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Guild Rules

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- Thank You’s -
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***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
Here are some simple rules that you must follow in order to remain a member of our guild. They are not asking much, but please abide by them. If you don’t follow them, then you will be thrown out. If you do not agree with them, then this is not the guild for you.

  Give - In order for our guild to be a helping guild, one must give help in order to receive help.
  Donate - Please donate saleable, useable, edible items or nps when you are able. This is a helping guild and it takes the help of all members together to be able to help when someone is in need.
  Respect - Remember others have feelings, respect others' thoughts, ideas, and opinions
  Kindness - Be kind to other members, even if you don't agree with them
  Be Active - Please be active by participating in contests, guild events, and posting messages at least once a week whenever possible. If you haven't posted in a month, we will assume that you are no longer interested in the guild, unless you notify us that you will be gone.
 Talk - In order for our guild to be active, one must talk and voice their opinions. Feel free to stop by and chat every once in a while. (As long as your speech does not break any other rules.)
  No Abusive Language - Do not be abusive in any way to other members. This is VERY important because we will not tolerate any abuse or bad language.
  No Religious Language -Religious language of any kind will NOT be tolerated. Please keep your religion to yourself, or speak privately with other members. Remember there are many religions out there and others may be offended by your speech or your religion.
 Have Fun - Remember this is just a game, so have fun!

Also, if you have an idea you think might work well or be fun please post it or send it to one of the council members!

These simple guild rules were put together by Muse and Angel. Thanks for your help!

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