LEGEND: J: Joshua Report a: Part (#): Communist Plank *F6:
footnote (*Listed
name, subject, etc. will be found in the paragraph(s) ABOVE
the footnote number)
For your convenience access to the "Joshua Reports" are at the bottom of this page
Gaal: J21-F17; / Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother
Nature: J24-F41; /J25b-F78; /J26a-F15; / Gallop Poll: J12-F4,6; Galton: J21-F26; / Gambino Crime Family:
J13-F3; Gangs: J6-F2; Gangsters: (see Racketeering):
J26b-F76; / Garden of Church,
the: J22-F2; / Eden:
J21-F42; /J23-F4; /J24-F53; / Gardner, Richard N: J11-F11,12; Garfield Ridge Trust & Savings
Bank: J13-F4; Garry, Charles: J15-F12; Garstang, John: J21-F8;
/ Garza, Felipe: J20-F7;
/ Gates, Bill: J2; Gates, Robert M: J7-F6; G.A.O. (General Accounting
Office): J17-F9; G.A.T.T. (General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade): J10-F1; /J11-F11; /J17-F12; Gay s,
Bisexual, Homosexual, Lesbian, Sodom(y)ite: J9-F7; /J12-F1; /J15-F6,10;
/J19-F1,2,6; /J20-F2; /J21-F7; /J24-F41; / March
on Washington: J18-F6; / Military,
(s) in the: J18-F12; / Edwin:
J25a-F6; / Gemstone Files: J26b-F66;
/ Roberts,
Bruce: J26b-F66; / General Accounting
Office (G.A.O.): J17-F9; Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade (G.A.T.T.): J10-F1; /J11-F11; /J17-F12; Beauregard,
Pierre: J22-F60; / Butler,
Smedley D: J26b-F70,76,101; / Cadorna:
J23-F5; / Donovan,
"Wild Bill": J27a-F1; / Education
standard: J17-F3; Eisenhower,
Dwight David: J27a-F55; / Electric:
J20-F4; / Swope,
Gerald: J26a-F5; / MacArthur,
Douglas: J26a-F21; / Motors
(G.M.): J25b-F90; /J26b-F77,90,97,102,112; /J27a-F27,29; /
Adam Opel, A.G: J25b-F91; /
Blitz Trucks: J26b-F77; /
DuPont Corporation:
Methanol: J26a-F3; /J27a-F27,44; /J27b-F57; /
Hemp: J26a-F3; /J27a-F27,42; /27b-F57; Humorous Hemp Primer,' 'The: J27b-F57; /
"Crops...can provide raw materials for industry...Among such raw materials
especially high value is hemp...The woody part of this large plant...can
be used for surface coatings for the finest floors. It also provides paper
cardboard, building materials and wall paneling. Further processing will
produce wood sugar and wood gas..."
Ethyl G.M.B.H. (Ethyl, Inc.): J26b-F112; / "provided the mechanized German armies with synthetic
tetraethyl fuel (leaded gas)...Without lead-tetraethyl the
present method of warfare would be unthinkable" - Charles Higham J26b-F112
Mooney, James: J26b-F77; /
Order of the German Eagle: J26b-F77; / Plan
to Overthrow the United States Government: J26b-F70,101,102; / Reparations:
J27a-F29; /
Secret Meeting With Nazis: J26b-F97; / Patton,
George S: J26a-F21; /J27a-F55; / Services
Administration (GSA): J17-F9; /J18-F18; / Short,
Lieutenant General: J27a-F23; / Genesis: J21-F4,7,10,16,17;
/J22-F1; /J26b-F113; / Genetics: J26b-F61; / Psychiatric:
J26b-F61 Geneva Protocols:
J25b-F63; / Switzerland:
J25b-F63; / Genoa (Italy): J25a-F24;
/ University:
J25a-F2; / Genocide: J21-F40; /J27a-F49;
/ Genovese, Vito: J15-F1; Gentry, Curt: J25a-F42,45;
/ Georgetown: J11-F7; Georgia: J16-F4; /J22-F38,44,56;
/ Gephardt, Richard A.
