LEGEND: J: Joshua Report a: Part (#): Communist Plank *F6:
footnote (*Listed
name, subject, etc. will be found in the paragraph(s) ABOVE
the footnote number)
For your convenience access to the "Joshua Reports" are at the bottom of this page
Aaron: J25a-F10; /J26b-F113;
/ Aarons: J25a-F10; /J27a-F30;
/ A.B.A. (American Bar
Association): J5-F3; /J22-F17(#6), 29; /J23-F46,73; /J26b-F107,116; / One
Form of Action: J26b-F107; / A.B.C: J12-F4,6; Radio:
J26a-F3; / T.V: Abboud, A. Robert: J16-F4; Abedi, Agha Hassan: J16-F4,5; Abercrombie, Neil: J10-F8; Abimelech: J21-F17; / Abolition of Inheritance:J22-F17(#3);
/ Property:
J22-F17(#1); / Abortion, Birth Control, Sterilization:
J18-F3,12; /J23-F37; /J24-F88; /J26a-F15; /J26b-F61,62;
/ Abraham: J21-F7; / Acadia: J20-F8; / Acheson, Dean: J5-F6; A.C.L.J. (American Center
for Law and Justice): A.C.L.U. (American Civil
Liberties Union): Act of Congress: J23-F22;
/ Acts: J21-F17; / Adam Opel, A.G: J25b-F91;
/ Adams, James
Ring: J16-F10 John:
J22-F33; / John
Quincy: J24-F60; / Adepts: J12-F1; /J23-F6,10;
/J25a-F1; / Admah: J21-F7; / Admiral Canaris, Wilhelm:
J27a-F22; / Kummel:
2,17; /J22-F20; /J23-F4,32,68; /J24-F35,36,52,59; /J25b-F62,64; / Birth:
J21-F17; / Crucifixion:
J21-F17; / Miracles:
J21-F17; / Resurrection:
J21-F17; / Adonis, Joe: J6-f2; Advertising, Public Relations:
J12-F3; /J25a-F3; / Advisory Committee on Post War Foreign
Policy: J27a-F38; / ADVON (Advance Unit):
J20-F6; / Aeronautics Board, Civil:
J27b-F59; Affirmative Action: J3-F8(#8); Africa: J15-F25; African -Americans, Blacks:
J20-F4; /J22-F55; /J24-F41; /J26a-F15,30; / Methodist
Ecumenical Church (AMEC): J18-F3; / Age of the Rothschilds:
J23-F1; / Agha Hasan Abedi: J16-F4; Agnostic, Agnosticism:
J21-F1; / Agriculture: J22-F17(#8,9);
/J24-F46; / Ahab (King): J21-F17;
/ Ahijah: J25b-F71; / Ahmed, Sani: J16-F4; A.I.D.S: J8-F7; Air America: J7-F11; Aircraft, airports: J2; Air Force: J20-F5; /J23-F22;
/J27a-F34; / Airman:
J4-F2; Australia:
J27b-F60; Bombers:
J27b-F59; Posse
Comitatus: J23-F22; / Special
Operations: J20-F5; / Airplanes Jet: Passenger:
American Airlines: J27b-F59; Small:
J20-F3; / Airports, Airfields: La
Guardia: J27b-F59; Newark,
New Jersey: J27b-F59;
United Nations Depot No #8: J27b-F59; Ajax (Annie Wood Besant):
J23-F37; / Akashic Record: J12-F1; Akkadians: J21-F10; / Alabama: J22-F56; / State
Bar: J23-F25; / Alaska: J22-F17 (#7);
/J25a-F36,40; / Albright, William F:
J21-F4; / Alchemy: J23-F16; / Alcoa Aluminum: J20-F6;
/J27a-F18,34; /J27b-F64; Mellon-Davis-Duke
Monopoly "America did not have the aluminum with which
to build airplanes before and after Pearl Harbor,
while Germany had an unlimited supply." Thurman
Arnold (Asst. U.S. Attorney General): J27b-F64;
Littell, Norman: J27b-F64; Alcohol, Booze: J26a-F16;
/ Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, Bureau
of (B.A.T.F.): J2; /J14-F12; /J20-F3; /J22-F17(#1); / Aldrich Gary:
J17-F5,9; /J18-F13,17,18; /J19-F4,6; / Nelson
(Senator): J24-F19; /J25a-F16; /J26b-F78; / Currency
Report: J24-F19; / Federal
Reserve Plan: J26b-F78; / Andrew
Jr, A. Piatt: J26b-F78; / Davidson,
Henry: J26b-F78; / Strong,
Benjamin: J26b-F78; / Vanderlip,
Frank: J26b-F78; / Warburg,
