California Dreaming
Home Up Angel Caitlyn Christmas Angel The Tattoo Laura California Dreaming Oh Susanna Grandfather's Will Grandfather's House Grandfather's heir part 1 Grandfather's Heir p 2 Grandfather's final Traders Memorial Day Lighthouse Ladies List Concrete Angel Whiskey Lullaby

by Katy


Tom Ross Anthony swung around in his chair, leaned back and looked at the ocean. It was a beautiful sunny day and the water sparkled like diamonds were sprinkled on it. T. Ross as his friends referred to him grew up in a small southern town, but had moved to California after finishing law school. Now 30 years old and single he was a successful contract attorney representing many prominent actors and high level executives in the movie industry. His office located in his home in Malibu overlooked the ocean. Life was indeed good for T. Ross.

The phone ringing interrupted his thoughts.

"Hi Aunt Mary, how nice to hear from you, what's the occasion?" T. Ross was surprised, his Aunt Mary usually only called once a month and then on a Sunday afternoon.

T. Ross listened intently as his aunt explained about the girl that worked with her. She was 25 years old and alone in the world. Her parents died when she was a child; she had been raised in foster care. Lissa decided to leave Georgia and go to California. She wanted a change of scenery and a new start. "She's really a nice girl and a great worker, T. Ross."

"Gee, Aunt Mary, she sounds like a nice person, but why are you telling me this? You know I already have a legal secretary and don't need anyone else."

"T. Ross, I know that. It's just that she is so innocent. I don't think she has any idea about how to make her
way out there. She always seems so young and naïve to me. I know she doesn't have much money and well, I am worried about her. I was wondering if you could kind of look after her a bit. You know just be a friend to her."

"I hope you are not trying to "fix me up" Aunt Mary. I am way too old for that nonsense. I like my life just as it is. If at some point in the distant future I find someone, I may settle down. Right now I like the single life just fine."

"NO, I am not trying to "fix you up". I really am concerned about Lissa. I just thought you could kind of be like an older brother or something. I am very worried about her."

"Oh all right, I guess I can at least take her to dinner and tell her about California. Where does she live?" T.
Ross was not too pleased at the thought of having to watch over some little half brained girl his aunt was worried about.

"She arrives on the 7:00 p.m. flight today. I thought you would humor me, so I told her you would pick her up and take her to her hotel. She is 5'4" tall about 110 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes and wearing a dark blue suit with a white blouse. Thanks so much T. Ross. I love you." Aunt Mary quickly hung up the phone before T. Ross could say a word.

"I'll be. Aunt Mary you are wicked." T. Ross laughed as he hung up the phone. It was only 3:00 so he could get some work done before he left for the airport.

Lissa sat on the plane staring out the window. She was terrified. She could not believe she had actually summoned the courage to do this. Her entire life had been planned and ordered for her.

When she left foster care at age 18, she was on her own. Still there had been people finding her a job, helping her with an apartment, and teaching her how to manage her money. She always had someone. She liked her job and loved Mary Anthony, but she wanted to get away. Now she was on a plane to California. No job, no place to live and $2,000.00 to live on till she found something. Mary was so nice calling her nephew and having him pick her up at the airport. At least she wouldn't have to fumble around finding a cab to take her to the motel. She felt bad about lying to Mary about her age and credentials. Mary had stated that she wanted a college graduate. Lissa simply said she was. That meant she had to say she was older than she was. Mary had no idea that Lissa was only 20. Just turned 20 at that. Lissa sighed. 25 was what she would be until she was settled and at least turned 21.She found most companies would not enter into any contract with her until she was 21. She was ready to face life alone. A letter from the State of Georgia spooked her. They wanted her to contact some probate lawyer to discuss her future. No way. She was done with state people running her life. She kept the letter and would answer telling them NO once she was settled. What was a probate attorney anyway?

Lissa walked off the plane and looked around. Mary Anthony had described her nephew. Tall she said, about 6'2" good build, black hair and blue eyes. She saw no one who matched that description.

"Oh well, I guess he didn't want to be bothered with someone he didn't know. I'll just fend for myself. Have to get used to that anyway." Lissa picked up her carry on and started for the baggage claim area.