(D-MO): J17-F3; Germany, Germans: J9-F1,2,13;
/J10-F8; /J12-F1,6; /J14-F5,11;/J23-F36,61,68,
71;/J24-F8,12,45-47,61,72,85; /J25a-F2,5,9,10,29,49,50,53; /J25b-F68,69,70,74;
/J26a-F4,9,10,12,13,18,23-25,28,37,39,40,42,52,56; /J26b-F60-64,69,70,72,73,77,
89,94,99,100,103-105,109,111,123; /J27a-F4,17,25,27,28,29,36,43,49; /J27b-F66; Cologne:
J27a-F29; / Concordant:
J25a-F10; / Constitutional
Republic: J26a-F25; /J26b-F64,111; / German-Atlantic
(American) Cable Company: J26b-F94; / Labor
Front: J26b-F64; / National
Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis): J25a-F11; / N.A.Z.I.s,
Nazism: J9-F1,2,11,13; /J10-F8; /J14-F1,5; /J21-F40; /J22-F14; /J24-F46;
/J25a-F5,10,50,53;/J25b-F70; /J26a-F4,9-11,22,24,28,39,40,53,56;
/J26b-F60-64,69,70,72,94,95,97,100,104,111,112,119,120,122,125; Blitzkrieg
(lightning war): J26b-F120; / Bush
Family Connection: J25a-F53; /J25b-F70; /J26a-F22-24; /J26b-F63,64, 94,95,119,125;
/ Dulles
Brothers: J26a-F4; /
Dulles, John Foster: J24-F30; /J25a-F10; /J26a-F4,56; /J26b-F94,95,119; Du
Pont Family Connection: J25b-F73; /J26a-F30; / American
Liberty League: J26a-F30; / Ford
Motor Company: J27a-F4; / General
Motors (GM): J25b-F91; /J26b-F77,90,97,102,112; /
Plan to Overthrow the United States Government: J26b-F70,102;
Secret Meeting: J26b-F97; / Gestapo
(Secret Police): J11-F1; J20-F3; /J26b-F60,99; / Gun
Control: J26b-F104; / HAPAG-Lloyd:
J26b-F63,64,89; /
Beck, Christian J: J26b-F64; / Harriman
(Averill) Company Connection: J25a-F7,8,29,49,51; /J25b-F68; /J26a-F9,12,24;
/J26b-F63,94,119,125; /
Securities Custodian Accounts: J26b-F119; / Hess,
Rudolph: J26a-F10; / Himmler,
Heinrich: J26a-F18; /
Circle of Friends: J26a-F18; /
Flick, Friedrich: J26a-F13,18,19,22; / I.G.
Farben: J26a-F4; /J26b-F69,112,120,122; /
Ethyl G.M.B.H. (Ethyl, Inc.): J26b-F112,120; /
"provided the mechanized German armies with synthetic
tetraethyl fuel (leaded gas)...Without lead-tetraethyl the
present method of warfare would be unthinkable"
- Charles Higham J26b-F112
[One of] "three German cartels" [who became the] "industrial
backbone of the Nazi war machine, and the financial backbone
of Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany" - James Perloff J26b-F120 Nazi-American
Money Plot: J25b-F73; /J26a-F25; / North
German Lloyd Company: J26b-F63; / Order
of the German Eagle: J26b-F77; / Pryor,
Samuel (Merchant of Death): J26a-F25; / Rockefeller
Family Connection: (see Rockefeller) Schutzstaffel
(Black Shirts), S.S. Troops: J26a-F18; / S.S,
Troops, Schutzstaffel (Black Shirts), S.S. Troops: J26a-F18; / Standard
Oil: J26b-F89,112; / Storm
Troopers, Sturmabteilung (Brown Shirts): J26a-F19; / Sturmabteilung
(Brown Shirts), Storm Troopers: J26a-F19; / "there
is no cause for any alarm
whatsoever" - Max Warburg: J26a-F52 Reich
bank: J27a-F55; /
stag (Parliament, Congress): J26b-F60; /
Third: J26b-F77; / Reparations:
J26b-F123; / Union
Banking Corporation (see Harriman & Co, W.A): J25a-F8; /J26a-F9; / War
Criminals: J25a-F10; / German Steel Trust: (Vereinigte Stahlwerke or Steel
Corp.): J25b-F69,70; /J26a-F18,28; /J26b-F72; /J27a-F35,50; / Washington
Conference: Washington
Conference: J27b-F66;
Sir Winston Churchill: J27b-F66;
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: J27b-F66; "Trident:" J27b-F66; Gestapo (Secret Police):
J11-F1; J20-F3; /J26b-F60,99; / Ghent, Treaty of: J22-F40;
/ Gherini, Francis: J20-F9;
/ Ghosts: J21-F4; / Gibeon Pool
of: J21-F17; / Gierum, John E: J13-F1; Gilgamesh: J21-F12; / Gilmor, Dan: J26b-F74;
"all...correspondents reporting happenings in Germany
accurately and without friendliness, sympathy and bias...
