Oh Susanna
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Oh Susannah

by Katy

"What the bloody hell! Something isn't right here! Jase, you have to do something, this is my ranch! Uncle Bert left it to me, he never said anything about any other heirs, what does this mean?" 17 year old Susannah McCauley was stomping around the office yelling at the ranch foreman. Before he had a chance to reply, she wadded up the letter and threw it across the room. She started to pick up a book off the desk and throw that too, but Jase grabbed her arm.

"Susannah, just calm down! Getting all riled up about this isn't going to solve anything. The attorney clearly stated that Bert has a son that he left his ranch to, now I know he had a son, so it must be true. Your parents' ranch is yours. They were joined years ago, but it belongs to you. You aren't even trying to listen to what he said. Now sit down and let me explain it to you."

Susannah stormed over to a chair and plunked down in it. "Fine, I read it though, but you tell me what you think it means. I will tell you one thing though, no "sissified eastern prissy puss" is going to tell me how to run this ranch!" Susannah crossed her arms and glared at him.

Jason Farley ran his hands through his thick unruly hair. Susannah was a handful, had been since she came here at three years of age. Old Bert had taken her in when her parents were both killed in an Indian raid in the 1880's. He and Bert had arrived just in time to prevent them from taking Susannah. Bert MacFarland and her father were friends and neighbors. There was no one else to care for the child so he brought her home with him. His wife Sarah was terrified of the Indians and could not adapt to life in the West. Shortly after Susannah's parents were killed she took their son Andrew then 10 and left to go back to Philadelphia. Bert understood and did not try and stop her. He visited them whenever he could and supported them. Bert and Sarah remained in love, neither had divorced or wanted to marry anyone else, she just couldn't live in the West. She had died several years ago and Bert had gone back east to see to the boy. Why he had never told Susannah about him, he didn't know. But the boy was now a man and his father's heir and wanted to come and live here.


Bert had raised Susannah like one of his own, and she always called him Uncle Bert. She knew he wasn't really her Uncle and their was no blood relationship between them, but he was the only family she ever knew. Bert had trained her to be a rancher; she rode horses, roped steers, was as good with a gun as any man, and indeed did know a lot about ranching. She also knew how to cook and do all the womanly things as well. But she was stubborn as a mule and spoiled rotten. Bert had always let her have her own way. Now she was totally unprepared for anyone to come into her life and take some of that independence away.

Jason sat down behind the desk and picked up the crumpled letter. Smoothing it out he placed it on the desk. "Okay, the attorney representing Bertram MacFarland has probated his will. The will clearly states that you Susannah McCauley, his ward, and Andrew MacFarland his son are to inherit based on the following provisions. The land that belonged to your parents will pass to you upon your 21st birthday or when you marry.
The land that belonged to Bertram MacFarland will pass to his son Andrew immediately, with the stipulation that he assumes guardianship of you and your land until your 21st birthday. Should he not wish to do this, then the attorney will assume guardianship and I would supervise the ranches till such time as you marry or reach age 21. At that time you would inherit your land and Andrew his." Jason paused and looked at Susannah. She was still looking stubborn and mad.

"Do you understand all of that so far? It says nothing about you losing anything."

Susannah let out an exasperated breath. "Jase, I understand WHAT he is saying, I don't

understand WHY, Uncle Bert never told me. Furthermore, I am not a baby, I don't need a guardian, and I can take care of myself. I told you I don't need a PRISSY TENEDERFOOT from Philadelphia around here trying to give me orders. He probably won't know the first thing about anything. Lucky if he can even ride a horse. I won't stand for it! I just won't!"

Jason just shook his head. "Susannah, you have no choice. Andrew has decided he wants to come here and live. He grew up here till he was 10, as I recall he knew a great deal about horses and ranching by that time. I doubt that he is the sissy you think. He is educated and a gentleman. Now he is coming so you just better get used to the idea. He has assumed your guardianship, so for the next few years, he will be in charge, and unless you marry there isn't anything you can do about it." Jason smiled at her and laughed. "Got any beau's out there?"

Susannah flew out of the chair and picked up a book and threw it at him. Jason caught the book before it hit his head. Leaning over the desk Susannah screamed at him. "Jase, that is not funny! I have no intention of taking time for any of these low life cowboys. I am going to be my own person. So there!" Having said that Susannah swept the rest of the things off the desk and stormed out of the room. "I am going for a ride. I'll be back when I feel like it."

