level(): When angered, will burn whatever they are touching at the moment.
Can light candles and cigarettes with fingertips.
Basic Level 1(): Can manipulate existing fire,
can no longer feel the heat from it.
Basic Level 2(): Anything they are touching
is immune to the effects of heat. Good for firefighters
which is like an
Intermediate Level 1(): Magic Missile: Can
produce fire on their own and throw a softball sized orb of the stuff. Also, as
the mage increases in levels, his normal core body temperature begins to rise so
that eventually he finds even slightly chilled water to be freezing cold. Even
the smallest bit of hypothermia could mean a death sentence.
Intermediate Level 2(): Fire ball: Can
throw orbs of fire, approx 8 feet in diameter with the intensity of a blowtorch,
producing enough wind to be used effectively as a siege weapon.
Advanced Level(): Human torch: When
casting, the casters eyes appear as balls of fiery light without iris or pupil.
Their own bodies become enshrouded in flame, which causes no harm to the caster,
or the place they are standing. Whenever a fireball is emitted, it sounds as a
deafening roar. They may also call forth elemental creatures to fight for them.
Only the advanced caster has the capacity to control such a being with minimal