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Season Nine

901 - The Projected Man:
Boring British guy with orange hair becomes a monster after teleportation experiment goes wrong. Crow's touch of death makes for a funny host segment and getting Lembach to stay is a big plot point.  C

902 - Phantom Planet:
Shrinky dink astronaut takes on an army of flaming dogs!  B

903 - Puma Man:
One of their best efforts. Goofy movie translates well as an MST3K target.  A

904 - Werewolf:
The best! One of my top 10 favorites. Killer riffing on an excellent movie choice.  A+

905 - The Deadly Bees:
Another dull movie from the UK. This one is better than Projected Man simply because the characters are often searching for the dogs meat.  B-

906 - The Space Children:
With short: Century 21 Calling... - YIPEE a short! Set at the Seattle Worlds fair and funny as hell. The kids and their space blob movie starts off well, but fades near the end.  B-

907 - Hobgoblins:
Another superb episode. The riffing is good even though the movie is an essay on the depths of stupidity one director can sink to.  A-

908 - The Touch of Satan:
Dry story but it has a lot of colorful characters and it is riffed quite well. Beez as Steffi is my favorite part of the episode.  A-

909 - Gorgo:
Our third British effort is saved via the efforts of the Irish. Quality quips are found throughout.  B
Gorgo, star of stage, screen and comic books. This cover was drawn by Spider-Man artist, Steve Ditko.

910 - The Final Sacrifice:
The greatest episode of all time. I've never laughed so hard, so constantly as I do here. Zap Rowsdower and Troy tackle a Canadian cult. complete with a classic song by Tom Servo. Perfect!  A++

911 - The Devil Fish
Decent-if rather sporadically successful jokes-dot this horribly edited movie that is an italian ripoff on "Jaws".  B-

912 - The Screaming Skull
With short: Robot Rumpus - The Gumby short is hilarious! The guys are in top form with their clever observations (mom threatens to make Gumby into a bowl). The work on the feature is good, though the movie is so dry I had a hard time staying focused. Mickey the gardner was funny and the skits were well done.  B-

913 - Quest of the Delta Knights:
I wasn't that impressed with the riffing and having Pearl in the theater was a terrible idea.  C-

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