She was mounted and out of the gate before she noticed a buckboard coming from town with two men and a pile of trunks in it. Andrew MacFarland saw the rider gallop out of the gate. From the dark auburn hair trailing behind her, he figured it must be Susannah. His father on the last trip had told him a lot about her. Bert was extremely fond of her but worried about what would become of her when he was gone. He knew he only had a short time left, but did not share that with Susannah. He hadn't wanted to worry her.

The purpose of Bert's last trip east had been to revise his will and make sure his son was interested in returning to the ranch. He wanted him to return before he died, but time wasn't on his side. His father had hinted more than once, that he would have his hands full with Susannah. He wanted her to marry and be happy, but only with the right man. Andrew smiled at the remembrance of that last talk. He was sure Bert had been hoping that he and Susannah would hit it off and he would be that man.

Andrew MacFarland was in no hurry to make any such commitments. He was 25 and had completed medical school. He hoped not only to run the ranch but practice medicine as well. He knew that the town had no doctor. Jason Farley was a good manager and if Susannah knew as much as Bert indicated, he should have plenty of time to do both. But romance was not on his mind. He remembered Susannah as a baby when she had been brought to the ranch after the raid, and thought of her as a little sister; one he intended to see behaved herself like a lady. He was used to ladylike behavior and did not intend to put up with anything less.

After Susannah had cleared the desk and stormed out of the office, Jason had sat there fuming. That girl needed someone to take her in hand. She had gotten her own way far too long. He had told Bert many times that a few good spankings would do her good, but Bert disagreed and never punished her, more than scolding or sending her to her room. It wasn't Jase's place to administer discipline so she had grown up doing what she pleased for most of the time.

The floor was a mess with broken inkwells and papers all over. He rang for Hannah the housekeeper and she and Maria her helper came in and were trying to clean up the mess and blot all the ink from the rug.

Hannah just kept shaking her head. She had been the housekeeper since Mrs. Mac Farland had left and had helped raise Susannah.

"Jase, I really don't know what to do with her. Her temper has always been her weak point, but she is getting worse. She is going to get herself in a peck of trouble one of these days with that temper. At the rate she is going, there isn't a man on earth who would put up with her. The hands all dislike her and are sick of her bossing them around. You won't have anyone left if something doesn't change soon. I just don't know what is going to become of her."

Jason was trying to salvage the papers and none of them noticed Andrew standing in the doorway surveying the damage. He had overheard the last remark and assumed that Miss Susannah was responsible for the mess. Clearing his throat he spoke, "Excuse me, no one seemed to be around so I just came on in."

Jason looked up and quickly rose. The man in the doorway was the picture of Bert many years ago. "Andrew, I wasn't expecting you so soon. Come on in! Where are your trunks, I'll have them moved upstairs for you."

Andrew shook hands with Jason and once more looked around the room. "What happened here? A whirlwind go through?"

Hannah snorted and stood up. "Nice to meet you Sir, but the whirlwind has a name. Susannah. She is, I believe, your new ward. Well sir, good luck with that one. She is a love but has the temper of a she-cat when crossed."

Hannah wiped her hands on her apron. "Would you two like some refreshments? I have some nice lemonade all made. I have some fresh cookies also, if you care for some."

"Thanks Hannah, that would be nice." Jason replied.

Andrew sat down on the couch and Jase settled in the chair next to it. "Tell me what happened here? Did Susannah really cause this mess?"

Jase laughed. "Yep, that she did, she has a mean temper and isn't exactly thrilled about you coming. She doesn't like the terms of the will at all. I made the mistake of teasing her and she just blew up. Lucky I still have good reflexes or I would have a dent in the side of my head. She throws a mean book."

"When do I get to meet this new ward of mine? I think she and I need to get some things straight right from the beginning. I am used to refined ladies and she will need to comport herself in that manner. I do not aim to put up with any displays like this." Andrew stretched back on the couch. "So was that her I saw tearing out of here on my way in?"

Jase looked at Andrew with a smile. "You do have your work cut out for you. There is a gentle ladylike side to her, but she can be as rough as any cowpoke we have when she wants to be. She kind of prides herself on it, I think. Your dad made sure she learned all the things ladies need to know about running a house and she does a great job of it, but wants to also run everything else too. Yes, I imagine that was her you saw ride out. Hopefully we won't have to send someone looking for her. The last time she had a temper tantrum she didn't return by dark, and I sent three of the men for her. She had planned on camping all night by herself. Took them a bit to convince her to return."

