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Items Lists!

- Mad Guild Info -
 » website home
 » the guild
 » guild's shop
 » guild events
 » guild council
 » how to help*
 » medicine shop
 » guild rules
 » success stories

- Fun Stuff -
 » poems
 » backgrounds*
 » motw
 » html tips*
 » emoticons
 » lab ray
 » banners

- Neopet Tips -
 » newbies*
 » daily duties
 » cooking pot
 » items list
 » negg values
 » earning nps
 » random tips
 » neo-times links*

- Game Tips -
 » poogle solitare*
 » cellblock NEW!
 » new games!

- Thank You’s -
 » Links*

***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
This page will eventually contain lists of all the items in Neopia, that is if I can find them all!!

 ~Back to School
 ~Broken Toys
 ~Collectable Cards
 ~Potions & Magic Items
 ~Battle & Defense Items
 ~Gardening Items
 ~Smoothies & Slushies

 ~Limited Too
 ~Juhdora’s Quest Items
 ~Hidden Tower Items
 ~Gourmet Food List

And many more to come!

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