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Just For A Day - By: One Poets Muse

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Just For A Day
By: One Poets Muse

Just for a day
Set yourself free
Dare to dream
Then make it live

Just for a day
Take a trip
Go far away
To Other Realms

Just for a day
Reach for the brass ring
Ride the unicorns
Fly on Pegasus's shoulders

Just for a day
Let mermaids guide
Discover your Atlantis
Welcome the depths

Just for a day
Leave the routine
Lose your maps
Find your way

Just for a day
Hear sweet Siren's song
Brave craggy shores
See what is hidden there

Just for a day
Wage against Goliaths
Slay thee Dragons
Victories await

Just for a day
Let it wander
Fall into it
Learn to use it

Just for a day

Even just for a day

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