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Extreme Herder

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This guide is from, I hope it helps!

The Paddock
Now, first of all, you should learn more about the setting of the game. Basically, it's whenever, on a petpet farm? Well it DOES say he's a shepherd...oh well, never mind that. Now, the aim of the game is to get the petpets into the paddock! When you start out, you will be able to deposit the petpets into any of the four sides. But, starting at level 8, these ...uhmm.. deposit-point-thingies start to disappear. Here is the level in which you have to travel further to save the petpets:

Lvl 8: Top Deposit Point
Lvl 9: Bottom Deposit Point
Lvl 10: Right Deposit Point

Now, this leaves you with the deposit point on the left. But, did Neopets realize that this is an advantage? Yes, it is! If you didn't notice, Balthazar comes from the upper left-hand corner at the beginning of each level. This lets you easily get the petpets to safety on the left. Now the rest of the screen I'll explain later ;)

Now this is another detail of the game that some people seem to miss. On each side of the window there will appear to be a grey bar. If you're a few steps away from this 'portal', it will glow green. Now, if you walked into the portal on the right, Samrin will then appear from the portal on the left. If he walks into the portal on the top, he'll appear from the portal on the bottom, and vise-versa. Now, these 'portals' begin to disappear at level 5!! One by one they are taken away from the game to make it harder. Here is the order in which Samrin has one less portal:

Lvl 5: Top Portal
Lvl 6: Bottom Portal
Lvl 7: Right Portal
Lvl 8: Left Portal

Now, as these portals start to disappear at an early level, I advise you to USE THEM WHILE YOU CAN!! They easily take you to the other side of the screen and save you plenty of time. If you use these, you should be able to get at least to level 8!

I'm sure that if you've played this game before, you know what the Snowflakes are. Besides that, they ell you on the Extreme Herder games page. Now, if you pick one of these up (by simply running into it) then Balthazar will be frozen in his spot for approximately 5 seconds. Now, this may not seem like very long, but if it's an emergency, you'll realize exactly how valuable these snowflakes are! And, of course, being the little twit that they are, Neopets made these snowflakes rarer in the higher levels, where you really need them :P They are set on each corner of the paddock.

Orange Speed Orbs

Now these are simply orange orbs dropped no where but each corner of the window. Not the paddock, the actual window. Now pick one of these up, and Samrin will become faster. This becomes an advantage in crucial moments! Example: Balthazar is chasing a petpet at the top, and you're on the left (No space on either side of Balthazar to simply pass him) If you pick up one of these, it'll give you a better chance of saving the petpet, as in the beginning you're already basically twice as fast as him.

The Scoring System
To begin with, the basic scoring system. You get one point for each petpet you put into the paddock. Seems easy enough, right?

In this game, there are two ways to get bonuses. The first one is the 'Bonus Catch'. On each level there will be one petpet with a star above it's head. This is the Bonus Catch petpet. This is an example of the bonus points you'll get for saving one of these:

Lvl 1: 2 Bonus Points
Lvl 2: 2 Bonus Points
Lvl 3: 2 Bonus Points
Lvl 4: 3 Bonus Points
Lvl 6: 4 Bonus Points
Lvl 8: 5 Bonus Points

.....and so on. You get the point, right? The number of Bonus Points you get for saving the Bonus Catch petpet goes up by one every two levels.

The last bonus is the 'Saved All' bonus. This basically explains itself, doesn't it? At the end of each level, if you've rescued EVERY petpet, you get a bonus. The number of points you get depends on how many petpets you STARTED with at that level.
Example: If you started out with 7 petpets, and rescued them all, your Save All bonus would be 7.
But, if you started with 7 and only rescued 6, you won't get this bonus.

Yes, I am finally making the ACTUAL guide! Well, I'll do a quick level-by-level and I'll finish up with an overall thingy..yes..*ahem* let's just carry on!

Level 1
In level one you have all four portals, and all four deposit points. Get the 'Bonus Catch' as every point counts! Also, try to start every level off on the left side. Why, you ask? Well, if you've noticed, Balthazar enters the scene from the top left-hand corner, giving him a good chance at getting any petpets that are on that side. Starting out here lets you quickly grab any petpets before Balthazar. This level is WAY too easy to lose, unless, of course you're acting like an idiot and purposely killing yourself ^_^;

Level 5
Now, this is where the games' portals start to disappear! Again, try your hardest to END the level on the left. This shouldn't be too hard, even right now, as you can avoid Balthazar easily. With the last petpet you won't have any to worry after, either. But, when you deposit the last petpet, you can use that little extra time to wander to the left.

Level 8
Oh no, all the portals have disappeared!! What?? One of the deposit points, too? Well, I hope you used the teleporters to your advantage, and there is now one less deposit point. Snowflakes are becoming a bit harder to get as well, but the orange speed orbs are plentiful.

Level 10
NOOO! Ok, the game has become harder yet again. You've lost all of the deposit point thingies except for the one on the left. Now you have no excuse for starting on the right, as you HAVE to deposit your petpets on the left! Snowflakes are still rare, so grab them when you can. BUT, be aware that you should not risk a petpet for one, or it will be a lost cause.

Level 15
Now I don't know how many people have gotten this far, but I know I've gotten quite a bit further. The snowflakes have become rarer yet, but the orange speed orbs - which can get quite annoying - are still in abundance. It's getting quite a bit harder, with more petpets to rescue and only one way to get them into the paddock.

Overall, I would have to say 'Extreme Herder' is a GREAT game! Very addictive,too... anyways, just try to get those snowflake and speed orbs whenever you can! Again, don't risk a petpet for on of these items. Another thing- try to start out no the left, it gives you an advantage against Balthazar. AND USE THE PORTALS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!!!! I don't't know ho much I can stress it, but if you do use them you'll be quite deprived when they're taken away. I found that after the discovery of these, I was able to go a level or two further. Use the 'multiple deposit-point-thingies' to your advantage too.

Ok, so i left out a few things. Well, here they are!
- The following has been done by a professional *ahem yea right*, and I advise you not to try it at home, kids: When you freeze Balthazar, you will be able to run overtop (or under,whatever) of him for the brief time he is frozen. This is good if you're going for a petpet at the top.

- If you use a portal, try not o get out too close to Balthazar! He'll eat you!!!

- If you need a rest while playing this game, then grab a hold of the last petpet (Yes, HOLD IT or this will NOT WORK!) and simply stop where you are. Balthazar begins to head back to the upper left-hand corner as soon as you grab the last petpet. This lets you rest for any amount of time you want, as he won't unexpectedly come and attack you.

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