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Our Guild at the LAB RAY!

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***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
The guild recently took a bunch of money from it's savings and invested in the secret Lab map... Angel suggested that this would be a great way to improve the pet's stats as well as change their colour, gender and species many times for free! Right now, we are working to get Faerie_of_Gold a cool colour, then we will work on Balooshneo, the once yellow Kau (and now Red Scorchio) that madguild adopted from the pound a while back.
We will keep you guys updated as to everything that happens to the pets we adopt. You can find out everything you want to know either on the guild website or on the guild's calendar.

Our Lab Pets:

  • Mad_Guild_Mascot the Chokato Chia - new owner: madguild
  • Kuravii the Island Peophin - new owner: madguild_2
  • Angel_Uni9929 the Island Uni - new owner: ???
  • Anita472 the Shadow Kacheek - new owner: ???
  • MSUpet the Fire Uni - new owner: secretmad
  • _Emerald_Feather_ the Cloud Ixi - new owner: sweet_angel_sailors
  • Zindra8 the Rainbow Blumaroo - new owner: candace0519
  • Crystal23343 the Christmas Mynci - new owner: cremepuff00
  • Balooshneo the Red Scorchio - STILL AT LAB RAY
  • Faerie_of_Gold the Red Buzz - STILL AT LAB RAY

On with the Experiments...

Hee hee hee!

The Month of Sleeping, Y4 (July 2002):

Mad_Guild_Mascot & Kuravii
  • 19th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 3 Movement Points! :)
  • 20th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 2 Movement Points! :)
  • 21st: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 2 Levels!! :(
  • 22nd: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and she is transformed into a Red Eyrie! (she was originally a Yellow Kau) :)


  • 23rd: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 3 Maximum Hit Points :(
  • 24th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he changes colours to Green! (He was originally a Skunk Kougra) :)


  • 25th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 3 Movement Points :(
  • 26th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 2 Levels! :(
  • 28th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 2 Movement Points! :(
  • 29th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 2 Movement Points! :(
  • 30th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 3 Defense Points! :(
  • 31st: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 3 Strength Points! :)

The Month of Hiding, Y4 (August 2002):
  • 1st: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 2 Strength Points! :)
  • 2nd: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he loses 3 Defense Points :(
  • 3rd: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 2 Defense Points! :)
  • 6th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 3 Defense Points! :)
  • 8th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 3 Maximum Hit Points! :)
  • 9th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he changes into a Yellow Chia! :)


  • 10th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he becomes a SHE! (sex change, lol) ??
  • 11th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he, I mean SHE, gains 2 Maximum Hit Points! :)
  • 12th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and she gains 2 Levels! :)
  • 13th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and she changes back into a MALE! ??
  • 14th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 3 Strength Points! :)
  • 15th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he changes colour to Spotted! ??


  • 16th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 3 Movement Points! :)
  • 17th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 4 Maximum Hit Points! :)
  • 18th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 3 Strength Points! :)
  • 19th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 2 Levels! :)
  • 20th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he changes colour to Yellow!!


  • 21st: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 3 Strength Points! :)
  • 22nd: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 3 Defense Points! :)
  • 23rd: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 3 Maximum Hit Points! :)
  • 24th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he gains 2 maximum hit points! :)
  • 25th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and he gains 2 movement points! :)
  • 26th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... he and becomes a SHE (again, lol)!
  • 27th: The Lab Ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and she gains 2 strength points! :)
  • 28th: The ray is fired at Mad_Guild_Mascot... and she changes colour to Chokato!!


  • 29th: The ray is fired at Kuravii... and he goes down to level 1 :(
  • 30th: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he loses 3 movement points! :(
  • 31st: The Lab Ray is fired at Kuravii... and he changes colour to Skunk!!


The Month of Gathering, Y4 (September 2002):

  • 2nd: The ray is fired at Kuravii... and he loses 3 strength points :(
  • 3rd: The ray is fired at Kuravii... and he changes into a Green Peophin!! ???