Paul: J26b-F78; / Alexander, John G: J27a-F13;
/ Aliens: Foreign
Nationals: Extraterrestrials
(E.T.'s): J21-F4; /J24-F52; / Alinsky, Saul: J15-F6; Allah: J23-F9; / Allience Israelite Universelle:
J23-F24; / Allied, Allies: J26a-F4,10;
/J27a-F29,55; /J27b-F56; / Allodial Title Holders:
J11-F9; Allotment: J26b-F82;
/ Altman, Linda
Woman) Carter: J16-F4; Robert
A: J16-F4,5; Roger
C: J19-F7; / A.M.A. (American Medical
Association): J23-F64; / 'Ambassador Dodd's Diary:'
J26b-F73; / Amberg, Richard H: J25b-F79;
/ Ambrose, W.R: J26a-F47;
/ Amendment First
(1st): J22-F1,5;28-32,35-37,42,43; /J25b-F78; / Press,
Freedom of the: J25b-F78; / Religious
Freedom: J22-F1; /J25b-F78; / Right
Assemble: J23-F20; / Petition
Congress for Redress of Grievances: J23-F20; / Separation
of Church and State: J22-F1; / Second(2nd):
J23-F20; / Militia:
J26a-F34; / Right
to Bear Arms: J23-F20; /J26a-F34; / Ten
(10th): J14-F1,2; /J22-F5,7; / States'
Powers and Rights: J22-F5; / Thirteenth
(13th): J22-F28-32,35-37,42,43; / Anti-Nobility:
J22-F28-32,35-37,42,43; / Fourteenth
(14th): J22-F43,48; / Due
Process: J23-F20; /J26a-F51; / "the
United States Congress closed the courts of
America forever to battle-injured veterans" J26a-F51 Slavery:
J22-F43,48; / Sixteenth
(16th): J22-F17(#2); / Income
Tax: J22-F17 (#2); / A.M.E.C (African Methodist
Ecumenical Church): J18-F3; / America First: J27a-F5;
/ American Airlines: J27b-F59; Bar Association
(A.B.A.): J5-F3; /J22-F17(#6), 29; /J23-F46,73; /J26b-F107,116; / One
Form of Action: J26b-F107; / Broadcasting
Corporation (A.B.C.): J12-F4,6; /J26a-F3; / Center
for Law and Justice (A.C.L.J.): Chemical
Society: J25b-F73; / Civil
Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.): J16-F2; /J25a-F4; / Communism:
J5-F4; Dental
Association: J26b-F67; / Dream:
J10-F7; /J26a-F34; / Express:
J20-F4; / Flag
Glory"): J23-F60; / Gulag
System: J20-F4; / Heritage
Savings & Loan: J13-F1; Indians,
Native Americans: J21-F2; /J26a-F15; / Institute
of Judaism: J27a-F50; / Jewish
Committee: J26a-F54; /J26b-F63; / "...no
American boycott against Germany be
encouraged [and]...no further mass meetings be
held or similar forms of agitation be employed"
J26a-F54 La
Farge Company: J17-F1; Law
Institute: J26b-F75; / Legion:
J26b-F70,102; / MacGuire,
Gerald: J26b-F70; / Plan
to Overthrow the United States Government: J26b-F70,102; Liberty
League: J26a-F30; /J26b-F102; / Marxists:
J26a-F27; / Medical
Association (AMA): J23-F64; / Pro-Nazi
Newspapers: J26b-F64; / Sheep
Industry Association (A.S.I.A.): J20-F9; / Shipping
& Commerce Corp: J25a-F7,8; /J26a-F25,42; /J26b-F64,69,89;
/ Society
of Newspaper Editors (A.S.N.E.): J25a-F44; / Soviet
Government: J26a-F17; / Spectator"
Magazine: J4-F3; Telephone
& Telegraph (A.T.&T.): J20-F4; / Union
Against Militarism National
Civil Liberties Bureau: J24-F43; / War
of Independence (Revolutionary War): J11-F7; America's Anti-Christ:
J22-F1; / Choice:
J17-F3; Financing Nazis,
of: J26a-F9-11; / Ameri- china Corporation:
J7-F11; Global:
Management Group: J7-F11; corp:
J22-F17(#8); / trust
Corporation: J7-F11; Societe:
J7-F11; Amman (Jordan): J21-F7;
/ Ammonia: J27a-F42; / Ammunition: J26b-F101;
