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Previous Members of the Week

- Mad Guild Info -
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- Neopet Tips -
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 » earning nps
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 » neo-times links*

- Game Tips -
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 » cellblock NEW!
 » new games!

- Thank You’s -
 » Links*

***Note Not All Links Work Yet! Links w/ a star (*) next to them DO NOT work!***
Below you will be able to see who our previous members of the week!

#1. _sunshine1066_ (July 8th to 14th)
About Me: Hi, I'm from the USA. Wisconsin to be exact. I'm sort of new to Neopets. I don't get on much, but I'm trying hard to be successful!
Why pick me? I think I should be the Member of the Week because I'll have more influence in MAD Guild. It'll make me more active, too! I'll try to plan a nice contest and I'll send out a guild newsletter, too! I think this is a really good idea, letting the members have a say in things. I love Neopets and I enjoy being in this guild! What else? I guess that's it!

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