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The Animal Medicines
N thru S
The Animal Its Medicine
The Medicine's Power Strategies
OpposumDiversion Opossum medicine uses a great deal of strategy. Use strategy in some present situation. Expect the unexpected and be clever in achieving your victory. Opossum is beckoning you to use your brain, your sense of drama, and surprise - to leap over some barrier to your progress.
CONTRARY: You may be buying into melodrama in yourself or others. If you are having to defend yourself with excuses (too sick, too poor, saying you're watching your weight, you're too short, tall, sad, busy, tired, etc.), you may have lost the point. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO BE! You owe no one an excuse. The best strategy is no defense - like Opossum, play dead! Choose to right to be who and what you are with no games involved. You owe no one an excuse for how you feel or what you choose to experience.
The medicine held by Otter is a set of lessons in female energy. This applies to both men and women as all of us have female sides. Otter people express joy for others. Otter may be telling you to become the playful child, simply allow things to unfold in your life, stop your addiction to worrying. Give yourself a gift, if you haven't done so recently. Move gently into the river of life and flow with the waters of the Universe.
CONTRARY: You may be running from one idea to the other without focus. You may have forgotten how to receive and are blocking a gift from the Universe with your male side. Drop the fear of being rejected, drop the seriousness on all levels so that fear rolls off your back. Allow the flow of love from the Great Spirit to you, from you to others, and from others back to you.
OwlDeception Owl medicine is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, and magic, both black and white. Owl is also called Night Eagle by many. Resist temptation to practice black magic. You are being asked to use your powers of the night through dreams or meditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens to gain the truth.
CONTRARY: You have been greatly deceived by yourself or another. Pray and ask the Great Spirit for guidance to befriend the darkness inside of you. Ask yourself what you are in the darkness about, how and by whom are you being deceived, and how intensely have you been deceived. Have you lied to yourself about someone or something? Keep an eye on your property and loved ones. Owl is asking, "Who?
PorcupineInnocence Porcupine medicine is the power of faith and trust. You have been given a gentle reminder to not get caught in the chaos of fear, greed and suffering. The medicine you've received is that of relief from seriousness and severity. Honor the playfulness of spirit that lets everyone win, a childlike state of innocence and purity.
CONTRARY: You've received a timely warning that you cannot win the game of life if you are too serious. If you are not willing to trust again, look at why. Or at why not!
RabbitFear Stop talking about horrible things happening and get rid of "what if" in your vocabulary. Write your fears down and be willing to feel them. Breathe into them, and feel them running through your body into Mother Earth, as a give-away.
CONTRARY: There is always a way out of any situation, because the Universal Flow does move on. It is the way in which you handle problems that allows you to succeed. Burrow into a safe space to nurture yourself and release your fears until it is time again to move on.
RavenMagic RAVEN (Magic)) Raven carries the medicine of magic. You are about to experience a change in consciousness. Raven's color is of the void, black, which means many things, but does not mean evil. Black can mean the seeking of answers. Magic is in the air. Do not try to figure it out, but recognize it and use it to further enhance your growth.
CONTRARY: If you have wished harm to another, beware of the boomerang coming home. If you are in a rut, ask Raven to fly through your dreams and give you a taste of its medicine. If your intellect is insisting that magic is not real, you could be experiencing confused messages. Seek healing and a clearing of intentions, possibly from a Shaman. Never go beyond that which you have prepared and trained for. Call Raven to teach you the proper way of using energy. Ground that energy in love and simplicity to honor Mother Earth and all other living things.
SkunkReputation Skunk medicine people have the ability to attract others, and are very charismatic. These people have what some call sexual magic. At the same time, the other side of their natural power is to repel those who seek to take energy from them without recycling the gifts taken. You are known by your reputation. How you use your medicine will attract either honor or disgrace. Examine what energy you are putting out. Project self-respect.