/ Amnesty International:
J8-F6; A.M.O.U.T. (Army Military
Urbanized Training): J20-F5; / Amun Egyptian
god: J25b-F72; / Temple
of: J25b-F72; / Anarchy: J3-F2; /J24-F60;
/ A Nation Prepared:
J17-F3; Ancient Accepted Scottish Rites, and:
J23-F6; / Mysteries:
J12-F1; /J23-F27; / Anderson, Charles A:
J21-F6; / Andreas, Dwayne: J2; Andreuccetti, Joseph:
J13-F1; /J16-F6; Andrews University: J21-F7;
/ Aneko Credit PTE Limited:
J7-F11; Angel of Light: J5-F4; Angleton, Hugh:
J27a-F55; / James
Jesus: J27a-F55; / Anglo- German
Friendship Society: J25a-F9; / US
War Council: J27a-F52; / Angola: J6-F3; /J7-F3,9; Animal Dominion
of: J24-F53; / House:
J17-F10; Rights
Groups: J20-F9; / Sacrifice:
J12-F1; Annapolis (MD): J22-F23;
/ Anno Lucis ("Year
of Light," i.e., Lucifer): J25b-F62; / Antarctica: J26b-F100;
/ Hitler's
Secret Hideout: J27a-F1; / Anthropological Society:
J21-F29; / Anthropology: J26b-F61;
/ Anti- American:
J25b-F78; / CHRIST:
J12-F1,7; /J23-F51; /J24-F41; /J25b-F78; / Civilization:
J22-F24; / Defamation
League: J15-F14; /J26b-F63; / Democratic:
J25b-F70; / GOD:
J22-F24; /J25b-F78; / Masonic
Committee of York County: J22-F9; / Racist:
J9-F7; / Semitism:
J26a-F30; / Slavery:
J22-F53; /J25a-F2; / Social:
J22-F24; / Sovereignty:
J25b-F78; / Trust
Acts: J23-F48,49; /J26b-F80; / Apalachin (NY): J15-F1; Apostles: J23-F8; / Applegate, Douglas: J7-F8; Appointed Boards:
J25a-F31; / Commissions:
J25a-F31; / Apprenticeship System:
J17-F3; Aqabah, Gulf of: J21-F7;
/ Arabian Federated Republics:
J27a-F36; / Arabs: J16-F4; /J23-F21;
/ Arcadia (Conference):
J27a-F52; / Archbold, John: J24-F17;
/ Archer-Danials Midland
(A.D.M): J2; /J10-F1; Archaeological Discoveries:
J21-F2-5; /J25b-F71; /J26a-F34; /J26b-F113; / Arch- duke
Franz Ferdinand: J24-F12; /
treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire: J11-F9; Archer, Jules: J26b-F102;
/ Argentina: J26a-F16;
/J27a-F55; / Bay:
J27a-F20; / Aristocracy, Nobility:
J9-F10; /J22-F20; /J24-F8; /J25a-F34; /J26a-F34; / Aristotle Onassis: J27a-F14;
/ Artificial: J22-F33;
/ Ark Noah's:
J21-F9; / Covenant,
of The: Arkancide: J14-F4;
/ Arkansas Attorney
General: J11-F13; Development
Finance Authority: J4-F3; Gazette:
J16-F2; Hillary:
J19-F1; / Jonesboro:
J12-F7; Little
Rock: J11-F12; /J13-F1; /J16-F4-7,11,13; /J17-F8; /J19-F1; / J23-F12; / -Louisiana
Gas: J16-F9; Mena:
J7-F11; /J13-F4; Securities
Department: J16-F11,22; Teachers
Retirement System (A.T.R.S.):
J4-F3; Arles (France): J23-F38;
/ Arlington (VA): J13-F1; Armageddon: J22-F1; / Armed Forces, U.S. Air
Force: J20-F5; /J23-F22; /J27a-F34; /
Australia: J27b-F60;
Bombers: J27b-F59;
Posse Comitatus: J23-F22; /
Special Operations: J20-F5; / Army:
J20-F5-8; /J23-F22,71; /J25b-F83,84; /J26a-F21; /J26b-F119; /J27b-F59;
Advanced Land Navigation: J20F6; /
ADVON (Advance Unit): J20-F6; /
Bullet Traps: J20-F6; /
Counterintelligence: J20-F6; /
Counter Proliferation (CP): J20-F6; /
Martial Law: J23-F71; /
Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain (A.M.O.U.T.): J20-F7; /
Posse Comitatus: J23-F22; /
Reserves: J20-F8; /J26a-F34; /
Operational Detachment - Delta (S.F.O.D.D.): J20-F6; /
Forces: J20-F5; /J20-F8; /
Air Regiment (S.O.A.R.): J20-F6; /
Command: J20-F7; /