Andrew looked thoughtful. "She best be back well before then or I will personally go and fetch her and I can guarantee our first meeting won't be pleasant if that happens."

Hannah brought their refreshments and they settled down to discussing Andrew's plans for the ranch. Time flew by and they both suddenly realized it was getting close to dusk. Jason rang for Hannah.

When she entered the room Andrew asked, "Has Miss Susannah returned yet?"

Hannah shook her head, "No sir, she hasn't. She was going to make her special biscuits tonight, but I have started them without her. Shall I send her to see you when she return?"

Andrew rose and started toward the door motioning Jase to follow him. "No thanks, Hannah I think I may just go find her myself."

"Jase where does she usually go when she takes off? Any particular spot?" Andrew was talking as they walked to the stables.

Before Jase could answer they saw Susannah riding in. They waited until she came up to the stable and dismounted. She looked at Jase and then at Andrew.

"So Jase, who is the new dude? Don't tell me. Let me guess, it must be the Philadelphia wonder boy, Andrew." Susannah proceeded to unsaddle her horse without so much as a glance. She clearly did not care about a reply.

Andrew grabbed the reins and handed them to Jase. "Would you mind finishing up here, I would like to have a few words in private with Miss Susannah."

Susannah tried to pull the reins back. "No one unsaddles my horse but ME! I do not wish to have any words with you public or private, so just Go To Hell!"

Andrew took her by the arm and started walking her to the house. Susannah was not going to go willingly. She tried several time to pull away from him. "Let me go, you bastard! I am not going to be dragged anywhere!"

Stopping and pulling her to face him Andrew let out a deep breath," You miss are coming with me to my office and we are going to set some things straight. You can walk with me willingly or I will carry you. Furthermore, you better never ever use that kind of language again! Now what is it going to be?"

Susannah was livid by this time. She yanked away and started for the house cursing him as she went. "No man is ever going to treat me like this! Just get the Hell out of my Life and leave me alone. Furthermore it isn't your office, its MINE!" She continued storming her way toward the kitchen.

Andrew shook his head and ran and grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. Without a word he headed for the office. Susannah was pounding on his back and screaming curses at him as loud as she could. Every cowhand nearby stopped and watched the little scene. It was most enjoyable for them to witness Miss Susannah meet her match. Jase was laughing as he unsaddled her horse. "Susannah, you will regret this tantrum for a long time."

Andrew was tired of the swearing and beating on his back. He reached up and swatted her hard several times on her rump. This elicited loud shrieks from Susannah and caused her to try and get away even more. Finally reaching the office, he kicked the door shut and dropped her down to her feet. No words were spoken. His angry glare said it all.

Susannah tried to get past him sputtering. He put one hand on her arm and pushed her into a chair. Grasping the arms of the chair, he bent over and looked her right in the face. "Susannah, you are not going to behave that way ever again! It is disgraceful and I am not going to tolerate it. Like it or not, I am your guardian and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Now, we can be friends and work together or you can learn I mean business the hard way. Are you going to sit there and listen to me?"

Susannah didn't know what to say. She looked at him and saw the glint of anger in his eyes and it made her stomach twist and roll. No man had ever spoken to her or handled her this way, or for that matter ever looked at her like that. "Fine. Talk." She glared back at him.'

Andrew withdrew his hands from the chair and sat down opposite her. "I want to get a few things straight right from the start. I am your guardian whether you like it or not, and what you think about the situation is not relevant. I am going to run this ranch and yours until such time as you inherit it for yourself. Your input and advice is welcome and I intend to let you and Jase continue pretty much as you have. I will have final authority over all decisions however. "

Her cheeks coloring angrily Susannah started to get up. Andrew motioned her down with his hand and a hard look. "NO, you stay put till I am done. I don't want to hear one word from you yet. "

Susannah sat back furious.

"You will never again behave as you have this afternoon. I don't want to hear that type of language from you again. If I do, I will personally wash your mouth out with soap. You will also earn yourself a trip over my knee for a hard spanking. I expect you to obey and behave like a young lady. IF you do not, you will also get paddled. What you got on the way in here was nothing. I suggest that you don't push me or you will find your self-bare bottomed over my knee like a naughty little child. NOW, do you understand me?" Andrew leaned back in the chair and looked at her. She was clearly furious. One wrong move on her part and she would receive her first spanking right now.

