LEGEND: J: Joshua Report a: Part (#): Communist Plank *F6:
footnote (*Listed
name, subject, etc. will be found in the paragraph(s) ABOVE
the footnote number)
For your convenience access to the "Joshua Reports" are at the bottom of this page
IBM (International Business
Machines): J20-F4; / I.C.C. (Interstate Commerce
Commission): J3-F8(#6); Ickes, Harold: J19-F7;
/J27a-F19,39; / "If
America loses this war, it can thank
the Aluminum Corporation of America." - J27a-F19 Idaho: J20-F3,5; / Idolatry: J24-F96; / I.G. Farben: J26a-F4;
/J26b-F69,112,120,122; /J27a-F14,24,25,34,39,41,42,44; / Ethyl
G.M.B.H. (Ethyl, Inc.): J26b-F112,120; / "provided
the mechanized German armies with synthetic
tetraethyl fuel (leaded gas)...Without lead-tetraethyl the
present method of warfare would be unthinkable" - Charles Higham J26b-F112
[One of] "three German cartels" [who became the] "industrial
backbone of the Nazi war machine, and the financial backbone
of Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany" - James Perloff J26b-F120 I.I.A. (Institute of
International Affairs): J24-F80; / I.I.S.S. (International
Institute for Strategic Studies): J13-F13; Illegal Forfeiture
Squads: J20-F3; / Searches:
J20-F3; / Illinois: J15-F1; /J16-F4;
J20-F3,5,6; /J22-F54; /J23-F64; / Illuminati: J5-F4; /J11-F10;
/J22-F7,12; /J23-F4,8,12; /J24-F14,21,42,43,50,52-54,60-62,90-92;
/J25a-F2; /J25b-F87; /J26a-F34; /J27a-F12; /
"benevolent dictatorship:" J24-F90; / Conspiracy,
Conspirators: J24-F50; / Council
on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.): J2; /J3-F2; /J7-F4,6; /J11-F2; /J11-F5,7,8,10,11;
J12-F1; /J13-F1,12,14,15; /J17-F12; /J24-F14,79,83,89; /J25a-F2,16,35;
/J25b-F87; / "Foreign
Affairs:" J11-F11; /J25a-F35; /J25b-F86; /
"destruction of all existing govern-
ments and religions:" J24-F50; / Education:
J24-F61; / Goals:
J24-F62; /
Abolishment of:
All Religion
Family (through abolition of marriage, all morality, and institution
of communal education for children)
Monarchy and All Ordered Government
Private Property
Initiates: J24-F53; /
Jacobin Societies: J24-F54; /
Jesuits ("Society of Jesus"): J24-F61; /
Masonic Lodges: J24-F60; / "Pantheism
for the higher degrees, Atheism for the lower
degrees and the populace; Communism of goods:" J24-F61; /
Plan for World Domination: J24-F50,52; /
Science: J24-F61; /
"the great strength of our Order
lies in its concealment:" J24-F61; /
World League: J23-F61; / Illuminism (Luciferianism):
J23-F18,45; /J24-F53,60,91; /J25a-F1; / I.M.F. (International
Monetary Fund): J10-F7; /J11-F11; /J24-F14; / Immigrant(s),
Immigration: J16-F4; /J27a-F36; / Impeachment Clinton:
J13-F1; /J18-F22; /J20-F3; / Nixon:
J16-F1-4; Impressment, Conscription,
Draft: J11-F13; /J22-F31,40; /J23-F39; /J26b-F118; / Inauguration: J17-F5,7;
/J18-F3; /J19-F1; /J20-F2; / Income Tax: J3-F8 (#2);
/J22-F17(#2); / Indentured Servant, Bondage,
Slavery: J21-F19,40; /J22-F45-47,49-51,54,55,62; /J24-F1,
3,46,66,69,70,89,96; /J25a-F2; /J26a-F34; /J27a-F51; / Independence Hall (Philadelphia,
PA): J23-F35; / Independent Treasury Act:
J25a-F12; / India: J23-F7,54; /J24-F8;
/ Indiana: J22-F43; / Indians Cherokee:
J22-F44; / Individualism, Individual Rights:
J9-F3; /J17-F3; /J26b-F118; / Indoctrination, Brainwashing,
Mind Control, Subliminal Perception: J10-F2; /J21-F5,6;
/J24-F38,72,73; /J25a-f4; /J26a-F14,34; /J26b-F118; /J27a-F36,53; / Humanism:
J26a-F32; / "every
American public school is
a school of Humanism" J26a-F32 Indonesia: J8-F6; /J19-F7;
/J20-F4; / Industrial Armies: J22-F17(#8);
/ Industry: J3-F8(#7- 9);
J22-F17(#9); / Inflation: J16-F2; Hyper:
J24-F46; / Influence Peddlers: J16-F5; Informal Agenda Group:
J27a-F54; / Information Utilities:
J17-F12; Ingolstadt (Bavaria):
J24-F62; / Inherent (inherited):
J25b-F84; / Initiative: J25a-F31;
/ Inquiry Group, The: J24-F83;
/J27a-F54; / Insiders: J12-F6; /J13-F11,14; INSLAW: Grand
Jury: J18-F22; / Institute Advanced
Studies, for: J26b-F111; / Kaiser
Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity, for: J26b-F61; /
Psychiatry, for: J26b-F61; / International