Military Training Exercises: J20-F6-8; /
National Command Authority: J20-F6; /
Training Manual (1928): J25b-F83,84;
United Nations: J27b-F59;
Veterans' Bonus March on Washington: J26a-F21; / Marine
Corp: J20-F6-8; J26b-F76; /
Lejune (NC): J20-F7; /
Military Training Exercises: J20-F6-8; / Navy
Gene Tunney Program: J15-F3;
Intelligence: J13-F1; /J26b-F69; /
Special Operations: J20-F5,8; / Armey, Richard: J15-F1; Arms Right
to Bear: J23-F20; / Armaments: J13-F11; /J26b-F101;
/ Control:
J15-F14; /J25a-F17; / Army Advanced
Land Navigation: J20F6; / ADVON
(Advance Unit): J20-F6; / Bullet
Traps: J20-F6; / Counterintelligence:
J20-F6; / Counter
Proliferation (CP): J20-F6; / Martial
Law: J23-F71; / Military
Operations in Urbanized Terrain (A.M.O.U.T.): J20-F7; / Posse
Comitatus: J23-F22; / Reserves:
J20-F8; /J26a-F34; / Operational
Detachment - Delta (S.F.O.D.D.): J20-F6; / Special
Forces: J20-F5; /J20-F8; /
Air Regiment (S.O.A.R.): J20-F6; /
Command: J20-F7; /
Military Training Exercises: J20-F6-8; /
National Command Authority: J20-F6; / Training
Manual (1928): J25b-F83; Arnold, Assistant Attorney General
Thurmond: J27a-F26,39,40,41; /J27b-F64;
"...there was not an organized basic industry in the United States which
had not been restricting production by some device or other in order to
avoid what they called ruinous overproduction after the war." - J27a-F26 Alcoa
Aluminum: J27b-F64;
Mellon-Davis-Duke Monopoly
"America did not have the aluminum with which
to build airplanes before and after Pearl Harbor,
while Germany had an unlimited supply." Littell,
Norman: J27b-F64; Arouet, Francois-Marie
(Voltaire): J24-F61; / "a
reign of terror [is] to be spread over the whole earth, and...continue
while a
Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity:"
J24-F61; Arthur, King: J11-F7; Art of War,' 'The: J22-F18;
/ Aryan: J12-F1; Ascended Masters: J21-F4;
/ A.S.I.A. (American Sheep
Industry Association): J20-F9; / Asia Continent:
J23-F7; /J25b-F59; / East:
J23-F8; / Europa
Development Group, Ltd.: J7-F11; Asian Trust Bank Limited:
J7-F11; Asimov, Isaac: J21-F38;
/ A.S.N.E. (American Society
of Newspaper Editors): J25a-F44; / Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies:
J2; /J13-F14; Aspin, Les: J17-F5; Asset: J11-F12; Associated Newspapers:
J5-F3; Press:
J24-F17; / Association of American
Physicians & Surgeons: J20-F1; / Assyria, Assyrians: J21-F10;
/ Astrology, Astrological Magic:
J12-F1; A.T.&T. (American
Telephone & Telegraph): J20-F4; / A.T.F. (B. - Bureau of
Alcohol, T obacco & Firearms): J2; /J14-F12; /J20-F3; / Atheism: J21-F1; /J22-F6;
/J23-F13; /J24-F39,41; /J25a-F2; /J26a-F14; / Atlanta (GA): J16-F4; Atlantic Battle
of the: J27b-F65; Charter:
J27a-F20; / City
(NJ): J20-F5; / Ocean:
J26b-F89; / Petroleum
Storage Co: J27b-56; Theater
of War: J27a-F52; / Union:
J26b-F110; / Atomic Bomb:
J26b-F98; / Research:
J26b-F111; / Attitudinal Change Plan
(Six Step): J12-F2; Attorney-General: J17-F9;
J22-F34; / Attorneys, Lawyers: J22-F29,34,37;
/J23-F25,38,80; / "Augsburg Gazette"
(Germany): J25a-F2; / Auras: J23-F18; / Aurora (IL): J20-F3;
/ Auschwitz: J9-F1; Australia: J4-F7; /J16-F6;
/J20-F1; /J23-F54; /J27b-F60; U.S.