Susannah was appalled. What was this man saying? Spank her? Like a child? She would never let that happen in a million years. Yet he certainly looked determined and seemed to mean every word. Well she would just bide her time and get him. He would be returning to Philadelphia as soon as he found out how hard ranching could be. He might be handsome, but he looked like a sissy to her.

Finally she spoke, "Yes, I understand what you said, as long as you understand that I will not ever allow you to put a hand on me. Now, I am going to change for dinner. Excuse me!" Susannah stood and all but fled from the room with as much dignity as she could muster.

Andrew watched her run from the room. He was almost tempted to go after her and correct her misconception about laying a hand on her, but decided she had had enough for one day. He sat at the desk and looked over a few of the documents that Jase had left for him, then went to change for dinner himself.

Dinner that night was somewhat subdued. Susannah was a bit quieter than normal. Andrew talked about Philadelphia and his schooling. When he told them that he intended to open a medical practice in town, Susannah perked up. Andrew noticed her interest and quickly assured her that he would have plenty of time to supervise the ranch as well and would meet with both of them in the morning to talk about how things would work.

Susannah excused herself immediately after dinner and went to her room. She needed some time to think about how to get rid of Andrew. She really did not intend to let him tell her how to run the ranch. She fell asleep planning.

Right after breakfast the next morning Andrew asked Jase and Susannah to join him in his office. Susannah could not stand hearing it referred to as his office, but decided not to say anything.

When they were seated Andrew laid out his plans. He would supervise all operations, with input from Jase and Susannah. Jase would take care of the day to day operations with the ranch hands. Susannah would handle the bookwork. He did not think it proper for her to be riding with the hands inspecting fences and rounding up steers.

He wanted all problems referred to him. He would review the books and reports weekly or more often if necessary.

Jase looked at Susannah and suppressed a smile. She was about ready to explode. "Fine with me Andrew, and I think I best get out there and get them going. We need to check the north fence line. Some of the cattle seem to be wandering onto Hansen's ranch. We must have a break in it."

Jase stood up and was almost out the door when Susannah jumped up. "Andrew, I don't care for your plans at all. I have been riding out with the hands for years and don't intend to stop now. Jase, I am coming with you."

Andrew stood up and blocked her exit. "Jase you go on, Miss Susannah will NOT be joining you. Let me know what you find."

Jase left and Susannah spun around to face Andrew. "How dare you tell me what to do and not to do! I was raised here and know more about this than you ever will. You are a bastard as far as I am concerned and I am going to ride out." She started to leave and Andrew grabbed her arm, and swung her to face him.

"What did you just say to me?" He was looking very sternly at her.

"I said Go to Hell you Bastard, I am doing what I want! Now let go of me!" Susannah tried to pry her arm away from him.

Andrew said nothing but held her tighter and propelled her toward the kitchen.
When they got there he grabbed a bar of soap and a cloth. Susannah was screaming at him.

"What do you think you are doing? LET ME GO NOW!"

Andrew just calmly wet the cloth and soaped it up. Pinning her arms behind her with one hand he took the cloth and pushed it far back in her mouth.

"Now young lady I told you yesterday about your language. So you can just suck on that for the next few minutes while I attend to the second part of your lesson.

Susannah was squirming and trying to spit out the soapy rag but couldn't. He still had her arms pinned behind her. Her eyes were flashing angry darts at him, but she was being held tight.

Andrew pulled a chair out from the table and easily flipped her over his knee. He pulled up her skirt and swatted her several times. "Now young lady, you lay still and take this. I warned you and you didn't listen. When I am done, you are to go to your room till lunch. Then I expect a full apology and you working on the books this afternoon. You are not to leave this house today. "

Having said that he reached around and untied her bloomers and lowered them to her knees. Susannah gasped but only succeeded in getting more soap in her mouth. Andrew wasted no time and began spanking one cheek after the other until she was sobbing through the rag and her bottom was crimson. Finally he stopped and pulled up her bloomers and stood her up. Pulling the rag from her mouth he asked her, "Are you ready to behave now? I am not going to tolerate any disobedience from you!"

Susannah was sputtering and trying to wipe the soap out of her mouth. "You can't do this! You….you…. can't. I am going to do what I want to do. Don't you dare touch me ever again! You can just bloody well go to Hell!"