were transferred elsewhere, discharged, or forced to resign..." J26b-F74
"Friday" Magazine: J26b-F74; / Gingrich, Newt: J3-F2; Givens, Willard E: J26b-F85;
"local government in the United States
requires radical revision..." J26b-F86
"...the major function of the schools is...
the transition to a new social order" J26b-F85 Glendale (CA): J18-F21;
/ Glide Memorial Church:
J19-F1,2; / Glinka, Justine: J23-F63;
/ Global: J9-F8; J10-F1; Globalism, Internationalism:
J24-F58,61; /J26a-F17; / Globalization: J10-F7; "Globe," (The
New York): J5-F3; Glove of the Earth:
J23-F24; / Glueck, Nelson: J21-F4;
/ Glynn, Mary Ellen: J18-F19;
/ G.M. (General Motors)
J25b-F91; /J26b-F77,90,97,102,112; / Adam
Opel, A.G: J25b-F91; /J26b-F77; /
Blitz Trucks: J26b-F77; / Ethyl
G.M.B.H. (Ethyl, Inc.): J26b-F112; /
"provided the mechanized German armies with synthetic
tetraethyl fuel (leaded gas)...Without lead-tetraethyl the
present method of warfare would be unthinkable" - Charles Higham J26b-F112 Mooney,
James: J26b-F77; /
Order of the German Eagle: J26b-F77; / Plan
to Overthrow the United States Government: J26b-F70,101,102; / Secret
Meeting With Nazis: J26b-F97; / Gnosticism: J23-F6,26;
/J24-F37; / Manichiean
Neo-Gnosticism: J23-F6; / Goals 2000: J16-F2; /J24-F10;
YAHWEH: J3-F5; J10-F2; /J12-F7; /J13-F6; /J18-F3; /J19-F7;
/J25a-F16; /J25b-F62,67,80; /J26a-F1,14,15,20,33,34; /J26b-F105,113; / 's
WORD, GOSPEL, HOLY BIBLE, SCRIPTURE: J12-F7; /J19-F1; /J20-F3; /J21-F1,8,16,
17; /J22-F7,22,23; /J23-F32; /J24-F35,53,59; /J25b-F62,71,72; /J26a-F31;
/J27a-F6; / "Goddess" (Hillary):
J19-F4; / Goebbels, Dr. Paul Josef:
J9-F13; /J26b-F73; / Goering, Hermann: J26b-F103;
/ Goff, Kenneth: J26a-F27;
/J27a-F53; / Gold: J26a-F4; /J27a-F55;
/ Goldberg, Arthur: J27a-F16;
/ Golden Dawn
Society: J23-F36; / Triangle:
J6-F2; Goldman Ema:
J25a-F25; / Sachs
& Co: J20-F4; /J26a-F49; / Goldwater, Barry: J13-F11; Golitsyn, Anatoliy: J5-F2;
/J6-F4; /J7-F7; /J24-F78; / Gomorrah: J21-F7; / Goodall, Jane: J2; Goold, Bill: J10-F8; Gorbachev, Mikhail: J2;
/J3-F9; /J5-F1; /J7-F7; /J26a-F15,34; / Foundation/USA:
J2; Revolution:
J13-F14; Gordonstown (Scotland):
J24-F61; / Gore, Al: J11-F11; /J17-F7;
/J22-F11; /J26a-F34; / Gorillas: J21-F35; / GOSPEL, HOLY BIBLE, SCRIPTURE,
WORD OF GOD: J12-F7; /J19-F1; /J20-F3; /J21-
F1,8,16,17; /J22-F7,22,23; /J23-F32; /J24-F35,53,59; /J25b-F62,71,72; /J26a-F31;
/J26b-F113; /J27a-F6; /
History: J21-F1-8,16,17; /J24-F59; /J25b-F71,72; /J26b-F113; / Gospel of Progress:
J21-F38; / Wealth:
J23-F50; / Gould George:
J23-F40; / Jay:
J23-F40; / Steven
Jay: J21-F28,32; / Government by
Appointment: J26b-F75; / Investigative
Report: J27a-F50; / Governmental Affairs Committee
(Senate): J16-F4; Goyism: J5-F4; /J24-F50;
/ Gramsci, Antonio: J24-F20;