"Excuse me, are you Lissa Connors?" The man appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, are you T. Ross Anthony?" She stared at the handsome man in front of her.

"The same, at your service. Here let me carry that for you." T. Ross took her bag and fell in along side of her. "How much baggage do you have?" He expected her to say 3 or 4 suitcases since she was moving here.

"Just one, it isn't very heavy." Lissa was almost mumbling. This man was so good-looking he intimidated her.

T. Ross walked besides Lissa chatting. She was certainly shy. Hardly said anything to him. He was surprised at how pretty she was. He expected this mousy little thing and she was far from that. Spending time with her would be a pleasure if she only would open her mouth and talk. He liked a woman who had some intelligence and charm.

"Did you store the rest of your stuff to ship later?"

"Uh, no not really. I don't have anything else, just what I brought. I had a furnished apartment so I am just going to start over here."

T. Ross looked at her and wondered if she knew how expensive a venture that was going to be.

Her bags safely tucked in the trunk of his car; T. Ross climbed into the driver's seat. "Well, now where are you staying? I thought we would get you checked in, then I would take you out to dinner and tell you some of the highlights of your new city."

"I'm at the Homestyle in Santa Monica. But I don't want to intrude on any plans you have made. Really, I just appreciate the ride. You don't have to take me to dinner." Lissa was sitting twisting her hands in her lap.

"No, problem Darlin' it would be my pleasure." T. Ross started the car and headed to Santa Monica. He was surprised at the choice of hotels. It was not the best to say the least and was not in a good area of town. Maybe this little gal was going to need a bit more looking after than his Aunt thought. Or maybe that was her plan all along. Well he would just see where things led.

T. Ross waited in the lobby while Lissa checked in and got settled a bit in her room.

Lissa stood in her room and looked around. "Well I did it. I am here, now I just have to pray everything work out. Plus, I get to have dinner with a handsome man. He is nice. So easy to be with." She freshened up her makeup, brushed her hair and went to meet him in the lobby.

Dinner was very enjoyable. Lissa had never been in a restaurant this nice before. T. Ross even ordered a bottle of wine to go with dinner. Lissa was more relaxed than she had been in a long time.

"So, Lissa Connors, why don't you tell me something about yourself. What are your plans now that you have moved to sunny Southern California?"

"My first plan is to find a place to stay, then look for a cheap car and a job. I guess that's enough for now. I
Never have been anywhere but Georgia and I have always wanted to be in California. So here I am." Lissa
smiled across the table at T. Ross.

"Hmm, those are pretty good plans, but do you have any idea where you are looking for an apartment or what type of job you want? I may be able to help you there a bit. I have a lot of contacts in business out here."

Lissa's face clouded over briefly; then she forced herself to smile. "Thanks T. Ross, but I am sure I can handle it myself. I don't want to put you out or cause you any trouble. I can take care of myself you know, I am a big girl now." There was just the hint of sarcasm in her voice.

T. Ross sat back and looked at her. He had never had anyone put him down quite so thoroughly and so fast
before. He was after all just offering to help her. There was more here than met the eye. Seemed like she was hiding something, but he said nothing.

Lissa felt bad about being so abrupt with him. She knew he was just trying to be nice. "I'm sorry I sounded so cold. It's been a long day, and when I left Georgia I promised myself that I would do everything for myself. I do appreciate your offering though."

"I'll tell you what. I'll give you my card and home phone number. When you find a place to live and have a
phone, give me a call. I'd like to know how you are doing. Also, if you need any help just holler. Aunt Mary will be bugging me about how you are doing." Ross took a card and wrote his home phone on the back and handed it to her.

"Thanks, T. Ross, I promise I will let you know as soon as I am settled somewhere." Lissa rose from the table. T. Ross dropped her back at her hotel and went home. He was very intrigued by Lissa. She was good company and he would not mind seeing her again. "Well, I guess I'll just wait and see if she calls."

Several weeks went by without a call. T. Ross was surprised when one day he received a call. He had given up on ever hearing from her again.

"Hi Darlin, how are you? All settled?" T. Ross leaned back in his chair.

"Yes, I found a furnished apartment, a used car and I have a job at the American Bank. I think things are going quite well." Lissa's voice was light and airy.

"Hope about having dinner with me to celebrate all those successes and bring me up to date?"