Andrew shoved the rag back in her mouth and once again flipped her over his knee. "I see you haven't learned a thing so we shall just continue this lesson. His hand began landing harder and faster than before. He made sure to get her thighs and sit spot. He intended her to feel this for a day or so. This time when he stood her up she grabbed her bottom and rubbed. Andrew once more pulled the rag from her mouth.

"Now, young lady, do we need to continue?" Andrew shook her lightly.

Susannah was sobbing, but managed to say, "No, I'll behave."

Andrew let her go and turned her and swatted her twice. "Now go to your room. I'll expect an apology at lunch."

Susannah ran up to her room. She didn't notice Hannah outside the kitchen smiling.

Andrew pushed the chair back and took the cloth and put it in the basin in the sink. He had just poured a cup of coffee when Hannah came in.

"Mr. Andrew, I haven't enjoyed anything so much in years. Bout time someone took control of her. But my, my she sure is a stubborn one." Hannah was chuckling to herself as she went about starting lunch.

Andrew smiled back at her. "Glad you approve. I have a feeling this was only the first of many."

Susannah had lain down and fallen asleep. When Hannah called her for lunch she splashed some water on her face and went downstairs.

Jase had not returned so it was just Andrew and she for lunch. She started to sit, but Andrew stopped her. "Don't you have something to say to me before you sit down?"

Susannah was startled for a moment, then remembered. She didn't want to apologize, but didn't want another spanking either. "I'm sorry I swore at you, I won't do it again."

Andrew smiled at her and motioned for her to sit. "Thank you. I hope you don't. I don't really want to punish you again, but will if you step out of line."

The next few weeks progressed without any problems. Susannah still resented Andrew bossing her around, but didn't defy him at all. He was in town most of the time anyway. His medical practice was keeping him very busy. Jase and the men had been busy with repairing fences almost every day. Susannah thought it looked suspicious and Jase agreed. They might have rustlers at work actually cutting the fences to get the cattle out.

Andrew was in his office when a man came in to see him. He had bad scratches on his hands that were infected. "Where did you get all these scratches? Some of these are pretty deep." Andrew asked him as he cleaned and bandaged them.

"I work for old man Hansen. Been repairing fences." He said very little more. When he was almost done, the man cleared his throat. "I understand that you're Bert MacFarland's boy. You aiming to sell any of the land off? I wouldn't mind acquiring the old McCauley place. Names Jim Higgins by the way."

Andrew studied the man. He didn't look like any of the normal ranch hands he had seen. There was something a bit different about his man. "I am not planning on selling any land at all. That particular piece actually belongs to Susannah McCauley. I don't intend to sell it, whether she will want to when she actually inherits is her decision. I will relay your interest though."

Andrew was through with his hand, and Higgins paid him and walked toward the door. "Won't do me much good, she won't give me the time of day. Too stuck up with herself that one is."

Andrew was puzzled over the whole exchange and when he and Jase were alone before dinner he told him about the conversation.

Jase thought for a minute. "That man used to work for Hansen, I think he fired him a few months ago. Never did trust him. He was after Susannah for a while. But she wanted nothing to do with him. She definitely doesn't want to marry a ranch hand and has never taken the slightest interest in socializing with any of them. I think she probably really stepped on his feelings."

Andrew changed the subject and asked Jase about the latest fence break and cattle loss.

"I think we have rustlers at work Andrew, that fence sure looked cut to me, and pulled apart. We have lost about 50 head near as I can tell. It's time to take some action on this." Jase sat back, giving Andrew time to think about what he had said.

Andrew stood up and paced the room. "I was hoping that wasn't the case, but it does seem to be happening way too often. I asked around town some today, and a few of the other ranches have been missing cattle too. Tomorrow I'll talk to the sheriff and I guess we round up the herd from the far points and watch them. We'll talk more about it in the morning."

When they met the next morning Susannah was furious that someone was stealing their cattle. She was all ready to ride out and start herding them in herself. Andrew quietly reminded her, "You are doing no such thing. This is for Jase and I to handle. You are not to go anywhere near there. Rustlers are dangerous and that is not the place for a lady."

Susannah had not had a run in with him for weeks, but her temper was getting the better of her. "I don't understand why I can't! These are my cattle too you know! I am tired of sitting in here. Damn it I want to go!"

Andrew stared at her. "Susannah, go to your room NOW! I don't want to hear another word from you."

Susannah started to protest but the look on his face convinced her otherwise. She quickly left the room and ran upstairs. She had been in her room for about a half-hour when Andrew knocked at the door and came in.

