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  Equipment is essential to adventuring. Every adventurer will need a weapon, armor, money, and other goods to insure their survival. Use the table below to locate what you need.




Every adventurer needs equipment to ensure their survival. To purchase equipment, you need money. The chart below determines how much you will start out with.

Class Amount (Gps)
Barbarian 4d4X10
Bard 4d4X10
Cleric 5d4X10
Druid 2d4X10
Fighter 6d4X10
Monk 5d4
Paladin 6d4X10
Ranger 6d4X10
Rogue 5d4X10
Sorcerer 3d4X10
Wizard 3d4X10


Copper Piece (cp) = 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000
Silver Piece (sp) = 10 1 1/10 1/100
Gold Piece (gp) = 100 10 1 1/10
Platinum Piece (pp = 1,000 100 10 1

Not all the weapons, armor, and equipment can be found in every town. Some are more available than others. Prices will also vary, but you will see the average prices for these items.

Weapons- The weapon will determine the amount of damage and type of damage inflicted upon an enemy. No adventurer, save the Monk, could survive without an arsenal of weapons at their disposal. Below is a chart of the weapons, their price, and the damage they inflict.
Weapon Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Type
Gauntlet 2 gps Normal - - 2 lbs Bludgeoning
Unarmed (medium-size being) - 1d3 (subdual) X2 - - Bludgeoning
Unarmed (small being) - 1d2 (subdual) X2 - - Bludgeoning
Dagger 2 gps 1d4 19-20/X2 10 ft 1 lb Piercing
Dagger, Punching 2 gps 1d4 X3 - 2 lbs. Piercing
Gauntlet, spiked 5 gps 1d4 X2 - 2 lbs. Piercing
Mace, light 5 gps 1d6 X2 - 6 lbs Bludgeoning
Sickle 6 gps 1d6 X2 - 3 lbs Slashing
Club - 1d6 X2 10 ft 3 lbs Bludgeoning
Halfspear 1 gp 1d6 X3 20 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Mace, Heavy 12 gps 1d8 X2 - 12 lbs Bludgeoning
Morningstar 8 gps 1d8 X2 - 8 lbs Bludgeoning and piercing
Quarterstaff - 1d6/1d8 X2 - 4 lbs Bludgeoning
Shortspear 2 gps 1d8 X3 20 ft 5 lbs Piercing
Crossbow, light 35 gps 1d8 19-20/X2 80 ft 6 lbs Piercing
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 1 gp - - - 1 lb -
Dart 5 sps 1d4 X2 20 ft 1/2 lb Piercing
Sling - 1d4 X2 50 ft 0 lbs Bludgeoning
Bullets, sling (10) 1 sp - - - 5 lbs -
Crossbow, heavy 50 gps 1d10 19-20/X2 120 ft 9 lbs Piercing
Bolts, crossbow (10) 1 gp - - - 1 lb -
Javelin 1 gp 1d6 X2 30 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Axe, Throwing 8 gps 1d6 X2 10 ft 4 lbs Slashing
Hammer, light 1 gp 1d4 X2 20 ft 2 lbs Bludgeoning
Handaxe 6 gps 1d6 X3 - 5 lbs Slashing
Lance, light 6 gps 1d6 X3 - 5 lbs Piercing
Pick, light 4 gps 1d4 X4 - 4 lbs Piercing
Sap 1 gp 1d6 (subdual) X3 - 3 lbs Bludgeoning
Sword, short 10 gps 1d6 19-20/X2 - 3 lbs Piercing
Battle Axe 10 gps 1d8 X3 - 7 lbs Slashing
Flail, light 8 gps 1d8 X2 - 5 lbs Bludgeoning
Lance, Heavy 10 gps 1d8 X3 - 10 lbs Piercing
Longsword 15 gps 1d8 19-20/X2 - 4 lbs Slashing
Pick, heavy 8 gps 1d6 X4 - 6 lbs. Piercing
Rapier 20 gps 1d6 18-20/X2 - 3 lbs Piercing
Scimitar 15 gps 1d6 18-20/X2 - 4 lbs Slashing
Trident 15 gps 1d8 X2 10 ft 5 lbs Piercing
Warhammer 12 gps 1d8 X3 - 8 lbs Bludgeoning
Falchion 75 gps 2d4 18-20/X2 - 16 lbs Slashing
Flail, heavy 15 gps 1d10 19-20/X2 - 20 lbs Bludgeoning
Glaive 8 gps 1d10 X3 - 15 lbs Slashing
Greataxe 20 gps 1d12 X3 - 20 lbs Slashing
Greatclub 5 gps 1d10 X2 - 10 lbs Bludgeoning
Greatsword 50 gps 2d6 19-20/X2 - 15 lbs Slashing
Guisarme 9 gps 2d4 X3 - 15 lbs Slashing
Halberd 10 gps 1d10 X3 - 15 lbs Piercing and Slashing
Longspear 5 gps 1d8 X3 - 9 lbs Piercing
Ranseur 10 gps 2d4 X3 - 15 lbs Piercing
Scythe 10 gps 2d4 X4 - 12 lbs Piercing and Slashing
Shortbow 30 gps 1d6 X3 60 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Arrows (20) 1 gp - - - 3 lbs -
Shortbow, composite 75 gps 1d6 X3 70 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Longbow 75 gps 1d8 X3 100 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Longbow, composite 100 gps 1d8 X3 110 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Kama, halfling 2 gps 1d4 X2 - 1 lb Slashing
Kukri 8 gps 1d4 18-20/X2 - 3 lbs Slashing
Nunchaku, halfling 2 gps 1d4 X2 - 1 lb Bludgeoning
Siangham, halfling 2 gps 1d4 X2 - 1 lb Piercing
Kama 2 gps 1d6 X2 - 2 lbs Slashing
Nunchuka 2 gps 1d6 X2 - 2 lbs Bludgeoning
Siangham 3 pgs 1d6 X2 - 1 lb Piercing
Sword, bastard 35 gps 1d10 19-20/X20 - 10 lbs Slashing
Waraxe, dwarven 30 gps 1d10 X3 - 15 lbs Slashing
Hammer, gnome hooked 20 gps 1d6/1d4 X3/X4 - 6 lbs Bludgeoning and Piercing
Axe, orc double 60 gps 1d8/1d8 X3 - 25 lbs Slashing
Chain, spiked 25 gps 2d4 X2 - 15 lbs Piercing
Flail, dire 90 gps 1d8/1d8 X2 - 20 lbs Bludgeoning
Sword, two bladed 100 gps 1d8/1d8 19-20/X2 - 30 lbs Slashing
Urgrosh, dwarven 50 gps 1d8/1d6 X3 - 15 lbs Slashing and Piercing
Crossbow, hand 100 gps 1d4 19-20/X2 30 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Shuriken 1 gp 1 X2 20 ft 1/10 lbs Piercing
Whip 1 gp 1d2 (subdual) X2 15 ft 2 lbs Slashing
Crossbow, repeating 250 gps 1d8 19-20/X2 80 ft 16 lbs Piercing
Net 20 gps - - 10 ft 10 lbs -