"I guess I could do that. Where do you want me to meet you?"

"Darlin, I believe in picking young ladies up at their homes, not meeting them somewhere. Give me your address and phone number. I'll see you at 7:00."

Lissa had not wanted him to see her apartment. She knew it was not in a good part of town. It was just a small studio, but really more than she could afford. Things were not quite as rosy as she had let him think. She had used all the money she brought with her for the car and deposits on the apartment and utilities. Her salary was really barely enough for the basics. She was just getting by. She never expected everything to be so expensive. But she was lonely and did want to see him. Reluctantly she gave him the address and phone number.

T. Ross hung up and stared out the window. "Yep, there is something not right there. I intend to find out what it is. That little lady may be headed for some real trouble. I get the feeling she is in way over her head."

He reached over and punched the intercom for his secretary. "Jan, could you get Tom Henry at American Bank on the line for me? Thanks."

A few minutes later T. Ross was tailing to Tom Henry. Tom had verified that Lissa was indeed working for them. In fact they all loved her. She was a great worker and went above and beyond what was asked Tom Henry was interested in T. Ross's inquiry. "T. Ross, you don't have to answer this, but are you trying to steal Lissa from us?"

"Tom relax. I just wanted to know that for sure she had a job. My aunt has kind of placed her under my care. Thanks for the info. Do you think you could give me her salary? Aunt Mary is so worried about her that she is thinking of sending her some money. I don't want her to do that if there is no need."

Tom was gone for a few minutes. When he returned and read the figure to T. Ross, he almost fainted. " How could she be making it on this little money?" He sat and thought for a long while. There was no way he would interfere now. But it was only a matter of time before she had severe financial problems.

Lissa and T. Ross started seeing each other as often as they could. They both enjoyed each other's company. Lissa was so attracted to him, but did not want to admit as much. She kept telling her self, that every meal he provided was a saving for her.

T. Ross was in love with Lissa. He could not believe it. After all these years vowing to never let himself get involved, he was head or heels in love with her. He had not pushed her on the subject but felt that she was plenty attracted to him also. Soon he was going to have to tell her. He wanted to have an understanding of their relationship clear between them.

Lissa and T. Ross had been out quite late the night before. Lissa was feeling somewhat groggy the next morning at work. It took her a minute to comprehend what her supervisor was saying to her. "Lissa, you are wanted in Human Resources immediately. Why don't you take your purse with you."

"Why? Have I done something wrong?" Lissa was beginning to feel a bit panicky. Her supervisor didn't answer just said you better go.

Lissa was sitting across the desk from the Director of Human Resources. Her head was spinning. They were terminating her immediately for falsifying her application. They had found out that she was only 20 and had no college degree. Lying on the application was grounds for immediate termination. She was fired!

Lissa left in a fog. She did not know what to do. She had to have a job and fast, she had almost no money in the bank. Now she would not even be able to use the bank as a reference. She flopped on her bed and fell asleep as soon as she got home. The ringing of the phone woke her. Here it was 6:00 PM. She had slept for most of the day. T. Ross was on the other end of the phone confirming their dinner date.

"Lissa, are you okay? You sound funny. Are you sick?" T. Ross was concerned she sounded very different indeed.

"No, I am fine, I was just sleeping. I'll be ready when you get here." Lissa hung up the phone and started to cry. She could just not tell T. Ross what had happened. He would hate her when he found out she had been lying all this time. "What am I going to do? This is awful!"

Lissa managed to hide the fact that she was unemployed from T. Ross. She was reaching the end of her options though. It had been almost a month and she had virtually no money and was relying on his dinners for her food.
She was sitting outside her apartment one day reading the want ads, when one of her neighbors came by and sat down.

"Hi Lissa, are you looking for a job still?"

"Yes, and not having much luck. I really need to get one soon or I am going to be out in the streets." Lissa
barely looked up from the paper.

"Well, you got a great figure and I know you can get a job where I work. Do you like to dance?"

"Well yes I do. In fact I think I am pretty good at it. Why?" Lissa was very interested now.

" It's a club mainly for men. You wear some pretty skimpy outfits and do have to strip almost nude, but the men are not allowed to touch you and you earn great money. Do you want me to introduce you to my boss? I know he is looking for new dancers."

