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Guild Banners!

- Mad Guild Info -
 » website home
 » the guild
 » guild's shop
 » guild events
 » guild council
 » how to help*
 » medicine shop
 » guild rules
 » success stories

- Fun Stuff -
 » poems
 » backgrounds*
 » motw
 » html tips*
 » emoticons
 » lab ray
 » banners

- Neopet Tips -
 » newbies*
 » daily duties
 » cooking pot
 » items list
 » negg values
 » earning nps
 » random tips
 » neo-times links*

- Game Tips -
 » poogle solitare*
 » cellblock NEW!
 » new games!

- Thank You’s -
 » Links**

***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ stars (**) next to them DO NOT work!***
Finally, what you all have been waiting for! Our very own guild banners! Show your pride for you guild and put one in your shop!


Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

Copy this html code and paste it in your shop description.

They're not much yet, but soon we'll have better ones! More to come soon!

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