July 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

July 30, 2002
More pictures added to the "Photo Shoot" gallery. Other than that nothing much new. Brit has been getting lots of bad press from her visit to Mexico. Why is it that anytime she goes to another country she has bad luck? Hon, just stay here with us....we love you. (The press doesn't, but that's a whole other story!) Anyway, I commented a little on her Mexico trip on "In Defense", so if you like reading my opinions (...and why wouldn't you...jk LOL), check that out. More later. Sign the guestbook. ~D

July 15, 2002
YO! I added pictures...what else is new? Total picture count: 1632!! That's just awesome!! I gotta slow down on added pics, I'm runnin' out of space! I also added new lyrics to the songs Brit has been singing on her DWAT tour. I LOVE "Mystic Man". HAHA! Eat your heart out Justin! Also added a "You Said" section in EXTRA. Thanks for your emails, guys!!! Keep it comin'!! More later, I'm out. ~D

July 5, 2002
Well this week was interesting! I got to go to TRL this past Monday! I had SOOO much fun! Damien is the CUTEST ever!! Ok, I'm done. Anyway, lots of pictures were added. Basically to MISC., but others too! Check out the added pages to IN DEFENSE. I've been only doin' little updates lately. Work keeps me pretty busy. Hope everyone is having a great summer! Sign the guestbook! ~D

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