Service the Bare Facts
Home Up Campfire Service the Bare Facts the Better Way To be or not to be Too Much Blessing N Blushing the Nag a Plan that Backfires Barb's reward To Brat or not to Brat The Mess Easter Bunny Saturday The Dectective part 1 The Detective part 2 holding things up in the line EVEning things out My new boyfriend is a spanker A young lady named Alice a Flashback or a Dream Bill are red for me

Service-the bare facts
Ron J

It's getting late but I feel I just have time for a meal
So I go to a fast food restaurant that's no big deal
Well just as I get to the front of a long line,
The girl closed the cash, which suited her fine

She looked at me with a "what's your problem" look.
But I said "Lady I've stood here for as long as it took."
Well the lady in front had asked for the price for all,
Even though it was completely displayed on the wall.

Then she started to chat to the girl about nothing
And finally, still undecided, she ordered a muffin
She pulled out a several credit cards, to my chagrin
Then the girl picked one and tried to scan the card in.

That card bounced so we went through the stack
Till one card finally worked that was near the back.
It took all my composure to stay calm in the line
Until I saw the sales girl put up the closed sign

"Lady, I've been here for ten minutes while you decided"
Well she turned to me "that's tough, it's my turn, " she chided
So you can see how fuming I was, when she actually did move aside
Only to see the serving girl put post the not serving sign with pride.

I looked to the other lines now filled with people waiting.
Now steamed at the two girls who I thought about berating.
I thought to myself, now I don't have time left to wait again
I stared fuming at the two girls even though it seemed in vain

I got to my exercise club on time and reviewed my schedule
For I only do classes in private for those who can do well
Two new girls it seemed, as I reviewed their bios for referencing
I scan down the sheet and oh my! Both had ticket off everything.

Well I laughed; these girls must not have read every line
This was a session I certainly was not going to decline
For spankings were selected with all the instruments there
Clearly tick off as well, as I smiled, was "it can be on the bare"

Well I waited, but the 2 ladies were already a half hour late
But they would soon find out I planned an appropriate fate.
When the two ladies finally came in through the main door
I immediately recognized their faces. I had seen them before.

My mind did a back flip as I recalled the pair
Yes, the lady in the line, I could only stare
And the other "wow" the sales gal who closed the till
In sweatpants, I remained unrecognized to them still.

A big smile on my face developed ear to ear
And I'm sure they thought I was "jut being a dear"
Well one yelled, "We are here, DO your job, mister"
I thought boy you are really pressing it now, sister

Okay ladies, you paid for your series of private sessions
I click a button; the doors lock "now for your actual lessons"
Ladies I'm glad you ticked off all the items on the request
Those sheets and my memory tells me, what you need best

Part of being in shape, but still a well-rounded person
Is getting discipline in time before things start to worsen.
I decide now is the time to tell them where we have met
The look of shock, was the reaction, I thought I would get

Well ladies, I know the need for that one side in your training.
You now may know the one area, where I will try to be aiming
So in order for you two to focus on what it is all going to be about
I have specifically targeted only one area for your very first workout.

The blank looks on your faces doesn't tell me a thing
You look at each other like the forms mean nothing
Well girls on the requested areas I'll start at bottom
With the checked off areas just as you've got 'em

So I finally decide to tell them what is about to come
Today's workout area will be focused on your bum
Then without any pause I tell them right out point blank
Ladies, tonight it's your bare bottom I'm going to spank

Your looks change to wonder, as I hand you both your own form
From now on, around here, spankings are going to be the norm
The trapped look that you have on your faces as you start to read
Means, as you see, you've signed up to permit spankings, indeed

Well one rips up the written form and throws the pieces at me
The other girl rips it, slowly in front of me, so that I can see.
Both girls smile now and said "lets see what else you can do?"
Well I pull out more copies "I told you, what I plan for you two"

Now, lets cease now, with all this idle chatter
And get right down to the heart of the matter.
I get up from my desk and grab the one girl
As we walk to the chair things start to unfurl

You really are going to spank us, now we are trapped
Not only that I said I may even give you the strap
So you better start behaving and act good and proper
Or I will get out my strap to act as the ultimate stopper.

As I sit on the chair I drag her across my knee
"You watch now, you getting the same you'll see."
"She says I didn't want to close the cash down
"It was her taking so long", she said with a frown

"No, it was you the other said not knowing the prices
And then didn't tell me at all, what your advice is"
Ladies, ladies, both you young ladies were equally bad
Any more of that bickering, will really make me mad

With the girl in the line firmly across my knee
It's time for me to get rid of all this periphery.
I lower her yellow sweat pants to a loud scream
But when the panties follow. She gets more extreme

You bounce around trying to spare your bum
But its no use you can't avoid the spanking to come
In my mind I think back to just a few hours before
Spanking your bottom now, who could ask for more.

