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Guild Events

- Mad Guild Info -
 » website home
 » the guild
 » guild's shop
 » guild events
 » guild council
 » how to help*
 » medicine shop
 » guild rules
 » success stories

- Fun Stuff -
 » poems
 » backgrounds*
 » motw
 » html tips*
 » emoticons
 » lab ray
 » banners

- Neopet Tips -
 » newbies*
 » daily duties
 » cooking pot
 » items list
 » negg values
 » earning nps
 » random tips
 » neo-times links*

- Game Tips -
 » poogle solitare*
 » cellblock NEW!
 » new games!

- Thank You’s -
 » Links*

***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
Are you tired of this guild not being as active as you'd like it to be?
Are you tired of NO ONE posting?
Are you tired of never knowing what's going on?
Are you tired of doing nothing?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then here's the page for you! You will find all the latest MAD Guild events, contests, and much, much more here!

So what's new?
MAD Guild Food Drive - Now until it's done: Have too many Grakle Bugs? Too many Pyramicakes? Too many Omelettes? Want a way to get rid of them and help less-fortunate Neopians at the same time?
HERE'S A SOLUTION! It's MAD Guild's first ever "Food Drive"! Donate all your cheap food to madguild ASAP to participate. At the end of a week or so, all the food collected will be donated to the Money Tree to help out Neopians everywhere!
Paint a Pet: M.A.D. Guild's first ever Paint-a-Pet program!
Here's the deal... You can help out in three ways:
1. Donate NPs
2. Donate items
3. Donate your time
Yes, here's the breakdown! We want to raise as many NPs as possible in order to buy a slammin' paintbrush and paint one of the poor pets at the pound. When this is done, the pet will either be given to a guild member who wants it, or will be put in the adoption agency for some lucky neopet player. Depends if anyone from the guild is interested or not... Make sure to vote on the message board about what species it should be and donate all those old omelettes and super sail boats to madguild ASAP! (They'd only collect dust in your shop anywayz...)
Refer a Friend - Anytime and All the time!: From now on, anyone who refers a friend to the guild will get a free present! However, the person you refer must be active in the guild and post often on the message board and it can't be a second acount of yours. But we trust that you are all honest and we don't need to be telling you this...
Have the person you refered contact (neomail) madguild or milleniumfairy87 when they have joined and have posted at least 5 times on the message board. They will then receive a newbie pack and you will receive a prize for referring them
That means: put a link in your shop, post it in chatrooms, tell members of your neocircle, ANYTHING!
Just get those referrals in! There might even be a bigger prize for the most referrals! So get to it!

Random Quest!: Gedda Happycheek the Kacheek has lost several of his gardening supplies! He doesn't know where he lost them and he must find them! Can you help her? Go to the Contests page for more information.

Contests: (Click here for more info)
--> Refer a friend
--> Random Prizes
--> Random Quest!

We hope this page proves helpful to all of you who never know what's going on and those who just want to know more! ~MAD Guild Council

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