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~ Personal Success Stories~

- Mad Guild Info -
 » website home
 » the guild
 » guild's shop
 » guild events
 » guild council
 » how to help*
 » medicine shop
 » guild rules
 » success stories

- Fun Stuff -
 » poems
 » backgrounds*
 » motw
 » html tips*
 » emoticons
 » lab ray
 » banners

- Neopet Tips -
 » newbies*
 » daily duties
 » cooking pot
 » items list
 » negg values
 » earning nps
 » random tips
 » neo-times links*

- Game Tips -
 » poogle solitare*
 » cellblock NEW!
 » new games!

- Thank You’s -
 » Links*

***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
This page will contain the personal success stories on Neopets right from the members of MAD Guild themselves. Each member who is willing to do this will tell the story of their success along with their advice on how to be successful!

Angel (tyger_lilies, sweet_angel_sailors, & sweet_angel_serenity)

Muse (one_poets_muse & 1st_poets_muse and all guild accounts)

MFairy87 (milleniumfairy87 and all guild accounts)

Toh (tohweikit)

Please send all your personal success stories and advice to

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