CONTRARY: Be truthful with yourself. Are you putting on airs? Right the situation by assuming the attitude of nonchalance (unconcern, coolness, indifference), which will neutralize the effect of leaking energy. Self- respect is the key to repel envy, greed, jealousy, over-amorous tendencies of others, but look deeply at your self-image and how others are reacting to it. Ego is merely what you believe yourself to be.
SnakeTransmutation Snake medicine people are very rare. Snake medicine is the power of the fire. The transmutation of the life- death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted, if one has the proper state of mind. There is a need in you to transmute some thought, action or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic.
CONTRARY: Is it time for a change? Is the old pattern a rut? Release the outer skin of your present identity and find a new rhythm.
SpiderWeaving Spiders body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel. Spider is telling you to create, create, create. Use a journal to write out HOW you are creating a new or different phase in your life, so you can review your progress as you go along and not forget your hows. Spider can also be warning you that you are coming too close to an entangling situation. She may get your attention if you are too involved in weaving your life plans to notice an opportunity at the outskirts of your web - to catch you in time before you miss the opportunity. The most important message from Spider is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the expansiveness of the eternal plan.
CONTRARY: If you have become disdainful of your mate and have felt superior recently, you are not honoring either your male or female side. Or, you may be harassing your family or workmates. Why are you being critical? Why are you feeling so weak that you must attack others? If none of this applies, then perhaps there is a lack of creativity, not using your talents, which can change into destructiveness. Get moving! Find joy and new ideas in the accomplishments of others, and use them to propel yourself into a new phase of creative spinning on your own web of delight. Find pleasures in the ideas you receive from Spiders universal language.
SquirrelGathering Honor your future by readying yourself for change. Lighten your load if you have gathered too many things that do not serve you - thoughts, pressures, stresses, or gadgets that have been broken for years. Understand the balance of gathering and circulate the stock of what you have gathered. Be prepared for anything by putting your gatherings in a safe place, which is an untroubled heart and mind, and your gatherings being wisdom and caring. Apply this to your fears about the future and your fears will vanish.
CONTRARY: Are you a hoarder, a fearful person who expects the worst and is stuck in waiting? Waiting for something to happen is the trap. No action equals stagnation. Remember, one of the Squirrel family gathered the energy of Eagle and connected to the Great Spirit. . . now this Squirrel can fly.
SwanGrace Swan medicine teaches us to be at one with all planes of consciousness, and to trust in Great Spirit's protection. Swan medicine people have the ability to see the future, to surrender to the power of Great Spirit, and to accept the healing and transformation of their lives. Accept your ability to know what lies ahead. Relax and go with the flow. Pay attention to your hunches and your gut knowledge, and honor your female intuitive side.
CONTRARY: You must acknowledge what you know and stop denying your feelings, and clutzing up. Pay some attention to your body. Not recognizing the shift from left brain to right brain is common when you are evolving spiritually, developing the intuitive side of your nature, and entering into other levels of awareness. The solution to Contrary Swan is:
1) Notice your surroundings and touch the Earth with your feet, hands, or both.
2) Focus on ONE reality or the OTHER: if you are being called to visit Dreamtine, stop what you are doing and be still. Enter the silence and empty your mind of chatter. Be receptive and open so that the message may enter your consciousness.
3) If you are just preoccupied, daydreaming, or "spacey," you need to focus on doing some physical activity. Use the reasoning side of your brain to make a list of what you need to do next, and this will stop the clutter in your mind that may be causing confusion.

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Start Page of the Animal Medicines
Ant, Antelope, Armadillo,
Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Butterfly
Coyote, Crow,
Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Dragonfly,
Eagle, Elk,
Fox, Frog
Hawk, Horse, Hummingbird,
Lizard, Lynx,
Moose, Mountain Lion, Mouse
Opposum, Otter, Owl,
Rabbit, Raven,
Skunk, Snake, Spider, Squirrel, Swan
Turkey, Turtle,
Weasel, Whale, Wolf


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Animal Medicines