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Earning Neopoints - Tips & Tricks

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      Haven't figured out how to earn NPs yet? Well, here are a lot of easy tips:
  • Open a Shop. List your shop on Neopets Fan pages, the Notice Board, or in the chat rooms. Join a web ring on Neopets. You can search the shop wizard for extremely cheap items. Turn around and sell those cheap items for much more!
    After you open your shop and started getting money. Take half of it and put it in the bank and use the other half to stock your shop. Start your shop off with food items. If you buy them from the main shops, but can sell them for 10 times the price you bought them at.
  • Go to Advent Calendar and collect your prizes in the Month of December. It's worth the extra time. Most of the time you get both neopoints AND items!
  • Trading. When you are making trades, check the prices of the items on the market wizard. This way you can be sure to get a honestly good deal!
  • Earth Faerie Quests. When doing the faerie quests, it isn't worth doing the Earth Faerie Quest. She tends to ask for really expensive things and feed your pets in return. It's just a waste of time.
  • Snow wager. Try to get free things from the snow wager. He sleeps at certain times of the day. You can turn around and sell the things you get for free! But be careful! His bites can be nearly deadly, so don't do it all the time.

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