  • 4th: The ray is fired at Kuravii... and he changes colour to Island!!


  • 5th: MAD Guild adopts Angel_Uni9929 the Female Red Uni


    The ray is fired at Angel_Uni9929, the Red Uni... and she changes colour to Island!!


  • 6th: MAD Guild adopts Anita472 the Female Red Kacheek


    The ray is fired at Anita472... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!
  • 7th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and she loses 3 strength points :(
  • 8th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and she becomes a he! (sex change, lol)
  • 9th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and he loses 3 defence points :(
  • 10th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and he gains 2 defence points!
  • 11th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and he changes to female! (sex change, lol)
  • 12th: The ray is fired at Anita472... and she changes colour to Shadow!!


  • 13th: The Lab Ray is fired at Anita472... and she gains 3 movement points!
  • 14th: MAD Guild Adopts _Emerald_Feather_ the Male Green Ixi


    The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_ ... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!
  • 15th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he gains 2 movement points! :)
  • 17th: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!
  • 18th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 2 strength points :(
  • 19th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he becomes a she! (sex change, lol) :)
  • 21st: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she goes down to Level 1 :(
  • 22nd: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she gains 2 levels! :)
  • 23rd: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she gains 2 movement points! :)
  • 26th: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she gains 3 strength points!!!!
  • 27th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!
  • 28th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she loses 2 strength points :(
  • 29th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she loses 3 movement points! :(
  • 30th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she becomes a he!!! (gender change, lol)

The Month of Collecting, Y4 (October 2002):

  • 1st: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he gains 2 movement points! :)
  • 2nd: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he gains 3 defence points!
  • 4th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 3 strength points :(
  • 5th: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!
  • 6th: The Lab Ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses two levels :(
  • 7th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!
  • 8th: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_...and he loses 3 defence points!!!!
  • 9th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 2 strength points :(
  • 11th: The ray is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he loses 3 defence points!!!!
  • 12th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he changes colour to Yellow!!


  • 13th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he doesn't change at all :(
  • 14th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and he changes gender!!! (He's a she now!)
  • 15th: The LR is fired at _Emerald_Feather_... and she changes colour to Cloud!!


  • 17th: MAD Guild adopts MSUpet the Male Yellow Eyrie


    The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 3 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 18th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!
  • 19th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 2 movement points!
  • 20th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 3 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 23rd: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he changes gender!!!!
    sweet_angel_sailors adopts _Emerald_Feather_ from MAD Guild
  • 24th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and she gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 26th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and she gains two levels!!!
  • 27th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she changes colour to Glowing!


  • 30th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she gains 2 defence points!!!!

The Month of Storing, Y4 (November 2002):

  • 1st: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she changes colour to Green!!


  • 2nd: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she gains 3 defence points!!!!
  • 6th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 7th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she loses 2 strength points :(
  • 9th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and she changes gender!!!!
  • 10th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 3 defence points!!!!
  • 11th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 3 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 12th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 2 strength points!!!!
  • 13th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he changes into a Blue Uni!!


  • 14th: The ray is fired at MSUpet...and he gains 3 defence points!!!!
  • 16th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!
  • 17th: The ray is fired at MSUpet...and he loses two levels :(
  • 18th: The LR is fired at MSUpet... and he loses two levels :(
  • 20th: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!
  • 21st: The ray is fired at MSUpet... and he changes colour to Fire!!


  • 28th: MAD Guild adopts Zindra8 the Male Yellow Blumaroo


    The LR is fired at Zindra8... and he changes gender!!!!
  • 29th: The ray is fired at Zindra8... and she gains two levels!!!
  • 30th: The ray is fired at Zindra8... and she changes colour to Rainbow!!


The Month of Celebrating, Y4 (December 2002):

  • 2nd: MAD Guild adopts Crystal23343 the Female Red Mynci as the new Lab Ray pet :)


    The ray is fired at Crystal23343... and she gains 5 max hit points!
  • 3rd: The LR is fired at Crystal23343... and she loses 2 movement points!!!!
  • 4th: MAD Guild adopts Balooshneo the Green Elephante as the next lab ray pet :)


    The LR is fired at Crystal23343... and she goes down to level 1 :(
    Somehow Crystal23343 is changed into a Christmas Mynci... Don't know how... Don't know when...