He pulled a chair out from her dressing table and sat down. "Susannah, what did I tell you would happen if you behaved like that again?"

Susannah didn't look at him and didn't reply. Andrew stood up and grabbed her arm and in one motion sat and flipped her over his knee. "It seems that you need a reminder about behavior, young lady, and watching that language."

Andrew reached over to her dresser and picked up her brush. He flipped up her skirt and quickly bared her bottom. The brush fell quick and hard, and Susannah was yelping from the first blow. Her pleas for him to stop fell on deaf ears. He wasn't stopping until she had learned her lesson. She was far from it as far as he was concerned.

When he finally stopped her bottom felt like it was on fire. He set her up and hugged her for a minute until she quieted. "Susannah, you must learn to control yourself. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior."

Susannah sobbed for a moment longer than wiping the tears from her eyes apologized. "But I want to go Andrew. I am tired of sitting here all day. I can take care of myself."

"Susannah, you may think you can, but it is too dangerous. You can come to town with me if you want a break, but I don't want you leaving this house without Jase or I, understand?" Andrew set her back on her feet.

Susannah nodded but didn't really agree at all. "Can I come to town with you today? I could pick up some things I need."

"Yes you can, I have some appointments and you can meet me back at my office. But I don't want you straying out of town." Andrew tilted her chin up to look him in the eye. "Promise?"

"Yes I will behave." Susannah gave him a rueful look.

"Be ready in 20 minutes." Andrew told her as he left her room.

As soon as Andrew was gone Susannah rubbed her bottom. She looked in the mirror and could see bruises starting. Riding was not going to be fun, but she would be damned if she let him know how sore she was.

When they reached town Andrew left for his office and Susannah went to the General Store. She had picked out some material and ordered some supplies for Hannah. She was just about to leave when Jim Higgins came in. "Hello Susannah." Jim tipped his hat at her.

Susannah could not stand the man. She merely turned away and started talking to the storekeeper. When she left the store, Jim was waiting out front. He stood in front of her blocking her way. "Now miss, I aim to have a word with you, whether you like it or not. I hear tell that you have some trouble with rustlers. If you want to keep your cattle, I think you better listen to me."

Susannah wanted to push past him, but was too intrigued by what he had said. "What do you mean Jim Higgins. What could you possibly tell me that would stop the rustling?"

"Let's just say I can stop it for a price. The price is the sale of your ranch to my friends and I, and the life of the young Doc. If you don't agree, you won't have anything left to sell, and he won't be around to help you. Now you meet us tonight at the north west edge of your ranch. You better have the deed with you." Jim turned and stalked away.

Susannah was stunned. She didn't know what to do. She certainly wasn't going to be blackmailed into selling her ranch. She also wasn't going to tell Andrew and have him go rushing in and getting himself killed. She was growing fond enough of him not to want him hurt. She walked back to his office planning what she would do.

She was sitting quietly pondering when Andrew came in. "You seem awfully lost in thought. Something wrong?"

Susannah jumped startled when he shut the door. "No, just daydreaming I guess. Are you ready to go back?"

Andrew looked at her suspiciously. He had seen her talking to Jim Higgins and wondered if he had said something to upset her. He decided to let her be. If she wanted to tell him she would.

After dinner that night she excused herself and went to her room. She penned a note for Andrew and Jase telling them where she was going and what she was going to do. She would leave it under their doors. They wouldn't find it for a while and she would be long gone by then. She would have the rustlers all rounded up by the time they got there. That would show Andrew she could indeed take care of herself. She got the old deed she had taken from the office and tucked it in her waistband. She got her guns and hid one in her boot and the other in the waistband of her skirt also. Putting on a shawl that covered it she sneaked out through the kitchen.

She had barely left when Andrew decided to get a book from his room. When he read the note she had slipped under his door, he yelled for Jase.

Jase read the note and shook his head. "The idiot, she will get herself killed, these men are ruthless."

Andrew and Jase quickly rounded up some of the hands and took off after her. Hopefully they would catch her before she got there.

Susannah approached the spot Higgins had told her and sure enough, there were five men there around a fire. She dismounted and walked over to them. With as much bravado in her voice as she could muster she yelled at them "You wanted to see me, and here I am. Now what is this all about?"

One of the men stepped forward. "Well pretty spunky for a little lady ain't you? I think Higgins told you what I want. I want your land. Did you bring the title?"

