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Quest Masters

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  Adventuring is probably what makes this game fun. Your character usually earns their reputations on the adventures they have had. Some become revered heroes by slaying an evil dragon that terrorizes a countryside. Others become feared villains for crushing good kings. Whatever the case may be, the characters gain their reputations mostly on the adventures they have.

When adventuring, many things need to be remembered. First, how well equipped is the party? Second, does the equipment fit the adventure? Third, do you have enough food and water for survival? The list goes on. Before each adventure, the characters should make sure they have what they need before they make their journeys.

Not every adventure has will have a battle at every corner. Some adventures may have no more than 3 or 4. Battle takes a lot longer online than it does around the table.

Most of what you need is in the Player's Handbook. For copyright reasons, I cannot copy the pages to my website. I will, however, make some special things announced.

Unlike table-top role playing, we do not have battle field layouts and figurines, so you need to keep track of where the PCs, NPCs, and monsters are located. Most of this will be up to the QM.

MUNs are required to keep track of their own hit points, spells, equipment, and other characteristics of the PC. It is also good for players to keep track of all useful information such as NPC names and clues. Don't assume the QM is going to be nice enough to spurt it out every time you ask them. It is your responsibility to keep track of it yourself.

When traveling, it is good to make sure you know the location of your character in conjunction with the rest of the party. Who is marching ahead? Who is covering the rear?

Splitting up the party is difficult to do in the room when you don't want the other MUNs to know what is happening. If one person is pulled away from the group, the QM and MUN may take it to an IM window. That, too, will need to be added into a log when submitted to a Quest Advisor.

Experience points can be given out for completing tedious tasks. Combat is not the only way to obtain them. After a character reaches the minimum to advance a level, they immediately advance to the new level. No more than one level may be obtained at once. Look on page 145 of the PHB for details about advancing.

All the rules in chapter 9 of the PHB do apply. Since QMs are already required to have the book, I strongly urge MUNs to purchase a copy.

Remember, not every little shop in every little town has every little item you need. Usually, smaller towns don't have that many items available to the PCs. Many times, larger towns and cities will have what they need. Obviously, a back water town is not going to have a full plate of armor or some exotic weapon. The table below shows a limit to the most expensive items you will find.

Town Size Adult Population GP Limit
Thorp 20-80 40 gps
Hamlet 81-400 100 gps
Village 401-900 200 gps
Small Town 901-2,000 800 gps
Large Town 2,001-5,000 3,000 gps
Small City 5,001-12,000 15,000 gps
Large City 12,001-25,000 40,000 gps
Metropolis 25,001+ 100,000 gps
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