/ Grand Cayman
Islands: J16-F4,6; Jury(ies):
J18-F21; /
California, of: J24-F24; /
France, of: J23-F27; /
Orient, Lodges of the: J24-F50; / Rabbis:
J23-F38; / Sanhedrin:
J23-F38; / Satraps:
J23-F38; / Grass Roots Movement:
J15-F14; Great Britain:
J16-F4; /J22-F33; /J23-F33,37,55; /J25a-F17,18,40; /J26b-F121; / Depression:
J25-F89,90; /J26a-F39; /J26b-F123; / White
Brotherhood: J23-F18; / Within
The Small, The: J24-F1; / Greece, Greek: J26a-F16;
/J26b-F113; / Greeley, Horace: J22-F12;
/J25a-F2; / Green Berets:
J20-F6; / Janet:
J18-F13; / Mountain:
J25a-F47; / Greenwood, Arthur: J27a-F12;
/ Groeninger, Johann: J26a-F22;
/ Grovefest (Bohemian):
J23-F14; / G.S.-18: J6-F3; /J7-F3; G.S.A. (General Services
Administration): J17-F9; /J18-F18; / 'Guiness Book of World Records:'J27a-F55;
/ Gulags: J20-F4; / Gulf of
Aqabah: J21-F7; / of
Mexico: Oil:
J7-F9; War,
Desert Storm: J21-F16; / Gunderson, Ted: J18-F22;
/ Guns, Firearms, Weapons:
J13-F8; /J20-F3; /J24-F77; /J26a-F25; / Confiscation:
J24-F77; / Control:
J26b-F104; / Brady
Bill (Gun Control Act of 1968): J26b-F104; / Story
of the Foolish Frog: J26b-F104; /
"political power grows out of the
barrel of a gun" - Mao Tse-Tung J26b-F108 Registration:
J24-F77; / Gutierrez, Luis: J10-F8; Gutman, Howard: J18-F199;
Habeas Corpus: J14-F1,12;
/J22-F62; / Habitat for Humanity:
J22-F17(#8); / Hague, The: J13-F8; J22-F29;
/J23-F71; / Convention:
J23-F71; / Hale, David L: J16-F11; Halifax (Canada): J24-F23;
/ Hall, David: J18-F22;
/ Hallucinogens: J15-F6; Halthach: J21-F17; / Hamburg -Amerika
Shipping Line: J25a-F7,9; /J26a-F23,24,42; /J26b-F63,64,69,89; /J27a-F46;
/ Germany:
J26a-F42; /J26b-F63,64; / HAPAG:
J26b-F63,89; / Hamilton, Alexander:
J22-F62; / Hammer, Armand: J24-F23;
/ Handwriting on the Wall:
J21-F17; / Hanfstangel: J26b-F73;
/ Hanging: J26b-F98; / Hanson, Jean: J19-F7;
/ HAPAG-Lloyd: J26b-F63,64,79,89;
/ Beck,
Christian J: J26b-F64; / Harding Warren
G: J25a-F13,47,58; / Administration:
J25a-F41,45,46,48,54; / Ohio
Gang: J25a-F45; / Teapot
Dome: J25a-F36,41,46,55; / W.P.J:
J25a-F6; / "Hard Road to World Order, The:"
J11-F11; Harkins, Dan: J26b-F69;
/ Harriman &
Co, W.A (see Union Banking Corporation): J25a-F7,8,29,49,51;/J25b-F68;/J26a-F9,12,22,
28,29; /J26a-F9,12,22,28,29; J26b-F69,72,94; /J27a-F44,45,47; / Trading
with the Enemy: J26a-F29; / Averill,
William: J25a-F7-9,16,29,51; /J25b-F69,75; /J26a-F13,19,23,24,53,56; /J26b-F63,64,
69,72,89,94,125; / Hamburg-Amerika
Line: J25a-F7,9; /J26a-F23,24,28,42; /J26b-F63,64,69,89; HAPAG-Lloyd:
J26b-F63,64,89; /
Beck, Christian J: J26b-F64; /
Voegler, Albert: J26a-F28; / Brown
Brothers Harriman Investment Co: J23-F39; /J25a-F8; /J26a-F12,13,23; /J26b-
F76,119; /J27a-F35; /
Securities Custodian Accounts: J26b-F119; / E.
