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The Animal Medicines
G thru M
The Animal Its Medicine
The Medicine's Power Strategies
GrouseSacred Spiral The Sacred Spiral is one of the oldest known symbols for personal powers. When you think of Grouse medicine, visualize a whirlpool or even a tornado, for the Sacred Spiral will take you to the center - for personal vision and enlightenment. Analyze the way you move through both the material and spiritual worlds. Is your movement compatible with your greatest desires and goals? Recognize the inner life. Grouse celebrates the Divine source through its sacred spiral dance, and offers this dance to you as a gift. Harmonize your dance with Mother Earth's cycle.
CONTRARY: There is a dissipation of energy and lack of control and discipline. Confront confusion either in yourself or others in the picture. Work towards harnessing your energy and directing it towards clearly defined goals. Dancing or walking will put you back in touch with Earth and your body. Grouse may then teach you the energy flows that put yourself in harmony and balance with body, mind, and spirit.
HawkMessenger Hawk medicine teaches you to be observant. Life is sending you signals. Seek the truth. Hawk brings messages from the world of grandfathers and grandmothers, both good and bad. Heighten awareness and receive a message. Examine your life from a high perspective.
CONTRARY: Open up to the powers of observation. Don't tell others how to think or behave. Take care of your own emotional baggage before you begin receiving omens, visions, messages. Remember that all gifts are equal in the eyes of the Great Spirit.
HorsePower Horse is physical power AND unearthy power. According to fable: Black Stallion has the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light in the Dreamtime. Yellow Stallion has the power of entering illumination to find answers, which are to be shared by teaching and illuminating others. Red Stallion offers the power and gift of joy in balancing work with play and integrating humor with lessons. White Stallion is the message carrier for all the other horses and represents wisdom and responsibility for carrying power in a balanced manner. Strive for balance. True power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey and in remembering pathways you've walked in another person's moccasins.
CONTRARY: Has your ego gotten in the way so much that you are receiving a lack of respect from others? On the other hand, are you struggling with someone who is abusing their power? All colors of the rainbow and all pathways are honored as one. Allow that all pathways have equal validity. Remember compassion, and untangle yourself from the present situation. Follow the pathway to power before galloping upon the winds of destiny.
HummingbirdJoy If Hummingbird is your personal medicine, you love life and its joys. Your presence brings joy to others. Hummingbird's mission is to spread joy or to be destroyed. Follow Hummingbird and you will soon be filled with paroxysms of joy, and experience a renewal of the magic of living.
CONTRARY: How or why has your heart center been closed? If Contrary Hummingbird sings its forlorn song, perhaps you should journey into your personal pain and know that your sorrow is your JOY in ANOTHER reflection.
LizardDreaming Lizard medicine is the shadow side of reality where your dreams are reviewed before you decide to manifest them physically. Lizard is the medicine of dreamers. Lizard may be telling you to pay attention to your dreams and their symbols. Make a dream log and record all that you remember. Be sure to pay attention to each individual symbol or recurring pattern. Dreams are very important. Pay attention to them.
CONTRARY: You may be having a nightmare. This is a sign of inner conflict. See the truth in what your nightmare is suggesting. It could be the simple message that you are confronting your fears and therefore do not need to experience nightmarish events in your day-to-day life. You may need more sleep or dreamtime. You might be having a lack of dreams for your future. Look to your imagination for new experience. If you dream TOO much, use the dreams as tools to manifest that same vision in your life. Are you the dreamer or are you the dreamed?
LynxSecrets Lynx is the keeper of the secrets of lost magical systems and occult knowledge. Lynx is not the guardian of secrets but the knower of secrets. Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance. Be still and pay attention to the revelations you receive either in the form of mental pictures or through a high singing voice in your inner ear. Brother or Sister Lynx can teach you of your personal power and of things you have forgotten about yourself.
CONTRARY: It is time to shut your big mouth. Watch your tongue. Be able to listen and truly be interested in someone else's stories or ideas. Don't have the "know it all" syndrome. Become Lynx and have power over your tongue.
MooseSelf-Esteem Moose people have the ability to know when to use the gentleness of Deer and when to activate the stampede of Buffalo. You have reason to feel good about something you have accomplished. Feel a harmonious pride, recognize those who aided you in your accomplishment. Teach others the wisdom you've gained. Share the findings of your progress with others.
CONTRARY: Have you been tooting your own horn and failing to be interested in others? Grow quietly for a while, to calm your spirit and allow the strength and wisdom of silence to enter your heart. When it is proper to speak, you can take pride in your words.
Mountain LionLeadership Mountain Lion medicine involves lessons on the use of power in leadership. It is the ability to lead without insisting that others follow. It is a time to stand on your convictions and lead yourself where your heart takes you. Others may choose to follow, and the lessons will multiply. The first responsibility of leadership is to tell the truth. Responsibility is no more than the ability to RESPOND to any situation. Panic is not a part of this sacred medicine.
CONTRARY: A leader who tries to lead through tyranny or dictatorship has forgotten the medicine of truth. You may have been tricked into believing that nothing else has validity except ideas created by yourself. If you are avoiding taking your place of leadership, call upon the courage of Lion. Do not let yourself be led astray by a leader who is abusing power. Refuse to hide in the cave of shyness or uncertainty. Roar with conviction, roar with power, and roar with laughter to balance the medicine.
MouseScrutiny Mouse medicine is telling you to scrutinize. It is good medicine to pay attention to detail, but it is bad medicine to chew every little thing to pieces. Without Mouse, there would be no systemization of knowledge or age of specialization. You may be organized, with compartments for everything, but try to see a larger picture than the one staring you in the face.
CONTRARY: You may be spending too much time with matters of great consequence when you should be attending to small errands and chores. You may be "pipe dreaming" about your own importance in life. You may need to slow down and get yourself organized. You can conquer any task by using scrutiny, the medicine of Mouse.

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Start Page of the Animal Medicines
Ant, Antelope, Armadillo,
Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Butterfly
Coyote, Crow,
Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Dragonfly,
Eagle, Elk,
Fox, Frog
Hawk, Horse, Hummingbird,
Lizard, Lynx,
Moose, Mountain Lion, Mouse
Opposum, Otter, Owl,
Rabbit, Raven,
Skunk, Snake, Spider, Squirrel, Swan
Turkey, Turtle,
Weasel, Whale, Wolf


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Animal Medicines