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Okay, hi. I actually, a long time ago, printed out 3+1=HITZK to de-teenyfy it. After realising that if I took out the teeny parts there would be no story, I scratched that idea. So I'm warning you - 3+1=HITZK was written by a teeny (AKA myself at age 12), so don't be irritated if it's not up to Stephen King's (or whoever) par. HOWEVER. I am quite fond of it's sequel. The layout is more legible, and the grammar and spelling are nice, not to mention there's not a million plot holes. So if you want the 3+1=HITZK cheatsheet (so you don't have to read the story, but just skip straight to Moving On Elsewhere), you can find it here: 3+1=HITZK Cheatsheet. Thank ya :)

Check out my short stories here: erin's shorts (stories, that is)


Welcome to my story that I wrote (and my friend Kim helped as well). Remember one word people: FICTION. Thanks :D

email erin

xoxo, erin

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Because I had so many people email me telling me they didn't like the ending, I wrote an alternate one :) However, the sequel, MOE won't work with this ending. So if you'd like to choose the alternate ending as your personal ending, then just pretend MOE's another un-related story :D You can find the different ending here.

MOE Part One
MOE Part Two
MOE Part Three
MOE Epilouge

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