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The Animal Medicines
A thru B
The Animal Its Medicine
The Medicine's Power Strategies
AntPatience Ant Medicine is the strategy of patience. Ant is a builder like Beaver, is aggressive like Badger, has stamina like Elk, scrutiny like Mouse, and give-away like Turkey. Self-sacrifice is a part of Ant Medicine. Greater than Ant's other medicines, however, is patience. It shows a trust in the Universe to provide.
CONTRARY: Be aware of users and con artists. Trust natural law. Silly impatience will sabotage your plans for the future. Don't allow panic to outweigh your rational sensibilities. Honor the will of the Great Spirit, so that mountains are not made out of anthills.
AntelopeAction Antelope taught humans to honor the gifts sent from Great Mystery, and to avoid indiscriminate destruction of life. Antelope signifies knowledgeable action. Antelope Medicine gives you strength of mind and heart, and the ability to take quick action. Antelope brings a message of higher purpose. Take courage and leap. The time is now. The power is you.
CONTRARY: You are not listening, not acting on the will of the Great Spirit. You may feel crazy, quarrelsome, indecisive. Stop lying to yourself and others to get off the hook. Quit following others all the time. Do it! Don't procrastinate. Walk your talk, NOT talk your walk. Desire, decide, do it!
ArmadilloBoundaries It is time to define your space. Are you honoring the time you need for personal enjoyment? Do others treat you like a doormat? Why do you get upset when taken for granted? Why are you a "yes" person? Set up boundaries. Give back your sense of self worth.
CONTRARY: If you are afraid of being hurt and are hiding from feeling anything, you will never feel the joy of admiration from others. Stop hiding and allow Armadillo's armor to deflect negative energies. Rid yourself of doubts, touch the deepest part of your beingness. Communicate, paint, surf, whatever - the creation belongs to you. Are fears your jailer?
Badger Aggressiveness The power of Badger's medicine is aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what it wants. Badger is the medicine of many powerful medicine women, for Badger is also the keeper of the medicine roots. These roots are a key to aggressive healing. Badger gets a job accomplished and its certainty is a source of strength. Be aggressive in self-improvement, but don't cut others to ribbons on the way - that is too much aggression. Use your healing abilities to heal yourself and to push ahead in life.
CONTRARY: All anger stems from anger towards self. Reflect on what you feel helpless about. Get in touch with your own jealousy and envy of others. Badger can teach you the pitfalls of shyness and insecurity, or misused aggression. Maybe let off steam by screaming into a pillow and punching it, to put Badger back into balance. Maybe use herbs and roots to heal your body. Maybe you need the input of someone else's aggressive creativity to spark your own. Prevailing inactivity will create pain of some kind.
BatRebirth Bat is the symbol of rebirth. Hanging upside down is a symbol for learning to transpose your former self into a newborn being. Bat signals rebirth of some part of yourself or the death of old patterns. The universe is always asking you to grow and become your future.
CONTRARY: Use the talents you have to the fullest. What area of your life has your desire to create dammed up and stagnant? Surrender to the death of that stagnation. Use your mind, courage, and strength to insure an easy labor and quick delivery into your new state of understanding and growth. You are the ancestor of the future and are responsible for future generations. If you are blocking yourself, you will affect the next seven generations that follow you on the Good Red Road. Dreams build future civilizations, so nourish your night Dreamtime well.
BearIntrospection The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. Bear seeks the sweetness of truth. The power of Bear is inner-knowing - the capacity to quiet the mind, enter the silence, and know, simply KNOW alternate pathways to reach goals. The strength of Bear is the intuitive side, the right brain (as opposed to the left brain).
CONTRARY: Stop seeking answers or advise from others. Regain your authority. Know yourself. Use your strength to overcome your weaknesses. Hibernate in silence. Dream your dreams and own them.
BeaverBuilder Beaver is the DOER in the animal kingdom. It may be time to put your ideas into action or to complete a project that has been neglected. Or, settle differences with fellow workers or friends. Beaver medicine incorporated a strong sense of family and home. In building a dream, teamwork is necessary. Beaver tells you to look for alternative solutions to life's challenges and to protect the creations which you put your love and energy into.
CONTRARY: You are being asked to open new doors to opportunity and to stay aware. Find what is damming the flow, and remove the impasse. Visualize the goal you wish to accomplish, and be willing to work with others to achieve that end.
Buffalo Prayer &
The medicine of Buffalo is prayer, gratitude and praise for what has been received. You may be asked to use your energy in prayer and/or to be an instrument of someone else's answer to a prayer. Buffalo medicine is a sign that you achieve nothing without the aid of the Great Spirit. Be humble, ask for assistance, be grateful for what you receive. The appearance of White Buffalo is a sign that prayers are being heard.
CONTRARY: Have you forgotten to seek help when it has been needed from your eternal partner, the Great Spirit? Are you pushing too hard in the physical world without seeing the importance of the Source of all life? Have you been disrespectful to others? Is your life being used for the highest good? Have you forgotten to feel gratitude? Is it time to make peace with another or with yourself so you may walk in balance again? Feel the smoke of prayer and praise. Change your Buffalo robe to white so that you may be an answer to the prayers of the world.
ButterflyTransformation The power that Butterfly brings us is akin to the air. It is the mind, and the ability to know the mind or change it. It is the art of transformation. The way to discern where you are in the cycle of self-transformation, ask yourself: 1) Is this the egg stage: Is it just a thought or idea? 2) Is this the larva stage: Do I need to make a decision? 3) Is this the cocoon stage: Am I developing and doing something to make my idea a reality? 4) Is this the birth stage: Am I sharing my completed idea? By asking yourself these questions, you will discover how Butterfly is relating to you at this moment. You'll understand where you are and what to do next to continue the cycle of self-transformation. Also, Butterfly gives clarity to your mental powers. Take notice of things you are drawn to for simple messages. Example, if you have been asking yourself how to heal your fatigue, take notice of the colors you've recently been drawn to. Does your body feel better in green? Perhaps you should eat more green vegetables.
CONTRARY: There is a need for change in your life that you are not recognizing. Use your newfound wings outside of the cocoon and fly!

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Start Page of the Animal Medicines
Ant, Antelope, Armadillo,
Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Butterfly
Coyote, Crow,
Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Dragonfly,
Eagle, Elk,
Fox, Frog
Hawk, Horse, Hummingbird,
Lizard, Lynx,
Moose, Mountain Lion, Mouse
Opposum, Otter, Owl,
Rabbit, Raven,
Skunk, Snake, Spider, Squirrel, Swan
Turkey, Turtle,
Weasel, Whale, Wolf


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