H: J26a-F12; / E.
Roland "Bunny:" J25a-F8; /J26a-F12; /J27a-F45; / Fifteen
Corp (G.H. Walker & Co.): J25a-F8; /J26a-F13; /J26b-F124; /J27a-F46;
American Shipping & Commerce Corporation: J25a-F7,8; /J26a-F25,42;
/J26b-F69; /
German-Atlantic (American) Cable Company: J26b-F94,95; / Henry
I: J26a-F6; / Oliver:
J26a-F56; / "conducted
'all exports from Hitler's Germany
to the United States'." - Fritz Thyssen: J26a-F56 Harris, Patricia D. Harris:
J18-F17; / Harrison, Benjamin: J23-F59;
/ Hartford (CN): J22-F44;
/ Harvard Educational Review":
J16-F1; University:
J24-F60,61; /J25a-F2; /J26b-F111; / Haselkorn, David: J17-F3; Hastings, Alcee L: J10-F8; Hate Crime(s):
J11-F1; Speech:
J4-F9; Hatfield, Mark (R-OR):
J17-F3; Hatry Case, The: J25b-F90;
/ Hawaii: J6-F2; /J20-F8;
/J25a-F40; /J27a-F23; / Oahu:
J27a-F23; / Health Care: Hillary's
Task Force: J2; /J13-F11; /J15-F25; /J17-F9,11,12; /J19-F4; /J20-F1; / Hearst Newspapers:
J5-F3; /J25a-F56,57; /J25b-F73; / "all...correspondents
reporting happenings in Germany accurately
and without friendliness, sympathy and bias...were transferred else-
where, discharged, or forced to resign..." - Dan Gilmor: J26b-F74 William
Randolph, Sr: J25a-F56,57; /J25b-F73; / Heaven: J21-F1; / Hebrews, Chosen People,
Israel, Israelites, Jews, Semites: J18-F22; /J21-F1,2,4; /J22-F24;
/J23-F13,24,33,38,67,68; /J24-F2,41,42,53; /J25b-F71,72,74; /J26a-F15,30,53;
104,113; /J27a-F12,55; / Counterfeit
Jews: J23-F68; / Hegemony: J10-F7; Heine, Heinrich: J25a-F2;
/ Helena (MT): J20-F8;
/ Helfferich, Emil: J26b-F89;
/ Helicopters: J20-F7,9;
/ Black:
J20-F6; / Black
Hawks: J20-F6; / Direct
Fire Gunships: J20-F6; / "Little
Birds:" J20-F6; / "People-Pods:"
J20-F6; / Scout:
J20-F6; / Hell: J21-F1; / Expressway
to: J22-F1; / Hellfire: J21-F7; / Helms, Jesse (R-NC):
J13-F14; /J24-F67; / Hemp: J26a-F3; /J27a-F27,42;
/27b-F57; DuPont
GM-Standard Oil-I.G. Farben: J27b-F58; /
Ethyl, Inc: J27b-F58; /
Lead-tetraethy: J27b-F58; /
Petrochemical Gasoline: J27b-F58; / Humorous
Hemp Primer,' 'The: J27b-F57; /
"Crops...can provide raw materials for industry...Among such raw materials
of especially
high value is hemp...The woody part of this large plant...can easily be
used for surface
coatings for the finest floors. It also provides paper and cardboard, building
and wall paneling. Further processing will even produce wood sugar and
wood gas..." Standard
Oil-I.G. Farbin "restricted
production of methanol" Herakleopolis (Egypt):
J25b-F71; / Herd (Common), Human
Cattle, Masses, Rabble, Sheople: J5-F4; J12-F6; /J22-F20; /J24-F50;
/J25b-F62; /J26b-F68; / 'Hereditary Genius:'
J21-F26; / Hermes: J23-F18; / Hernreich, Nancy: J17-F8; Herod King: Palace:
J21-F17; / Heroin, Cocaine, Dope,
Drugs, Narcotics, Opium ("Turkish tobacco): J6-F2; /J7-F2,10,11;
/J10-F2; /J12-F1,5; /J13-F4; /J15-F6,14; /J18-F18,20; /J20-F2; /J24-F8;
/J25b-F73; /J26A-F16;
/J27a-F14; / Herter, Christian A:
J24-F30; / Herzl, Theodore: J23-F66;
/ Heshbon Pool
of: J21-F17; / Hess Karl:
J15-F22; Rudolph:
J26a-f10; / Hezekiah: J21-F17; / Higham, Charles: J25b-F73,74;
/J27a-F39; / Hill and Knowlton: J16-F5; Hillary Rodham Clinton:
J2; /J10-F2; /J12-F7; /J13-F1,2,4; /J14-F4; /J15-F1,2,4-8,10-13,16,
24,25; /J16-F1-10,11-15,18,22,23; /J17-F1-4,7,8,11,12,13,14; /J18-F1,3-8,10-13,16-22;
4-7; /J20-F1,2; /J24-F75; / Hilliard, Earl: J10-F8; Hillary's Hellcats: J19-F7;
/ Hillbillary: J18-F9;
/ Himmler, Heinrich: J26b-F61;
/ S.S.