Susannah's heart was pounding. These men certainly looked rough. But she wasn't going to let them know she was afraid. She reached into her waistband and pulled out the title. But when he went to take it she drew back. "What are you paying me for the land?"

"I think letting you and Doc MacFarland live is payment enough. Though maybe we will have some fun with you first." He started toward her.

Susannah had not noticed that two of the men had walked around behind her. She pulled her gun and aimed it at, but just then one of the men reached around and grabbed it from her. "That's not nice. Pulling a gun on us. Little ladies shouldn't be carrying guns." He pushed her forward and the other men grabbed at her.

She started screaming and kicking trying to get away from them. They were pulling at her blouse and skirt trying to rip her clothes off of her. She finally got her gun out of her boot and fired at them. She winged one in the arm. This just infuriated them more and a gun was pointed right at her. Just as the man was about to fire, a shot rang out and he fell backward. She spun around and looked. Andrew, Jase and the ranch hands were there. In the confusion the men had let her go. She ran as fast as she could toward her rescuers.

Andrew scooped her up onto his horse and turned back away from the camp. There were more gunshots and then all was quiet. She was sobbing by this time. Andrew stopped and waited for Jase to catch up.

"They won't be rustling cattle or attacking women anymore. The boys are cleaning up. I'll ride on in and get the sheriff." Jase gave Susannah an angry glance. "I hope you know how dangerous that stunt was. If Andrew doesn't tan that hide of yours by God I will!" Jase turned his horse and rode toward town.

Andrew started back toward the ranch, not saying a word to Susannah. She was shaking and sobbing. She had never been so scared in all her life. She felt secure though with Andrew's arms around her. She could even feel his heart beating. He held on tight and finally whispered soothing noises to her.

When they got back, he lifted her down and picked her up and carried her upstairs. He laid her on the bed and sat down next to her. "Are you all right? Did they hurt you in anyway? He started undressing her to examine her.

Susannah struggled against him. "I am fine, you can't do this! They didn't hurt me. Just scared me. I thought I could handle them. I thought I would have them all rounded up by the time you got there."

Andrew pushed her down on the bed. "That nonsense will be dealt with in a minute. Now you are going to lay there still and let me examine you. I am a Doctor and I want to make sure you are all right. I am not going to undress you all the way, just look for wounds and scratches." Andrew proceeded to remove what was left of her skirt and blouse and boots. When he was satisfied that she had nothing worse than a few scrapes and bruises he pulled her up to sit next to him.

"Now young lady, I want you to tell me why you are going over my knee and get the strapping of your life!" Andrew pinned her with an angry glare.

Susannah didn't know what to say. "I don't want a spanking. I was just trying to help. He said he would kill you otherwise and I couldn't bear the thought of that."

Andrew just stared at her. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I was afraid you would go out there and get killed. I just wanted to help. I thought I could handle them. I took a phony deed and I had my guns. I didn't think it would be like that." Susannah started to cry again.

Andrew lifted her chin and wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Susannah, I have grown very fond of you as well. I also couldn't bear it if anything happened to you. You have to learn to obey me and not keep secrets. You deliberately disobeyed me and could have gotten yourself killed. Those men were not going to let you go. They were going to rape and then kill you. They didn't care about the ranch. They just wanted to hurt you. If you were gone, they figured I would sell and go back east. I am sorry but you are going to get the strap tonight. I want you to think how foolish you were every time you try and sit for the next week."

Susannah was starting to cry harder. Andrew stood up and undid his belt and doubled it over. "All right Susannah I want you to bend over this chair. Do not move until I am done, do you understand me?"

Susannah did as she was told. "Yes Andrew, I understand, but please don't. I won't ever disobey you again. Please!"

Andrew just ignored her and put his hand in the small of her back. He lowered her bloomers to the floor and drew his arm back and let the belt land with a smack. Susannah gasped and tried to stand. Andrew held her down and raised the belt again. The second swat got her yelling. Over and over the belt rose and fell. He kept belting her till her whole bottom was scarlet and welted. She was sobbing and limp when he stopped.

He sat on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. He rubbed her back and held her, trying to soothe her. "Shush. Shush, its over now. I was so scared when I found your note. You can never do anything like that again. I don't want you hurt. You mean too much to me."

Susannah quieted and looked up at him. "Andrew, I was so scared. I promise I will never do anything so foolish again."

Andrew looked down at her and hugged her tighter. He vowed to make sure she was happy and safe
