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The ravenous are a ferocious race of humanoids. They were once a part of the human race until cannibalism transformed them into their current forms. They are often called living vampires. Most of them live in the jungles of Larsdos.

They have many vampire-like qualities. They consume blood to give them super-human abilities. Almost all of them are chaotic neutral or chaotic evil in nature. It is nearly unique to come across one that is chaotic good or outside the boundaries of chaos. Their insatiable thirst for blood keeps them constantly hunting for it. 

Ravenous normally have black hair and dark eyes. They are normal human size except more slender. Ravenous characters live as long as normal humans if they aren't eaten by their own kind before that.

They are hated by every race, especially humans. They are even feared by their own kind. Most of them stay in small bands. During times of famine, they will devour the weaker ones in their tribes.

Ravenous gain a +1 to Strength,  a +2 to Dexterity, and a +1 to Charisma. They suffer a -2 to Intelligence -1 to Wisdom and -1 to Charisma. For 1 minute after they feed on fresh blood, their strength and dexterity doubles. After that, it goes back to normal with a +2 to Strength and +4 to Dexterity for the remainder of the day. Their base speed is 35. For one minute after feeding, their speed will double. Then it will return to normal the minute has finished. They normally don't wear armor but gain a +2 Armor Class bonus and a +1 attack bonus because of their race. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Spot, Listen, and Search checks. Ravenous also gain a +3 to Run, Climb, Swim, Jump, and Move Silently checks.  Their preferred class is barbarian or rogue.

Oriental Vampires
Oriental Vampires are feared on the continent of Elaysm. They live mostly near lakes to haunt the living and prey upon them. Most of them are chaotic, but all are evil.

Oriental Vampires are all beautiful on the outside. Most of them have long black hair. They will be the race of the one they once were when they were alive. The transformation turns their hair black and makes their appearance more attractive. These vampires are hard to tell apart from anyone else in their race until they are on the hunt

When they hunt, the head and innards rise out from the neck staying together. The rest of the body falls to the ground. The head will then chase the victim. Their teeth are sharp and strong enough to chew through wooden doors.

No non-evil person likes or is willing to co-exist with these beasts. Sometimes, evil characters will make pacts with them for protection in exchange for fresh victims. Still, most evil characters are too afraid to be near the vampires.

Oriental Vampires lose all abilities they had in their former life. +2 to Strength, +3 to Constitution, +3 to Charisma is given to them. Like all undead, they are immune to all sleep and mind altering spells, psionics, and spell-like powers. Sneak attacks are impossible on them. They automatically know when something living is near them and where it is. Hide checks automatically fail against them. They automatically climb any surface and can stay suspended in air in any atmospheric condition. Their favored class is monk or sorcerer.

Monster Manual Races
For those wishing to use a race found in the Monster Manual, you must purchase the Monster Manual and follow the rules set in it for following that race. All abilities and traits will be the same as in the book

The Larpis are an immortal living race of vampire-like humanoids. They look like normal human beings. They breed, eat, and live like normal humans. They differ in some ways, though. They must feed on the blood of humanoids to retain their immortality.

The Larpis are an alien race that came to Aurora by some unknown means. They've been here before the Great Portal was constructed.  They are usually lawful neutral or good in nature. Good and Neutral aligned Larpis only feed on those who are willing. Evil ones will without permission

Most races get along well with them. They are looked at with some degree of suspicion for their unusual need for blood. Since all of them are human in appearance, they fit well with human societies.

The Larpis gain a +2 to Constitution, +2 to Wisdom, and +2 to Charisma. They have a -2 to Strength. They must consume 2 pints of blood within a week to retain their immortality. They will automatically age  until they are 25 in appearance by human standards. They are immune to sleep and mind altering affects although they do sleep. They favor the Cleric class.

The Nephilim were once a feared race of immortal giants. They are giants in their sheer strength. Many were evil and chaotic in nature. 

The Nephilim are a hybrid race created by the union of fallen angels and mortal women. The Nephilim can mate with each other and create offspring. They may also mate with members of other races and create immortal children.

Nephilim appear as tall human being. Most of them have black hair. They average about 5'11" to 6'6" tall. They weigh 160 to 220 lbs. They can get slightly overweight, but they can never be obese. They naturally age until they are 25 by human standards. After that, they age as they wish if at all. But, old age will not kill them. Once they have passed an age, they may only go back by magical means.

Since they are human in appearance, they can easily blend in with a human community for a short time before the people realize that the Nephilim isn't aging.  Elves will take them into their community with some degree of suspicion giving their nasty history. Dwarves take them in as well because they are strong and hard workers when they are needed. Halflings  regard them as giants since Nephilim are twice the size of them. Gnomes treat them as they would a human. Half-Orcs may get along with them because the Nephilim love battle.

The Nephilim are the strongest race of medium sized creatures. They have a +3 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, +1 to Wisdom, and +2 to Charisma. Their wisdom and Intelligence goes up as they age. It goes up as a normal human's would. they do not have any penalties for aging, however. Their abilities can continue to rise up until they equal the power of a Gold Dragon. That usually takes several millennia, however. Lawful Good Nephilim will choose to be Paladins 90% of the time. Others prefer Barbarians or Fighters.

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