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Wedge Antilles


(Human male from Corellia: Pilot)

One of the greatest heroes of the Galactic Civil War yet also one of the least known. Such is the life of a career fighter pilot. Wedge Antilles grew up in the neutral Corellian Sector unaware of the growing unrest in the greater Empire. Half of each year he spent on a farm in Corellia's northern hemisphere and the other half working at his parents fuel depot in Outer Gus Treta System where he learned to pilot tugs and shuttles. It was a tough life and one Wedge's older sister, Syal, wasn't suited for. She left the Corellian Sector while in her teens and Wedge wouldn't discover until years later she had become the famous holostar Wynssa Starflare and married the infamous Baron Fel.

Tragedy struck derailing Wedge's dreams and eventually sending into the arms of the Rebellion. His parents were killed when a pirate ship tore away from the fueling station igniting the fuel lines. Having evacuated everyone from their module, Jagged and Zena stayed behind to prevent the fire from spreading to the rest of the station. Wedge had watched it all from the safety of Booster Terrik's ship. Then he took Booster's Z-95 Headhunter, caught up to the fleeing pirates and destroyed their freighter in a battle that would foreshadow his later years as a fighter pilot.

Wedge used the insurance money and went into business using many of Booster's smuggling contacts. He soon began hauling items for the Rebellion and when an open call for fighter pilots reached him, Wedge signed up and soon was leading small missions.

Everything changed for Wedge and the Rebellion when a rag-tag group of fighter pilots went up against the Imperial Death Star. The Empire had discovered their base and only two squadrons stood to defend them. Wedge was Red 2 and piloting an X-wing. Their ranks were decimated by opposing TIE Fighters and the artillery of the station. But three pilots survived, including Wedge, and Luke Skywalker had fired the fateful shot that destroyed the Death Star.

Wedge's X-wing From there Luke and Wedge became fast friends. They proposed a new fighter squadron to the Rebel Alliance council, one with no set mission parameters. It would be called Rogue Squadron. They recruited the best pilots and were sent on the most dangerous missions. They captured the Imperial "ace" Kasan Moor. Helped Crix Madine defect from the Empire. After the evacuation of Hoth, Luke took a leave of absence, and Wedge took command and turned Rogue Squadron into the Rebel Fleet's most elite starfighter unit. When the Rebellion faced off against a second Death Star, this time with the Emperor aboard, Rogue Squadron, christened Red Group in remembrance of Yavin IV, was one of the two units assigned to enter the superstructure and blow the station from the inside. Wedge, alongside Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon, fired the shots that won them that victory.

Then came Grand Admiral Thrawn. Devastating battles were fought and more often then not, Thrawn and his Imperial forces were the victors. The Rogues faced his forces several times and while not winning very often, they managed to stay alive. Wedge was promoted to General in the aftermath and while not forced to leave Rogue Squadron, he took on a new slew of duties. But first he had to finish some old business. Ysanne Isard was back and it took Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron to stop her a second time. But Wedge had to leave Rogue Squadron behind when the clone-Emperor surfaced. and stationed a wing of fighters he renamed Rogue Wing aboard. Alongside Lando Calrissian they battled against the clone-Emperor's forces and would win back Coruscant.

The continued success of Wedge and Rogue Squadron's elicited a restructuring within Starfighter Command. Wedge was ordered to expand Rogue Squadron from its 12-fighter squad into an over-whelming force consisting of 100+ fighters of varying designs. His objections over-ruled, Wedge chose to lead this new Rogue Squadron from the command chair of the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya. Intense training and simulation battles followed before the new unit saw action in the Battle of Phaeda. Wedge dispatched a squadron of B-wings, A-wings and more which decimated the Imperial forces over Phaeda liberating the planet below.

Wedge preparing for battle

Wedge's distaste for bureaucratic decisions led him to take a ground assignment assisting in the rebuilding of Imperial City from the destruction incurred from the clone-Emperor's 'force storms'. From there he became the bodyguard to Qwi Xux, a former Imperial scientist who helped design the Death Star. The two began a romance that was abruptly threatened when rogue Jedi Knight Kyp Durron erased Qwi's memory. With time she regained her semblance of self and the two struggled to stay together but it was never the same and the two split on good terms.

Turning his attention back to Starfighter Command, Wedge took a more active interest in the military then he had in months. He ran real-life battle simulations against Admiral Ackbar in the Nal Hutta system. He helped in the formation and training of the New Republic's Fifth Fleet. Wedge commanded the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Yavin in what became known as the 'New Rebellion'. But he found himself missing the cockpit of an X-wing.

Finding excuses to put himself back in the pilot's seat, Wedge flew an enhanced X-wing during the evacuation of Thanta Zilbra. These excursions didn't go unnoticed by Admiral Ackbar. Together they reached the same compromise they had made before Ysanne Isard's return. Wedge would command Rogue Squadron but retain his position as General and he and Rogue Squadron would be assigned duties befitting his position.

The flexibility of his position proved advantageous when it was thought Grand Admiral Thrawn had returned to lead the struggling Imperial forces. Assigned to New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis and stationed aboard his flagship, the Peregrine, Wedge led Rogue Squadron and ordered battle maneuvers from the cockpit of his X-wing. He also went on a covert mission to Bothawui when the Bothan homeworld was threatened. Before discovering anything, Wedge was recalled for the massive assault at Yaga Minor. This became the deciding battle of the New Republic over the Empire. Soon after, the truce was signed and the war had ended.

With peace a reality, Wedge found time to marry, have two children and retire from active duty. Years later when that peace was threatened by the invading Yuuzhan Vong, Wedge came out of retirement and...