  • 9th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!
  • 10th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 2 strength points!!!!
  • 11th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he changes into a Red Scorchio!!


  • 15th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo .. and he gains 3 movement points!!!!
  • 16th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 17th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 3 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 19th: The ray is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains two levels!!!
  • 21st: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he loses 3 defence points!!!!
  • 22nd: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 26th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!
  • 27th: The LR is fired at Balooshneo ... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!

The Month of Sleeping, Y5 (January 2003):

  • 11th: The ray is fired at Balooshneo... and he gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!
  • 17th: The ray is fired at Balooshneo... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!
  • 31st: The ray is fired at Balooshneo... and he doesn't change at all :(

The Month of Awakening, Y5 (Febraury 2003):

  • 17th: MAD Guild adopts Faerie_of_Gold the Female Yellow Aisha


    The LR is fired at Faerie_Of_Glod... and she doesn't change at all :(
  • 18th: The LR is fired a Faerie_of_gold... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!
  • 24th: The LR is fired at Faerie_of_Gold... and she loses 3 movement points!!!!
  • 28th: The LR is fired at Faerie_of_Gold... and she changes into a Red Buzz!! (She was a yellow aisha...)


The Month of Running, Y5 (March 2003):

  • 1st: The LR is fired at Faerie_of_Gold... and she gains 3 maximum hit points!!!
  • 2nd:
  • 3rd:
  • 4th:
  • 5th:
  • 6th:
  • 7th:
  • 8th:
  • 9th:
  • 10th:
  • 11th:
  • 12th:
  • 13th:
  • 14th:
  • 15th:
  • 16th:
  • 17th:
  • 18th:
  • 19th:
  • 20th:
  • 21st:
  • 22nd:
  • 23rd:
  • 24th:
  • 25th:
  • 26th:
  • 27th:
  • 28th:
  • 29th:
  • 30th:
  • 31st:

The Month of Eating, Y5 (April 2002):

  • 1st:
  • 2nd:
  • 3rd:
  • 4th:
  • 5th:
  • 6th:
  • 7th:
  • 8th:
  • 9th:
  • 10th:
  • 11th:
  • 12th:
  • 13th:
  • 14th:
  • 15th:
  • 16th:
  • 17th:
  • 18th:
  • 19th:
  • 20th:
  • 21st:
  • 22nd:
  • 23rd:
  • 24th:
  • 25th:
  • 26th:
  • 27th:
  • 28th:
  • 29th:
  • 30th:
  • 31st:

The Month of Hunting, Y5 (May 2002):

  • 1st:
  • 2nd:
  • 3rd:
  • 4th:
  • 5th:
  • 6th:
  • 7th:
  • 8th:
  • 9th:
  • 10th:
  • 11th:
  • 12th:
  • 13th:
  • 14th:
  • 15th:
  • 16th:
  • 17th:
  • 18th:
  • 19th:
  • 20th:
  • 21st:
  • 22nd:
  • 23rd:
  • 24th:
  • 25th:
  • 26th:
  • 27th:
  • 28th:
  • 29th:
  • 30th:
  • 31st:

The Month of Relaxting, Y5 (June 2002):

  • 1st:
  • 2nd:
  • 3rd:
  • 4th:
  • 5th:
  • 6th:
  • 7th:
  • 8th:
  • 9th:
  • 10th:
  • 11th:
  • 12th:
  • 13th:
  • 14th:
  • 15th:
  • 16th:
  • 17th:
  • 18th:
  • 19th:
  • 20th:
  • 21st:
  • 22nd:
  • 23rd:
  • 24th:
  • 25th:
  • 26th:
  • 27th:
  • 28th:
  • 29th:
  • 30th:
  • 31st:

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