Affairs, of: J24-F80; /
for Policy Studies, International (I.I.P.S.): J15-F13-16,21,24; Intellectuals: J24-F71,91;
/ Intelligence: J6-F8;
/J11-F3,12; /J13-F1,13; /J27a-F55; / Division
of Special Research: J27a-F1; / Ultra
Project: J27a-F16; / Intelligentia (Intellectuals):
J24-F71,91; / Intercollegiate Socialist Society:
J24-F83; / Interdependence: J9-F7;
/J26a-F32; / Intern(s): J17-F9,11; Internal Revenue Service
(I.R.S.): J3 -F8(#2,4,7,10); /J17-F3; J20-F2; /J22-F17(#1),37; /J24-F18; Martial
Law: J23-F71; / International Bank:
J16-F4; Bankers
Cartel: J5-F4; /J22-F12; /J24-F14; /J25a-F27,30; /J25b-F65,89; /J26a-F49; Brokers
Call Loans: J25b-F89; / Bar
Association: J22-F36; / Board
of Education: J24-F9; / Business
Machines (I.B.M.): J20-F4; / Communist
Party: J22-F19; / Court:
J24-F84; / Credit
& Investment Co., Ltd. (I.C.I.C.): J16-F4; Institute
for Strategic Studies (I.I.S.S.): J13-F13; Jew,
The:' J25b-F74; / Jurisdiction:
J13-F11; Law:
J22-F27; / Licensure:
J17-F12; Monetary
Fund (I.M.F.): J10-F7; /J11-F11; /J24-F14; / Money
Laundry: J18-F14; / Organized
Crime, Mob, Mafia: J6-F2; /J13-F1; /J15-F1; /J16-F1,5,6; /J17-F12; /J18-F2,
17,19; /J22-F33,52; /J23-F21,42; /J25a-F21,37; /J26a-F1; /J26b-F87; /
Crispi: J23-F21; /
Grand Don of the Mafiosi: J25a-F37; /
Palizzolo, Rafael: J23-F21; / Paper
(IP): J16-F9; Police
(Interpol): J20-F3; /J24-F84; / Subversives
Movement: J25a-F2; / System:
J25a-F35; / Telephone
& Telegraph (I.T.&T.): J26b-F103; /J27a-F28; /
"ITT also 'supplied ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on
London,' and other devices as well, without which 'it would have
been impossible for the German air force to kill American and
British troops, for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa,
Italy, France, and Germany, for England to have been bombed,
or for Allied ships to have been attacked at sea'." - J27a-F28 Treaties:
J25b-F86; / Internationale, The Communist:
J22-F19; / Internationalism, Globalism:
J24-F58,61,84; /J26a-F17,32; / Religion:
J24-F84; / Internet:
J18-F21; / Internment Camps, Concentration
Camps, Death Camps, Re-education Camps: J6-F7;
/J14-F3; /J20-F3; /J24-F66,69-71; /J26a-F15; /J26b-F104; / INTERPOL (International
Police): J20-F3; / Interstate Commerce Commission
(I.C.C.): J3-F8(#6); /J26b-F80; / Railway
Commission: J23-F41; / Intrepid (Sir William
Stephenson): J27a-F16; / "in truth, Lord, You are my Mother:"
J19-F3; Invasive Species Advisory
Committee: J20-F9; / Council:
J20-F9; / Executive
Order: J20-F9; / Management
Plan: J20-F9; / "Investors Business Daily:"
J18-F22; / Invisible (Shadow) Government:
J25a-F27; /J25b-F65; /J26b-F75; / Appointment,
by Taxation
Without Representation, of Iowa: J20-F3; /J22-F43;
/ 'I Paid Hitler:' J25a-F49;
/ I.P.S. (Institute for
Policy Studies): J15-F13-16,21,24; Iran: J21-F1; / Iraq: J12-F6; /J17-F1;
/J25b-F63; / Ireland, Irish: J23-F37;
/ Iron Mountain, N.Y: J26a-F3;
/ I.R.S. (Internal Revenue
Service): J3-F8(#2,4,7,10;) /J17-F3; J20-F2; /J22-F17(#1),37; /J24-F18;
/ Martial
Law: J23-F71; / Isaiah Scroll: J21-F3;
/ Ishbosheth: J21-F17;
/ Ishtar: J21-F5; / 'Isis Unveiled:' J23-F16;
/ Islam: J21-F2; /J23-F9;
/J24-F94; / Island Adventures:
J20-F9; / Mauritius:
J23-F7; / Israel, Israelites, Chosen
People, Hebrews, Jews, Semites: J18-F22; /J21-F1,2,4; /J22-F24;
/J23-F13,24,33,38,67,68; /J24-F2,41,42,53; /J25b-F71,72,74; /J26a-F15,30,53;
104,113; /J27a-F12,55; / Counterfeit
Jews: J23-F68; / Italy, Italian: J21-F1;
/J23-F5,7; /J25a-F17,21,24,37; /J25b-F75; /J26a-F34; /J27a-F55; / Vatican:
J25a-F10; /J27a-F22,55; / Black
Orchestra: J27a-F22; / German
Investments: J25a-F10; / I.T.&T. (International
Telephone & Telegraph): J26b-F103; /J27a-F28; "ITT also 'supplied
ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on London,'
and other devices as well, without which 'it would have been impossible
for the German air force to kill American and British troops,
for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa, Italy, France,
and Germany, for England to have been bombed, or for Allied
ships to have been attacked at sea'." - J27a-F28