This was a spanking I was really going to enjoy
Even if my hand was the only device I'd employ.
That indifference you had in the line making me wait
I was now licking my lips at your bare bottom's fate

I could not wait any longer to lecture you again
Your quivering bottom was too inviting right then
So I started spanking with a nice steady pace
Which was effective from the look on your face

To a chorus of "stop, you can't do this to me."
"I'll get even with you, just you wait and see."
Ignoring all the chatter I just spanked along
Until I heard an abrupt change in your song.

Now I begin hearing, please not so hard, I will be good
I've learned my lesson, "stop", "I'll be nice if you would.
I pause for a minute now, listening to all your whining
"You should have thought of that when I in the line pining

"Young lady you're going to know better from now on
Or a repeat spanking will be applied in session from Ron"
I start to spank now with the last final long hard volley
With tear flooding out of your eyes, you regret your folly

As I release you, you jump up and look at the effect
Then you look back at me with a new found respect.
As I wiggle my finger to the sales girl to come to me
You go to your friend saying, "you get across his knee."

Well she makes her way slowly across the floor
Her mind thinking to maybe just run for the door
But her friend reminds her that they are locked
So all her exits are indeed very nicely blocked

"The only path out is via a trip across my knee
So you know what the near future is going to be."
Get over here NOW or it'll be worse than your friends.
So you compliance now, is on what your spanking depends

Her friend finally pushes her across my waiting lap
Then while in position I give your bottom a tap
You know these are coming down so lift a little.
You will only make me mad if you start to diddle.

I unclasp your jeans and in one fell swoop,
I pull then down by grabbing your belt loop,
I then slip my hand under your panties right away
Yanking your undies down to your thighs, to stay

Now with your bare bottom quivering before my eyes
I remind you earlier in my plight, you didn't sympathize.
I will however give you my full attention, as you deserve
Then you'll know for customers, the proper way to serve

So I plan to give you the "main course" right away
But "the special" can be served in case you stray.
Then of course you will be getting your just "dessert"
With a "hot topping" from me, which I may insert

So if you don't want to get an extra "cold cut"
And are determined to save your pretty butt
You'll take what I "dish" up and "deliver" to you
Without "tips" from you either, on what I can and can't do

You squirm as I deliver my final scolding
For no part of your lesson I am with holding
So with that done and you face turned red
I ready to spank and get a few tears shed.

I start to spank your bare bottom with full force
To implant what you've really needed of course.
Your friend smiles as she sees you getting yours
Your averting wet eyes staring down at our floors.

You are so close I think you'll get to know the wood
For this spanking won't stop till you really get it good
As your bare bum get bright red and you start to cry.
I glad I explained, so you'll understand the reasons why

Next time you won't close, after people are waiting in line.
Or cane lines will be implanted no matter how you whine
You're crying full out now and trying to cover your bum
But all I tell you is "young lady there is a lot more to come."

It's time I decided to toast these buns to a tomato paste
So I continue to spank and talk with no time to waste
Your close friend has no pity as you ball your eyes out
As a fresh crop of blisters on your bum begin to sprout.

With all the kicking and bouncing, you struggle in vain
As my hand continues the spanks to delivery more pain.
When I finally stop as a puddle of tears lies on floor
You yell out "Please stop, I won't close like that any more."

As I cup your burning bottom in my hands.
I start to insure you listen to all my demands
I start to explain what the next exercise will be
And I better see effort or across my knee you'll be

Well for the last hour you both were model students in class
As I'm sure you both didn't want more spanks on your bare ass.
Some of the other exercises for your bottoms caused you to wince
But I know from that day forth you've both come to every class since.

I still have had to apply the odd spanking here and there
But you both treat others now with a lot more care.
Now when I visit the restaurant and stand in your line,
I see a big smile and you treat everybody there just fine.

I see now they have promoted you to manage the store
And all because I took the time to make your bum sore
Your friend now helps out seeing that everyone is served
She also was rewarded and I may say it is well deserved.

The two of you now made it a fun place to be
All because you both spent time across my knee
You both still are now are fit and don't miss a class
And no one know at diner knows, I still spank your ass

So if you're looking for a full work out come to my place
I get to the bottom quick and set a nice friendly pace
The place is called Ron's tanning and workout salon
So don't be shy, sign up or I'll strap you, so come on!!!

Ron J