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Wes Janson

(Human male from Taanab: Pilot)

Wes Janson operated out of Tierfon early in his enlistment with the Rebel Alliance. While a capable pilot, his deadly accuracy earned him the gunner's seat of a Y-wing more often than the pilot's seat. But he had the chance to fly with some of the top Rebel pilots and racked up an impressive kill record and a tremendous reputation. But he also suffered through difficult times. While still a trainee with the Tierfon Yellow Aces, the squadron was sent to ambush an Imperial freighter. The TIE fighter escort was larger than reported and one pilot panicked and fled.

With Jek Porkins piloting and Wes in the gunner's seat, they tried repeatedly to stop Kissek Doran for fear he would alert the Imperial forces. To save the squadron, Wes Janson fired the laser cannons killing his teammate. It was his first kill and one that would haunt him in the future. His other biggest regret came at the end of his time with the Aces. An immediate transfer list was posted for the Yavin base, Janson's name was on it. But he had a case of Hesken Fever from a recent scouting mission. Filling the slot instead was his friend Jek Porkins, who died at Yavin facing the first Imperial Death Star. Soon after Yavin, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles formed a new type of starfighter unit. An X-wing squadron with no set mission profile. It would be called Rogue Squadron and Wes Janson would be one of the first recruits, having a long and distinguished career on its roster.

Janson at Hoth Rogue Squadron provided cover for the defection of Crix Madine on Corellia. They flew converted airspeeders on Hoth, where Wes and Wedge Antilles brought one of the massive Imperial walkers down using tow cables. They were last to leave the ice planet defending Rebel transports against Imperial forces in orbit. Wes had an uncomfortable moment once when his sabotaged astromech took control of his X-wing and tried to shoot down Luke Skywalker. The Rogues flew against the second Death Star over the forest moon of Endor, destroying not only the space station but the Emperor as well. Rogue Squadron found itself on diplomatic envoys and guarding convoys during the formation and early expansion of the New Republic. But these were hardly quiet times as remnants of the Empire refused to admit defeat. Wes also proved his capability as a ground operative when he assisted commando Kapp Dendo in the sabotage of Imperial facilities on Brentaal.

When orders came down to reform Rogue Squadron, Wes and Hobbie Klivian traded in their pilot helmets and became flight instructors for the New Republic. When Wedge Antilles invited the two back to Rogue Squadron, Wes instead chose to help Wedge build a new unit, X-wing Wraith Squadron. A new squad built up around commando skills first and pilot skills second. And it was there that his past came back to haunt him. One of their first recruits turned out to be the son of Dessik Doran, the Alliance pilot Wes had shot down years before in the Tierfon Yellow Aces. But the two struggled through their pain and awkwardness, never becoming friends but reaching a point where they were able to work together effectively. When Wraith Squadron was transferred to the New Republic Intelligence division, Wes chose to stay with Starfighter Command and returned to Rogue Squadron.

Wes Janson has passed up several transfers choosing to stay with the Rogues for most of his career, having served under the command of Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu.