the way other people see them.
Learner Level(): Can use low level glamour
magic to create dancing lights or pictures.
Basic Level 1(): Can create ghosts sounds
or simulate the appearance of another person.
Basic Level 2(): Can appear as an inanimate object of equal size.
Intermediate Level 1(): Can appear as an
inanimate object of smaller or larger size. Can also create ghostly images and
project an image over their own.
Intermediate Level 2(): Can effectively blend with their back round,
making them disappear from sight like a chameleon.
Advanced Level(): Can determine the
desires of others and appear as such to them, in voice and appearance. They can
also project images into the mind of another, distracting them, or creating an
environment they would rather be seeing. This can be useful in leading people
off cliffs, when they can see a bridge.