Air Force: J27b-F60; Austria: J23-F68; /J24-F11,12,72;
/J26b-F100; /J27a-F22,36,55; / Autocracy: J9-F4; /J22-F62;
/J25b-F84; / Automotive Industry:
J22-F17(#7); /J26b-F90; / Axis: J27a-F29; /
Baal/el-Berith: J21-F17;
/J25b-F62; / Temple
of: J21-F17; / Babbitt, Bruce: J17-F5; Bab edh-Dhra: J21-F7;
/ Babel (see Babylon) City
of: J26b-F113; / Tower
of (see Ziggurat): J21-F17; /J26b-F113;
/ Babylon, Babylonians:
J21-F10,11,17; /J23-F18; /J26b-F115; / Revived:
J22-F5; / Royal
Palace: J21-F17; / "the
Babylonians, it would seem, fashioned
their gods in their own image" J26b-F115 Babies: J18-F3; / Baccera, Xavier: J10-F8; Bacon, Francis: J21-F38;
/ Bad Nauheim (Germany):
J26b-F73; / Bahamas: J13-F1; Bailey, Alice A: J12-F1;
/J23-F19; /J25a-F40; /J26b-F71; / "[the
Masonic movement] is
the custodian of the law:" J25a-F40; Baird, Zoe: J17-F5,9; Baker James
III: J2; vs.
City of Milwaukee: J22-F59; / Baku Oil Wells: J26b-F125;
/ Baldwin Alec:
J14-F5; Roger:
J24-F43; /J25a-F4; / Balfour Declaration:
J24-F41; / Balkans: J5-F3; /J24-F11;
/ Ballistic Missile Early
Warning System: J4-F1; Ballot Box:
J23-F58; / Secret:
J 23-F58; / Baltimore (MD): J22-F39;
/ Bangor (ME): J20-F9;
/ Bank America,
of: J16-F4; Barclays:
J16-F4; BHS
(Rotterdam, Netherlands): J26a-F28; /
Voegler, Albert: J26a-F28; / British
Central: J16-F4; Chase
Manhattan: J13-F12; Citibank
(National City): J16-F4; /J26b-F120; / Closing
(Federal Reserve): J26a-F44; / Credit
and Commerce International, of (B.C.C.I.): J16-F4-6;
Dillon Reed: J25b-F70; / England,
of (BOE): J16-F4; /J25b-F89,90; /J26a-F13; /
Norman, Montagu Collet: J25b-F89; /J26a-F13; / Export-Import:
J26a-F36; / Federal
Home Loan: J13-F1;
Reserve: J3-F8(#5); /J16-F4; /J22-F17(#5); /J24-F19; /J25a-F6,12,13,16,24,37;
90; /J26a-F44,48,49; / First
American: J16-F5; First
Chicago (IL), of: J16-F4;
Mena (AR), of: J13-F4; Garfield
Ridge Trust & Savings: J13-F4; Georgia,
National of (N.B.G.): J16-F4; Goldman,
Sachs & Company: J20-F4; /J26a-F49; / Household:
J13-F1; International:
J16-F4; /
Credit & Investment Co., Ltd. (I.C.I.C.): J16-F4; Kuhn
Loeb: J25a-F6; / Lazard
Freres: J25a-F6; / Morgan
& Co., J.P: J24-F16; /J26b-F78; / National:
J22-F40; /
City: J26b-F120; / Nugan
Hand: J13-F1; /J16-F6; Robbery:
J27a-F55; / Union
(see Harriman & Co, W.A): J25a-F8; /J26a-F9,22,28,29; /J26b-F69,72,94;
/ United
States: J22-F31; / Bankers (Banksters),
Money Lenders: J11-F12; /J22-F12,29; /J22-F33,37; /J23-F42; /J24-F14,
19,45,59,80; /J25a-F24,27,30; /J25b-F65,69,89; /J26a-F49; /J26b-F68,78,94,95;
/ Aldrich
Federal Reserve Plan: J26b-F78; / Aldrich,
Nelson: J26b-F78; / Andrew
Jr, A. Piatt: J26b-F78; / Davidson,
Henry: J26b-F78; / Strong,
Benjamin: J26b-F78; / Vanderlip,
Frank: J26b-F78; / Warburg,
Paul: J26b-F78; /
Broker Call Loans: J25b-F89; /
Dawes (Charles G.) Plan: J26b-F120,123; /
Secret Communique: J26b-F68; / "people
without homes will not quarrel with their leaders...
