To be or not to be
Home Up Campfire Service the Bare Facts the Better Way To be or not to be Too Much Blessing N Blushing the Nag a Plan that Backfires Barb's reward To Brat or not to Brat The Mess Easter Bunny Saturday The Dectective part 1 The Detective part 2 holding things up in the line EVEning things out My new boyfriend is a spanker A young lady named Alice a Flashback or a Dream Bill are red for me

To be or not to be
The end or not the end
That is the question

From her eyes he knew now nothing more need be said
He knew that her look of tearful remorse had already fled
To feel her heart right close to him beating vibrantly fast
With the pain her bum endured from the event just past

Cuddling close, her head nestled softly against his neck
He brushed her hair back, giving her warm cheek a peck
The tears in her bright eyes still welled up and flowed
Her pushed back hair, showed her cheeks just glowed

A feeling of inner peace emanated from her entire being
The contentment and love aftermath he was use to seeing
She kissed him quite softly, holding his body very tight
They remained in that state for it seemed the whole night

Their still clothed bodies nestled closely in kindred tenderness
As their son and daughter came home to visit never to guess
That an hour earlier that night their mom had to raise her dress
Her panties then yanked down, to further magnify her stress
Only then to be flopped down across his lap in complete duress
But a hard bare bottom spanking, she was getting nevertheless
He care fully straighten her panties that were a crumpled mess
Then spanked her bare bum hard, till she was willing to confess

If perchance their grown kids earlier had surprisingly just come
They would have witnessed dad spanking their mom's bare bum
Her brattiness earlier that day had lead to this inevitable outcome
They both felt now their unhappy married kids could learn some

Originally, they would not have gone out of their way to tell
If their grown children happened to walk in, then that'll be swell
Now that they decided to be open to their kids about their fun
She was wary this weekend, case all the spanking wasn't done

Sure through the years that their bright kids never suspected
That when their mom misbehaved, what she always expected
Seeing them embraced, never to envision, that their dear mommy
Tonight, would certainly be forced now, to sleep on her tummy

As the kids looked over seeing them sitting so tight
Not knowing a spanking had just occurred that night
They knew their parents were really in love, not in just name
Not privy to the secret, they craved their marriages be the same

She sensed somehow this weekend their secret would be revealed
She turned over inside how much her husband would conceal
Not knowing herself, just how far he would actually might go
Or how much of her beautiful bottom he would actually show

She herself was perplexed whether it could be a tell or show them affair
Wonder how much exposure she really would ultimately could share
In one mind she wanted it to be revealed by a spanking showing his care
In the other mind she shuddered at the public spanking and wouldn't dare

Well as the family weekend wore on she minded her P's and Q's
Being careful all weekend, as by reflex, she was always want to do.
But for the Sunday dinner she got distracted talking on the phone
By then the roast dinner was burned extra crispy right to the bone

The whole family was disgusted at suddenly having to go out
The look on their faces eat at her, though no one did shout.
At restaurant she felt on pins and needles all during the meal
Not knowing when they got home what would be the deal

After the meal she suggested the kids might have to go
But her husband insisted he had a surprise he must show
Not knowing where to look, no eye wanting to catch
Still not knowing what plan for her was about to hatch

On the ride home she continued to squirm in her seat
What?, when they got home, would be the special treat
Maybe her mind was just starting to go to far overboard.
But then she thought even if does, its of my own accord.

But when they got back home the trepidation returned
For fear that a public spanking she might have earned
But she couldn't however get her husband alone at all
For now they were inside hanging their coats in the hall

They all entered the living room together with talk she wasn't hearing
All she could do now, was think of what her bare bum was fearing
Her husband then disappeared out of the room without a word at all
So she sat there making small talk but inside her skin seemed to crawl

What was going to happen upon her husband's return to the room
Her mind kept flipping over things of what she could only presume
Was it, she suddenly thought, just her daughter's birthday present.
And all this fretting was unnecessary, making her body feel so spent

Well friends ,
What do you think will happens from here
Do should a public spanking will be quite near
Or do you think she should be home free till later
When her hot buns won't be delivered by a waiter

Please let your mind feel just how it should end
To develop there a picture that it can send
We pause in the story to wait her outcome
But there will be a spanking on the bare bum

Ron J