height, with long, wavy red-gold hair and golden eyes. She's tough, irrational at times, but always loyal to the end to her friends. She's got quite a few dirty little secrets hidden away- including one that is just learning to walk. She married Dorian Michaels and left the lodging house in April of 1903.

13 year old Stellina Hudson, after feeling threatened at the Hoboken Lodging home, came to live at the 'wood, 2 months pregnant and looking for safety for her and her child. With a shy, sweet disposition, she was well liked and made friends quickly. She disappeared from the lodging house sometime in late April of 1903.

Trinity Galeran was one of the new co-leaders here at Ravenswood. She is 17 and is a native of Queens. Her best friends Whisper, Hunter, and Chase also reside here. Her boyfriend Hunter is the leader of the boys here and she is very protective of him. Her personality is revealed as you get to know her which is a ride in itself! Debuts in So I Need You.

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