Asian Weapons

Available only in Elaysim
Blowgun 1 gp 1 X2 10 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Needles, blowgun (20) 1 gp - - - - -
Wakizashi 300 gps 1d6 (+1 to attack rolls) 19-20/X2 - 3 lbs. Slashing
Kusair-gama 10 gps 1d6 X2 - 3 lbs Slashing
Katana 400 gps 1d10 (+1 to attack rolls) 19-20/X2 - 6 lbs Slashing

Renaissance Weapons

Available only in Pla'thos
Pistol 250 gps 1d10 X3 50 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Bullets, pistol (10) 3 gps - - - 2 lbs -
Musket 500 gps 1d12 X3 150 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Bullets, rifle (10) 3 gps - - - 2 lbs -
Bomb 150 gps 2d6 - 10 ft (increment) 5 ft (blast radius) 1 lb  -
Smokebomb 70 gps Smoke - 10 ft 1 lb -

Modern Era Weapons

Available only in Eurtha
Pistol, automatic 500 gps 1d10 X3 150 ft 5 lbs Piercing
Metal cartridge, pistol (20) 50 gps - - - 1/2 lb -
Pistol, revolver 300 gps 1d10 X3 100 ft 3 lbs Piercing
Rifle, automatic 750 gps 1d12 X3 250 ft 12 lbs Piercing
Metal cartridge clip, rifle (30) 75 pgs - - - 1/2 lb -
Rifle, repeater 1,000 gps 1d12 X3 200 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Scattergun 1,200 gps 3d6 (First range) 2d6 (second range) 1d6 (third range) - 10 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Scattergun shells (20) 100 gps - - - 1/2 lb -
Grenade Launcher 5, 000 gps (see grenades) - - 12 lbs -
Dynamite 300 gps 3d6 fire damage Reflex save (20) for half damage - 10 ft (increment) 5 ft (radius) 1 lb -
Grenade, fragmentation 300 gps 6d6 X2 10 ft (increment) 20 ft (radius) 1 lb -
Grenade, smoke 100 gps smoke - 10 ft (increment) 20 ft (radius) 1 lb -

Futuristic Weapons

Available only in the unknown continent
Laser Pistol (Available in Begil) 20,000 gps 2d10 X2 100 ft 2 lb Special
Energy pack - - - - 1/2 lb -
Antimatter rifle - 6d10 X2 10 ft 10 lb Special
Flamer - 3d6 - 20 ft 8 lb Special
Fuel pack, flamer - - - - 1/2 lb -
Laser Rifle - 3d10 X2 200 ft 7 lb Special

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