Troops, Schutzstaffel (Black Shirts): J26a-F18; /J26b-F61; / Task
Force of Heredity Experts: J26b-F61; / Hinchey, Maurice: J10-F8; Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig Hans von Beneckendorf
und: J14-F1; /J26a-F39,40; / Hindus: J27a-F6; / Hiroshima (Japan): J26b-F98;
/J27a-F21; / Hirst, Josiah: J25b-F90;
/ Hispanics: J26a-F15;
/ Hiss, Alger: J5-F3,6; Hitler Adoph:
J5-F4; /J9-F1,2,13; /J10-F8; /J12-F1; /J14-F1,11; /J20-F3; /J24-F33,72;
49,50,53; /J25b-F69,73,74; /J26a-F9,10,12,22,23,30,39,40, 42,52,53,56;
77,94-96,105,111,112,121; /J27a-F16,17,34,39,49,55; / Bank
of England (BOE): J26a-F13,25; / Brown
Brothers Harriman Investment Co: J23-F39; /J25a-F8; /J26a-F12,13,23; /J26b-F76; Brown
House: J25b-F74; / Bush:
J25a-F53; / Dulles,
John Foster: J24-F30; /J25a-F10; /J26a-F4,56; /J26b-F92,94; / Du
Pont: J25b-F73; / Ford:
J25b-F74; / German-Atlantic
(American) Cable Company: J26b-F94,95; / Hamburg-Amerika
Line: J25a-F7,9; /J26a-F23,24,28,42; /J26b-F63,64,69; Project:
J25a-F7,9; /J26a-F12,25; / Secret
Hideout: J27a-F1; / Shock
Troops: J25a-F38; / "there
is no cause for any alarm
whatsoever" - Max Warburg: J26a-F52 Union
Banking Corporation: J25a-F7,8,29,49,51; /J26a-F9,22; /J26b-F69,94; 's
Ashes': J12-F1; Hofmann, Albert: J27b-F63; LSD-25:
J27b-F63; Holland American
Trading Corporation: J27a-F46,47; / (Netherlands):
J26a-F25; /J27a-F25; / Holley, R. Eugene: J16-F4; Hollywood: J12-F5; Ten:
J5-F3; Holmes, Col. Eugene:
J11-F14; Holocaust: J21-F40; / HOLY BIBLE,
GOSPEL, SCRIPTURE, WORD: J12-F7; /J19-F1; /J20-F3; /J21-F1-8,16,17;
/J22-F7,22-24; /J24-F35,59; /J25b-F62,71,72; /J26a-F31; /J26b-F113; /J27a-F6;
/ History:
J21-F1-8,16,17; /J24-F59; /J25b-F71,72; /J26b-F113; / Grail:
J12-F1; Homelands Defense Command:
J20-F7; / Home Loan Bank (Federal):
J13-F1; Homer: J21-F2; / Homophobia: J10-F7; Homosexual, Bisexual,
Gay, Lesbianism, Sodomy(ite: J9-F7; /J12-F1; /J15-F6,10; /J18-F1,
6,7; /J19-F1,2,6; /J20-F2; /J21-F7; /J24-F41; / Honour (honor): J22-F35,36;
/ Hoover Herbert:
J5-F3; /J25b-F88; /J26a-F6; /
"Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt:" J25b-F88; J.
