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Season One

101 - The Crawling Eye:
The story involves giant eyeballs which attack a snowy mountain village. Low laugh count, but better than what was provided during the KTMA season. I found it enjoyable though not consistanly funny. Joel's bagpipe bit was good. C

102 - The Robot vs the Aztec Mummy:
With short: Commando Cody part 1 - (Sung to the Dragnet theme) "Dull! Dull, Dull, Dull!" Boring stupid old B&W movie and there's not enough good riffs to break through my snoring. MST at its most weak. D-

103 - Mad Monster:
With short: Commando Cody part 2 - A little improvment over last week, but not by much. Werewolf story is creaky; there are a number of nifty riffs and good host segments (like "hell in a handbag") that make it worth viewing. D+

104 - The Women of the Prehistoric Planet:
This is actually the last episode (?) - The movie is a big improvment over the last two I've seen. It's very silly and that helps with the riffing. This is where the, "Hi-Keeba!" line came from. C+

105 - The Corpse Vanishes:
With short: Commando Cody part 3 - This weird Bela Lugosi movie isn't riffed as well as show #104, though there are good moments and the host segments are excellent (The Chiropractic helmet comes from Joel's stand-up act) C

106 - The Crawling Hand:
MST3K's first grade B level episode. The riffing is becoming noticibly tighter and the chemistry between the cast continues to develop. B-

107 - Robot Monster:
With shorts: Commando Cody parts 4 & 5 - A good episode, though I don't find it as funny as many fans do. The skits are solid and the flick -with its gorilla in a diving helmet- is a goofy chunk of cheese as well. C+

108 - The Slime People:
With short: Commando Cody part 6 - The movies has a lot of fog and a colorful cast. Joel and his robot pals do a bang up job taking pokes at those characters and the experiments, culled from Joel's stand-up days, are funny as they come (Screaming cotton candy, cartoon glasses). B

109 - Project Moonbase:
With short: Commando Cody parts 7 & 8 - Despite the two Cody shorts, Moonbase is pelted with well crafted jokes. The film is full of unlikable characters so it helps that the theater work is unbeatable. A

110 - Robot Holocaust:
With short: Commando Cody part 9 - This episode has never held much interest for me. The movie's a drag, the riffing is only fair and the skits are weak. A real downer after weeks of good work. At least this is the last we will see of Cody. D+

111 - Moon Zero Two:
I love that German poster seen on the right. This is going for a western feel but it's so imprinted with a 1960s beat, that it comes off more groovy that gunlinger. Often funny in the theater, with excellent host segments like the celebrity toothpaste experiment and the zero gravity bar room brawl. B

112 - Untamed Youth:
One of the very best from season 1. Mamie Van Doren stars as one of many teens who are forced to work as cotton pickers. Very funny episode through and through. I really enjoyed the jokes during the many musical numbers. A

113 - Black Scorpion:
Generally clever riffing is found throughout. There are weak spots: The movies repetative; skits are weak. Though it has holes B.S. is not a bad episode. B-

KTMA * Season 1 * Season 2 * Season 3 * Season 4 * Season 5
Season 6 * Season 7 and the movie * Season 8 * Season 9 * Season 10

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