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Member of the Week

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This page is devoted to the "Member of the Week."

What is the "Member of the Week"? This member is selected by application to be a member of the guild council for one week, 7 days - Monday to Sunday.
What does the "Member of the Week" actually do? This member will help ease the load of work on the guild council by planing a contest and sending out the guild newsletter to all guild members for that week. They MUST paln a contest and send out a newsletter that includes what happened the prior week and what you have planned for the week you are member of the week. The news letters must be sent out on Monday or Tuesday. This member will aslo be able to change the guild colors and picture.
How can I become the "Member of the Week"? All you need to do is send your application to tyger_lillies, stating why you should be member of the week and alittle about yourself. It's that simple. And you only need to do it once, unless you are selected, of course! If you've already been Member of the Week, you will be placed at the bottom of the list and must re-admit you application. It's that simple!

So on with the "Member of the Week!"

None currently!

Previous Members of the Week

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