Edgar: J6-F1; /J25a-F14; / Hopkins, Harry:
J5-F3,9; J27b-F61,62;
Madison Square Garden: J27b-F62; John
(Hospital, Institute): J12-F6; &
Sutter: J16-F6; Horn Archaeological Museum:
J21-F7; / Hornbeck, David: J17-F3; Horses: J20-F9; / Host, Communion Wafer:
J23-F32; / Hougan, Jim: J26b-F103;
/ House Edward
Mandell (Col.): J5-F4; /J11-F8; /J24-F29,30,49,79,82,83; /J25a-F16,F30;
/J26b-F65; / "the
real truth of the matter is...that a financial
element...has owned the government ever since
the days of Andrew Jackson..." - F.D. Roosevelt J26b-F65 Peter,
of: J21-F17; / Representatives,
of (U.S.): J4-F4; /J15-F12,25; /J16-F1-4; /J17-F3; /J18-F19; /J20-F2;
/J24-F67; /J25a-F39; / Committee
Education, on: J26b-F84; /
Un-American Activities, on: J15-F12;
,Judiciary: J16-F1-4;
Special Impeachment Inquiry Staff: J16-F2;
Constitutional and Legal Research Staff: J16-F2;
Lend-Lease Program: J27b-F59;
Major George Racey Jordan: J27b-F59; 'Major Jordan's Diaries:' J27b-F59;
Black Suitcases: J27b-F59;
Diplomatic Immunity: J27b-F59;
,Watergate: J15-F25; Rothschild,
of: J5-F4; /J11-F10; /J15-F14; /J23-F1,2,23-54; /J24-F4,14,21,24,50,59;
Age of: J23-F1; /
Invisibility: J23-F2; /
James de: J23-F38; /
Lord Alfred: J11-F7,9,31; /J23-F55; /
Meyer Amschel:
Nathan: J24-F21; / Household International:
J13-F1; /J16-F6; Housing: J2; Houston (TX): J20-F5;
/ Howard, Roy W: J25b-F79;
/ Howell, Dorothy: J15-F2,3; Hubbard, Barbara Marx:
J2; Hubbell, Webster: J16-F6,13,15,16;
/J18-F14,15; /J19-F7; / Huber, Ernst: J9-F1; Huggins, Erica: J15-F11; Hughes, Charles Evans:
J5-F3; /J26b-F93; / "The
Constitution means what the
Supreme Court says it means" J26b-F93 Hull, Cordell (Secretary
of State): J27a-F54; /J27b-F67;
Moscow Conference: J27b-F67;
Advisory Council for Italy: J27b-F67;
Austrian Democracy: J27b-F67;
European Advisory Council: J27b-F67;
Molotov Declaration (on China): J27b-F67; "...secured the consent of Stalin to establish
a general organization...for the maintenance
of international peace and security." - Archibald E. Roberts J27b-F67;
War Crimes Punishment: J27b-F67; Human Cattle,
Common Herd, Masses, Rabble, Sheople: J5-F4; J12-F6; /J22-F20; /J24-F50;
/J25b-F62; /J26b-F68; / Rights:
J6-F9; /J10-F7; Resources
Development System: J17-F3;
Research Office (HUM.R.R.O.): J12-F6; Humanism (Secular): J21-F39,42;
/J22-F6,26; /J24-F94,95; /J25b-F60,64; /J26a-F31-34;
/J26b-F114; / "every
American public school is
a school of Humanism" J26a-F32 Humanist Credo (Manifesto):
J26a-F31-33,34; /
"if no deity will save us, we
must save ourselves" J26a-F31-33 Humanization: J26b-F114;
/ God
and gods, of: J26b-F114; / Hume, David: J21-F38;
/ Humphrey, Hubert: J13-F15; HUM.R.R.O. (Human Resources
Research Office): J12-F6; Hungary: J24-F11,12;
/ Hunter, Rep. Duncan:
J4-F5; Hussein, Saddam: J12-F6;
/J18-F14; / Hutchinson Corporation:
J4-F6; E.F. Hutton: J26b-F102;
/ Plan
to Overthrow the United States Government: J26b-F70,102; Huxley, Aldous: J10-F2; Hyde, Henry: J13-F1-4;
/ Hydrogen: J27a-F42; / Hylan, John F: J25a-f27;
/J25b-F65; / "the
real menace of our Republic is
this invisible government:" J25b-F65;