"Oh I don't know if I could do that. I have never done anything like that in my life. But I do need the money so badly. Yeah, I guess you could introduce me and see what happens."

"Come on then, I am on my way to work now."

Lissa went to Club Che Femme with her neighbor. It was really sleazy looking but the boss said he would hire her. She could work the noon hour and early afternoon. Only 3 hours a day. 3 shows a day. When she heard the pay, Lissa almost died. She would make more in a week than she had in a month at the bank. She could do this while she looked for a more stable job.

"I'll take it. When do I start?" Lissa was so happy her problems were at an end. Well at least the financial ones. She still had to figure out how to keep this from T.Ross. She knew he would never approve in a million years.

Lissa started her new job the next day. She was so embarrassed by the costume and having to strip down to a g-string as part of her act. A man before had never even seen her naked and now there were at least 100 at every show. But the money was good and she was able to finally pay the rent to avoid eviction. Next would be the car. It was on the verge of repossession.

T. Ross had taken her to dinner every night this week. She knew she was falling in love, no she was in love with him. She did not want him disappointed in her, but she just had to do this to survive. She had made a pledge she would not ask for help.

T. Ross was leaving his club, having just finished lunch with a client. Tom Henry of American Bank approached him. "Hi, T. Ross I have been meaning to call you. I am so sorry about Lissa Connors, but we really had no choice. I do hope you understand."

T. Ross looked at him blankly. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, about us having to fire her a month ago. I thought you would have known. Rumor has it you two are a steady item." Tom smiled and slapped T.Ross on the back.

"No, I guess she just forgot to mention it. What happened?" T. Ross was fuming inside.

"Well she lied on the application. Falsified her age and college degree. We specifically said the person had to be 21 and a college grad. She is only 20 and never set foot in school. We just couldn't keep her. I guess you didn't know?" Tom was now puzzled by his friend's expression.

"No, I guess you could say I didn't know. But I definitely will be getting to the bottom of this. Thanks Tom for the info." T. Ross stood and headed out of the club.

"Hey, T. Ross wait up a second." Fred Ruttings an agent for one of his clients was calling him.

"Hi Fred what can I do for you?" T. Ross shook his hand.

"I've seen you with a gal a lot lately and wondered if she was a new one on the scene? I would be interested in representing her if she is. I saw her today performing at Club Che Femme and I gotta tell you, she has a body that won't stop. Pretty good moves too. She will be a hit there in no time. Now if she is interested in acting, I would like a shot at her."

"Uh, I don't know who you are talking about." T. Ross was a bit lost.

"You know that sweet young blonde you been having dinner with so much. You two seem to be an item. I thought you got her that booking at the club. She is dynamite. So far she ain't stripping all the way, but should be a matter of time. I would like to have first dibs on a contract with her."

"I'll let you know, Fred, thanks for the info." T. Ross was absolutely livid. "What in the hell was she thinking of? How could she? She was the shyest most repressed woman he had ever met. She would barely let him touch her and here she was stripping and performing for a bunch of horny men at lunch! This was not going to continue!"

T. Ross left the club and went immediately to Lissa's apartment. She wasn't there and he let himself in. He looked around and was appalled at how little she had, and the deplorable condition of the apartment and the building. There was hardly any food in the cupboards or refrigerator. He was pacing the apartment waiting for her to return, when he spotted the official seal of Georgia on a letter and a half-written reply. He picked up the letter from the state and read it. What was this, a probate in progress and she was ignoring it? She was in fact writing to tell them to leave her alone. Where was her head? She could have some money coming to her that would get her out of this hole. That pushed T. Ross over the edge. "There is going to be one sorry little lady when I get a hold of her. Not only is she keeping this whole job situation from me, she is making stupid decisions about her life and future. This will stop as of today. She's going to find out exactly how I feel about her and this situation. One thing's for sure. She is not staying here another night." T. Ross shoved the letter in his pocket and proceeded to throw what little she had in a suitcase. She had not acquired anything since she arrived. When he was done packing he put the suitcase in the car and went to see the Landlord.

"Well Mr. Anthony, she's two months behind in her rent. I was about to give her notice if I didn't get paid by tomorrow."