by dividing the people we can get them to expend their
energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us
except as teachers of the common herd" J26b-F68 Banking Act (British):
J16-F4; Baptist Southern:
J16-F4; Bar Association American:
J5-F3; /J22-F17(#6), 28; /J26b-F107; / One
Form of Action: J26b-F107; / International:
J22-F34; / Code:
J20-F4; / Barbarism: J24-F46; / Barnet, Richard: J7-F10; Barnes, Scott: J7-F10; Barnett, Richard: J15-F14; Barnicle, Tim: J17-F3; Baron Von
Killinger, Manfred: J26b-F97; /
Tipplekirsch: J26b-F97; / Barrab, Dave: J17-F3; Barram, Dave: J17-F3; Bartholdi, Auguste: J23-F34;
/ Barton, David: J22-F3;
/ Baruch, Bernard: J25a-F16,26,89;
/J26a-F5; / Basel (Switzerland):
J23-F66; / Bassinger-Baldwin, Kim:
J14-F5; B.A.T.F: J2; /J14-F12;
/J20-F3; /J22-F17(#1); / Battle Atlantic,
of the: J27b-F65; Jericho,
of: J21-F8; / Shanghai,
of: J26b-F99; / Bavaria: J24-F62; / B.C.C.I. (Bank of Credit
and Commerce International): J16-F4,5; Beast of Revelation:
J12-F1; Beatles, The: J12-F5; Beauregard, Pierre: J22-F60;
/ Beck, Christian J: J26b-F64;
/ Bedouin(s): J21-F2; / Behavioism: J21-F39;
/ Behn, Sosthenes: J26b-F103;
/ BEIC (British East Indies
Company): J24-F8; / Beit, Alfred: J23-F31;
/ Belacoon: J25a-F25; / Belgium: J26b-F121; /J27a-F55;
/ Bellamy Edward:
J23-F52; / 'Looking
Backward:' J23-F52; / Francis:
J23-F52,59; / "Jesus
the Socialist:" J23-F53; / "Pledge
of Allegiance:" J23-F59; / "Socialism
of the Primitive Church, The:" J23-F53; / Belshazzar (King): J21-F17;
/ Bennet, John Wheeler:
J11-F7; Beria: J26a-F27; /
"you must work until every teacher of psychology -
unknowingly or knowingly - teaches only communist
doctrine under the guise of 'psychology'..." J26a-F27 Berkley, Alben W: J25a-F46;
/ Berlin (Germany): J5-F3;
/J23-F61; /J24-F12,46; /J25a-F50; /J26a-F24,56; /J26b-F72,73,99; Bern (Switzerland): J27a-F55;
/ Besant, Annie Wood: J23-F28,37,51;
/ Bethesda Pool
of: J21-F17; / "beyond
Liberalism:" J18-F9; Marxism:"
(HOLY), GOD'S WORD, GOSPEL, SCRIPTURE: J12-F7; /J19-F1; /J20-F3; /J21-F1,8,16,17;
/J22-F7,22,23; /J23-F32; /J24-F35,53,59; /J25b-F62,71,72; /J26a-F31; /J26b-F113;
/ History:
J21-F1-8,16,17; /J24-F59; /J25b-F71,71,72; /J26b-F113; / Biblical Archaeology
Review:" Artifacts:
J26a-F34; / Evidence:
J26a-F34; /J26b-F113; / Prophecies:
J26a-F34; / Big Brother:
J10-F3; /J17-F4; Three
(Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin): J27a-F36; / Biggs Army Airfield:
J20-F5; / Bilderberg Group: J2;
/J13-F1,13,14; /J27a-F12; / Bill of Rights:
J10-F7; J19-F1; /J23-F20; / Biodiversity: J10-F7;
/ Biological/ Chemical
War/ Weapons, Poison Gas: J17-F1; / Bird: J24-F57; / Birth Control, Abortion,
Sterilization: J18-F3,12; / J23-F37; /J24-F88; /J26a-F15; /J26b-F61,62;
/ Bisexual, Gay, Homosexual,
Lesbian, Sodom(y)ite: J9-F7; /J12-F1; /J15-F6,10; /J18-F1,6,7; /J21-F7;
/ Bishop, Paul,
William: J16-F2; Rozman,
Gregory: J27a-F55; / Bixler, Kenneth A: J26a-F47;
/ Black
(African-American): J20-F4; /J22-F55; /J24-F41; /J26a-F15,30; / Box:
J14-F7; / Budget:
J13-F2; / Codes:
J22-F55; / Friday
(10/24/29): J25b-F90; Hand:
J23-F21; / Helicopters:
J20-F6; / Hugo
L (Justice): J26a-F37; / Law
Dictionary,'s:' J11-F9; /J14-F8,9 /J22-F59,60; / Legion:
J26b-F90; / Magic:
J12-F1; / mail:
J24-F52; /J25a-F41; /J27a-F27; / Market:
J20-F6; / ,
Marty: J18-F13; / Mass:
J23-F4; / Ops
(Operations): / Orchestra:
J27a-F22; / Panthers:
J15-F9,11; / Shirts
(Schutzstaffel), S.S. Troops: J26a-F18; /J26b-F61; /
Himmler, Heinrich: J26b-F61; / Suitcases
'Major Jordan's Diaries:' J27b-F59;
Diplomatic Immunity: J27b-F59;
Lend-Lease Program: J27b-F59; Blair, Jim: J16-F8,9;
/ Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna Hahn:
J23-F16-18,37,51; / Blitzkrieg (lightning
war): J26b-F120; / Blockades: J22-F40; / Blue Masonry:
J23-F10; /J25a-F2; / Ridge
Mountains: J21-F1; / Blumenfeld, Samuel: J23-F31;
/ B'nai B'rith: J26a-F54;
/J26b-F63; / American
Jewish Committee '...no
American boycott against Germany be
encouraged [and]...no further mass meetings be
held or similar forms of agitation be employed" J26a-F54 Bodies (Dead): J14-F4; Bogart, Susan: J13-F1; Bohemian Grove: J23-F14,15;
/ Grovefest:
J23-F14; / Bolshevism, Communism:
J3-F9; /J4; /J5-F2-10; /J7-F5,9; /J9-F4,10; /J10-F8; /J13-F16; /J14-F12;
/J15-F15,21; /J17-F3; /J20-F3; /J21-F40; /J22-F16,18,21; /J23-F3,13; /J24-F23,26,42,44-50,
56,59-61,64,65,73,84,89; /J25a-F2,14,22; /J25b-F78; /J26a-F7,15,21,27,34,40;
90,111,118; / "abolishes
eternal truths" J22-F16 family,
the" J22-F18 "attack
every principle of existing society" J22-F18 "bring
to Earth, through communism, the greatest
peace man has ever known" J26a-F27 Collectivism:
J9-F2,11,13; /J26a-F32,33; /J26b-F80; / International
Subversive Movement: J25a-F2; / "bringing
chaos to the world through
war and revolution" J25a-F2 Nationalization
of Industry: J25a-F14; / Plans
for U.S: J26a-F7; / Revolution:
J24-F23,26; / "ultimate
monopoly, the" J24-F24 War:
J24-F46; / "war
to the hilt between Communism
and Capitalism is inevitable" J26a-F7; "our
day will come in 30 years or so...the bourgeoisie
must be lulled into a false sense of security"
J26a-F8 World:
J24-F23; / Bomb Atomic:
J26b-F98; / Electrostatic
Heat Transfer: J18-F22; / Murrah
Building (OK City): J18-F22; / Nuclear:
J26b-F111; / Bombers: J27b-F59; Bondage, Indentured Servant,
Slavery: J21-F19,40; /J22-F45-47,49-51,54,55,62; /J24-F1,3,46,66, 69,70,89,96;
/J25a-F2; /J26a-F34; /J27a-F51; / Bond Daddies: J13-F4; Bone, Homer
T., Senator: J27a-F42; / Robert
L. ("Red"): J16-F9; Bonior, David: J10-F8; Book (Good,
"The): J21-F2; / of
the Dead, Egyptian: J21-F2; / Worship,
of' (Methodist): J19-F3; / Boot Camps: J20-F3; / Booze, Alcohol: J26a-F16;
/ Borosage, Robert: J15-F13; Bosnia: J18-F22; /J24-F11-13;
/ Boston American:"
J25b-F79; / Daily
Advertiser:" J25b-F79; / Massachusetts:
J23-F52,53; /J26a-F5,16; /J26b-F97; / Sunday
Advertiser:" J25b-F79; / Botti, Aldo: J13-F3; Boulder, CO: J26a-F37;
/ Bourgeoisie: J22-F20;
/J25a-F33,34; /J26a-F17; / "the
bourgeoisie [middle and upper classes] will
have to be put to sleep:" J26a-F7 Bowles, Erskine: J19-F7;
/ Bowman, Isaiah: J27a-F54;
/ Brady Bill (Gun
Control Act of 1968): J26b-F104; / Brainwashing, Indoctrination,
Mind Control, Subliminal Perception: J10-F2; J21-F5,6; J24-F38,72,73;
/J25a-F4; /J26a-F14,34; /J26b-F118; /J27a-F36,53; /
Humanism: J26a-F32; /
"every American public school is
a school of Humanism" J26a-F32 Brandenburg (Germany):
J26b-F77; / Braun, Eva: J12-F1; 'Brave New World:'
J10-F2; Breeding, Eugenics: J24-F88;
/ Brenner Pass: J27a-F55;
