
The Colonists are the race of aliens that are working with the Syndicate to colonize Earth in 2012. They are mostly shown as the Alien Bounty Hunter(ABH), although they sometimes take alien form. When they wish to, they can shapeshift into any human form.

In 1973, members of the Syndicate traded members of their family for DNA from an alien fetus (The Erlenmeyer Flask, Two Fathers/One Son). With it the Syndicate planned to make human-alien hybrids that could survive the alien invasion( Herrenvolk, The X-Files Fight the Future, The Truth). The Colonists hate that their blood is being mixed with humans and hunt down and kill hybrids because of this(Colony/End Game).

The Colonists are infected by the black oil. This is the driving force of the war between the Colonists and the Rebels, who are not infected with the black oil. (Piper Maru/Apocrypha, The Red and the Black) The Colonists are unaware that the Syndicate have made a vaccine against the black oil. (The X-Files Fight the Future). If they knew they would probably destroy it.




Queenie's X-Files