"Mr. Taylor, I would like to pay her back rent and give you notice that she is gone as of today. Any final payments you can take out of her deposit." T. Ross got out his checkbook and wrote a check to cover the delinquent rent and enough to pay through the month. Mr. Taylor scratched his chin and looked at T. Ross, this was definitely a man with money. "I guess I can take that from you, but she did sign a lease. Didn't have no early release clause, so I don't know if I can let her out of it that easy."

T. Ross knew he was being shaken down. "Mr. Taylor, you let her out of the lease or I will take legal action against you for unsafe building conditions. This place is probably in violation of several codes. I have friends in city hall who would love to pay you a visit."

"Okay, okay, she is out." Mr. Taylor took the check and slammed the door.

T. Ross was now not in any better of a mood than he had been 30 minutes before. He got in the car and headed for Che Femme. "Miss Lissa Connors is not staying there one minute longer than necessary."

When T. Ross arrived he immediately went to the Manager's office. He knew the man slightly from his business. He quickly explained that he was employing an underage female and he was taking her out of there immediately.

"Sure T. Ross, I never checked on her. When she told me she was 25 I believed her. She sure does look mature, if you know what I mean. She's been a big hit here in just two days. I am going to hate to see her go. She should be on stage now. As soon as she is done, I guess she can go. I don't think I can pay her though if she doesn't work all the shows."

"I don't care if you pay her or not. But I have an idea for her last performance if you will go along with me." T. Ross explained what he had in mind. The Manager agreed and they both proceeded into the club area. Lissa was on stage and just starting her act. T. Ross could not believe she was really up there wearing virtually nothing, and about to remove some of that.

The Manager whispered to a stagehand that placed a barstool on the back of the stage without Lissa noticing. T. Ross climbed on the stage and grabbed a microphone. Lissa turned and saw him and paled. "T. Ross, What .. what.. are you doing here?"

T. Ross grabbed her arm and announced into the microphone. "Gentlemen, you are about to get a bit different show than you came for. You will now see what happens to young ladies who lie about their age and deceive their fiancées."

Lissa had no time to react to his words. She was propelled across the stage to the stool. T. Ross sat and flipped her over his knee. Without one word he drew his hand back and smacked it down on her exposed cheeks. She was wearing only a G- string, so there was no protection at all.

Lissa was in shock. She could not believe this was happening. She tried to squirm away, but he had her tight.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! k!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

By this time Lissa was sobbing and her bottom was bright red. The audience was hooting and clapping.

T. Ross stopped and stood her on her feet. Holding both of her arms he looked her right in the eyes. "You have 1 minute to get your clothes and meet me outside. If you are not there, I will be back here and we will do this all over again. UNDERSTAND?" He turned Lissa around and smacked her bottom.

"I..I .. do! I'll be right out!" Lissa's face was as red as her bottom as she hurried to the dressing room. In less than a minute she was outside getting into the car.

"T. Ross, let me explain. I am sorry, but I...."

"Lissa, I do not want to hear a word. You can explain when I get you home. I am way too angry with you right now. You just sit there and think about what you've done. You are not done being spanked by a long shot young lady; there is a paddle at home with your name on it. Things are changing as of right now." T. Ross turned back to driving.


T. Ross slapped her leg. " I said not a word and I meant it. Not one word."

Lissa did not quite know what to do. She just sat there and sobbed. Where was he taking her? This was not the way to her apartment.

Twenty minutes later they pulled into T. Ross's garage. He helped Lissa from the car and went and got her suitcase. Lissa's eyes grew wide at the sight of her case. She started to speak and T. Ross put his fingers over her lips.

"I said not a word, Lissa and it still goes. Now go into my office and wait for me. Your waiting will be with your nose in the corner. Now go." He swatted her bottom as she turned and fled.

His temper had cooled a lot on the way home. After he put her suitcase in the bedroom he went to his office. There she was in the corner as he had told her. He sat at his desk and pulled the letter from his pocket, picking up the phone he dialed the number on the letter.

He talked to someone briefly explaining what he wanted. The person on the other end put T. Ross on hold. While he was waiting he looked at Lissa. She was apparently crying again as her shoulders were shaking.