/ Brest (France): J24-F47;
/ Brewton, Pete: J16-F6; Bribery: J24-F52; /J25a-f43,46,54;
/ Britain, Great: J16-F4;
/J22-F33; /J23-F33,37,55; /J24-F41,83; /J25b-F63; /J26a-F12,13; /J26b-F121;
/J27a-F9; / British Banking
Act: J16-F4; Black
Orchestra: J27a-F22; / Central
Bank: J16-F4; Commonwealth
of Nations: J27a-F36; / Crown:
J11-F9; J22-F34,36; / Draft:
J22-F31; / East
Indies Company (BEIC): J24-F8; / Government:
J24-F8; / House
of Commons: J23-F4; / Illuminati:
J25a-F2; / Intelligence Mussolini,
Benito: J25a-F21; / Invasion:
J22-F39; / Monarch:
J22-F33; /J24-F8;/ Official
Secrets Act: J18-F22; / Parliament:
J11-F9; /J24-F8; / Round
Table: J11-F7; /J13-F13; /J15-F14; /J23-F54; /J24-F79; / Ruling
Class: J26a-F13; / "spoils
of the Empire:" J24-F8 Broca, Paul: J21-F29-34;
/ Brock, David: J15-F25; Broker Call
Loans: J25b-F89; / Brooke, Edward: J15-F7; Brooklyn (NY): J13-F3; Brotherhood of Death Society:
J12-F1; Broutigam, George A:
J24-F77; / Brown Brothers
Harriman Investment Co: J23-F39; /J25a-F8; /J26a-F12,13,23; /J26b-F76,119;
Securities Custodian Accounts: J26b-F119; / Brothers
Harriman-Schroeder Rock(efeller): J26b-F92; / Corrine:
J10-F8; George
E: J10-F8; House:
J25b-F74; / Lester:
J2; Ron:
J14-F4; /J16-F5; Sharrod:
J10-F8; Thatcher
M: J26a-F12,13; / Bruce, F.F: J21-F1; / Brussels (France): J23-F71;
/ Conference:
J23-F71; / Bryan, William: J25b-F89;
/ Brzezinski, Zbigniew:
J2; Buckley, Jr., William F:
J15-F19; Buddah, Buddhism: J21-F2;
/J24-F94; /J26a-F15; /J27a-F6; / Buffalino, Russell: J15-F1; Buffalo (NY): J20-F5;
/ Bullet Traps: J20-F6;
/ Bunker, A.H: J27a-F34;
/ Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco & Firearms (B.A.T.F.):
J2; /J14-F12; /J20-F3; /J22-F17(#1); / Investigation:
J25a-F41,54,55; / Land
Management: J3-F8(#1,7); Mines:
J3-F8(#7); Reclamation:
J3-F8(#7); Veterans
Affairs: J25a-F46; / Burlington (VT): J20-F5;
/ Burma: J6-F2; Burning Bush: J21-F17;
/ Burns, William J: J25a-F41,55,57;
/ Burrows, Millar: J21-F4;
/ Bush Family: J2; /J3-F2;
/J5; /J7-F11; /J13-F4,15; /J15-F10; /J16-F5,6; /J17-F1,6-9; /J18-F11,
13,14; /J23-F39; /J25a-F7-9,29,49-51; /J25b-F68-70; /J26a-F9,12,13,19,22-24;
/J27a-F36,46-50; Barbara:
J17-F7; /J18-F11; / George
Herbert Walker: J2; /J3-F2; /J7-F11; /J13-F4,15; /J15-F10; /J16-F5,6; /J17-F1,7,8;
/J18-F11,14; /J26a-F13; /J26b-F63,96,119; /J27a-F45,46,49,50;
Administration: J3-F2; /J5; /J13-F15; /J17-F6,9; /J18-F11,13; / George
W: J26a-F19; / Prescott
Sheldon: J25a-F7-9,50,51; /J25b-F68-70; /J26a-F12,13,19,22-24,53; /J26b-
F63,64,69,72,89,94-96,119,125; /J27a-F35,45-48; /
"aiding the Nazis in time of war" J26b-F119
American Shipping & Commerce Corporation: J25a-F7,8; /J26a-F25,42;
Hamburg-Amerika Shipping Line: J25a-F7,9; /J26a-F23,24,28,42; /J26b-F69;
HAPAG-Lloyd: J26b-F63,64,89; /
Beck, Christian J: J26b-F64; /
Brown Brothers Harriman Investment Co: J23-F39; /J25a-F8; /J26a-F12,13,23;
Securities Custodian Accounts: J26b-F119; /
German-American Cable Company: J26b-F94,95; /
Union Banking Corporation (Harriman & Co, W.A): J25a-F7,8,29,49,51;
/J26b-F69,72,94; /J27a-F45,50; /
Trading with the Enemy: J26a-F29; /
Samuel: J25b-F69; /
Merchants of Death Bureau: J25b-F69; Butcher of Berlin: J12-F4; Butler, General Smedley D:
J26b-F70,76,101; / Byrnes, James F. (Justice):
J26a-F37; /