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Rogue Squadron Roster


Rogue Squadron Roster

History of Rogue Squadron
Rogue Squadron

The Pilots of Rogue SquadronRogue Squadron Pilot Roster


Wedge Antilles - Rogue Leader
Legendary war hero and leader of Rogue Squadron

Tycho Celchu
Alderaanian male who carries a love for adventure - Coming Soon!

Wes Janson
Capable pilot and skilled soldier. The "tough" of Rogue Squadron

Derek "Hobbie" Klivan
Soft-spoken and driven former Imperial cadet - Coming Soon!

Feylis Ardele
Skilled TIE Fighter pilot from the Commenor Militia

Avan Beruss
Childhood friend of Princess Leia and competent pilot of many craft - Coming Soon!

Dllr Nep
Sullustian pilot fond of the music of different cultures

Herian I'ngre
Rogue pilot of the Bith species and one of the few to pursue a career in the Rebellion - Coming Soon!

Outstanding Mon Calamari pilot and ground operative - Coming Soon!

Koyi Komad
Trusted mechanic of Rogue Squadron with a rare ability - Coming Soon!

Nrin Vakil
Quarren pilot with a florid personality - Coming Soon!

Xarrce Huwla
Member of the Tunroth species who are known for their strength and battle drive - Coming Soon!

Plourr Ilo
Battle-hardened veteran -- fearless, motivated, and talented - Coming Soon!