"Lissa, I don't want you to be upset, but this has got to be taken care of. You never should have let this sit. I don't know what you were thinking of, but when I get off here, you and I are going to have a long talk about your future. Then you and my paddle here are going to have a discussion."

Lissa just started crying harder. She was sure he was sending her back to Georgia. That is the only thing the packed suitcase could mean.

Someone was back on the line with T. Ross. He explained to this person that he was an attorney representing Lissa Connors and would they please send all the appropriate paperwork to him as soon as possible. He listened for a few minutes, gave his address and hung up. He stood up and put a chair in front of his desk.

"Lissa, come here."

Lissa turned and slowly walked over to him. T. Ross pulled her to him and sat her on his knee. He wiped the tears away from her eyes with his thumbs. She looked so young and vulnerable right now. He was torn between wanting to blister her bottom for her stupidity and just taking her to bed. "Lissa do you want to tell me what in the world possessed you to do this? It is one thing lying to get the American Bank job, but then not telling me and taking this demeaning job is just too much. I happen to love you very much. I intend for you to be my wife, and no wife of mine is strutting around a stage half-naked. And this letter that you are trying to ignore. Do you have any idea what it is about? You have a distant relative that has died and you are the sole heir. If I had not responded to this today, it would have gone to the state. It is not a lot of money but money you could certainly use. Now, I want to hear what you have to say for yourself young lady!"

Lissa was trying to control her sobs. She had only heard the part about being his wife. The rest was a blur. "T. Ross, did you mean what you said about marrying me?"

"Yes, I do mean it, but I want an explanation from you before we talk about that. And I don't intend to wait long."

Lissa did not quite know where to begin, so she just started jabbering. She told him about wanting to be independent and make it on her own. But no one would hire her if they knew her age, so she lied. She had lied to his Aunt Mary and just kept it up. She didn't know that the bank would really check her out. Then she was starving and had no money so she had to take the job at the club. She loved T. Ross so much, but thought he would hate her when he found out about the lies, so she just didn't know what to do. She was afraid the State of Georgia wanted to bring her back, which is why she was ignoring the letter. When she finished her jabbering she just sunk into T. Ross's shoulder and cried.

T. Ross couldn't help but laugh at her. "Lissa, that is just rubbish. I would never hate you for something like that. I do not approve of the lying and hiding however. That is going to be taken care of right now. Stand up and take off your jeans."

"T. Ross, please don't spank me anymore, I am sorry, and I won't lie to you any more, PLEASE don't spank me." Tears were flowing from her eyes again.

"Lissa, you are getting paddled. If I have to take those jeans down, it will only be worse. NOW get off those jeans and get over my lap."

Lissa took off her jeans and lay over his lap. She was already crying when he lowered her panties and brought the paddle down hard on her still red cheeks.

Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,

"Please stop. I am Sorrry, OOOUCHHH, Pleassee, Stop, I won't lie anymore, Pleassssse"

T. Ross ignored her pleas and kept spanking.

Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,
Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!, Crack!,

Finally Lissa was limp on his lap. As soon as this happened T.Ross put the paddle down and rubbed her bottom.

"I'm sorry I had to do that Lissa, but you are going to learn, that lying to me is not ever going to be tolerated. You are going to obey me and if not, you will find yourself over my knee being paddled every single time. I do love you, that is why I am doing this. Do you understand?"

"Oh, yes,....I won't ever lie to you again. I ...I will obey you." Lissa sobbed.

T. Ross lifted her up and held her. "It's all forgiven now. From here on out we will start fresh. I want you to get that college degree. When you aren't busy with classes and homework, you can help me out here, but school comes first."

"Oh T. Ross I would love that. Will I have enough inheritance to take care of tuition?"

"You don't worry about that, I will worry about finances from now on. You just worry about studying."

"Now as for marriage, I think the sooner the better. Tomorrow is not too soon as far as I 'm concerned. How does that sound to you?"

Lissa snuggled against him and rubbed his chest. "Right now sounds good to me, I love you so much."

Hearing that T. Ross kissed her with all the passion that had been building for the last hour. Lissa returned the kiss and felt like her insides were melting. Before she could think T. Ross had picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. "Now I'll show you how we will make up after a spanking."

An hour later they were both contentedly sleeping in each other's arms.