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Plushie Tycoon

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This game guide was found on PinkPoogleToy.Com

Plushie Tycoon is a new game on Neopets. You own a factory, a warehouse and a shop. You start off the game with 50,000np which does not come from your own pocket. Also you can’t take away any of the money. It is stuck in this section. What you do use this money for is for rent, buying raw materials, sending off plushies from the warehouse and for paying wages.

Raw Materials
Before you can make anything you need to have the raw materials. You can buy cloth, stuffing, accessories and packing.

There are 4 different types of cloth – Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Red is most expensive and Green is least expensive.

They can in rolls of 100 sq ft (2 or 3 per 100)

There are 4 types of stuffing – Neocotton, Tree Floss, Neofoam and Neopian times (the newspaper)

Neocotton is most expensive and the Neopian Times is least expensive.

These come in 10 gallon bags (can fill 100 plushies)

There are 3 different types of accessories – Rare Gems, Molded Plastic and Used Junk.

Rare Gems are most expensive and Used Junk is least expensive.

When you go to buy accessories you have to choose which pet you want the accessories for.

These come in pounds (1 per 100 plushies)

There are 4 different types of packing – Velvet bags, Cardboard boxes and Paper bags.

Velvet bags are most expensive and Paper bags are least expensive.

They come in boxes for 100 (1 per 100)

The Factory
Here is where you employ staff and make plushies.

When you make plushies you need o have all the raw materials. You go to “Start New Job” where you choose which plushie you want to make. It has most of the pets here but a few aren’t (Draik isn’t there but Krawk is).

Then you come to a page where you can choose you materials. At the top it has some information. The first is how much cloth you need. It will say 200 sq feet or it will say 300 sq feet.

200 = 2 rolls and 300 = 3 rolls.

The choosing….
Here you can choose which colour cloth you want, which type of stuffing you want, which type of accessories you want (make sure it is the right pet) and which packing you want.

An expensive pet….

Red Cloth, Rare Gems, Neocotton and Velvet bags

A cheap pet…

Green cloth, Used Junk, Neopian Times and Paper bags.

You make plushies in sets of 100.

This is where you can hire and fire workers. You can have as many workers as you want.

You can employ Dropouts, Graduates, Trainees, Journeymen and Managers.

To start with you will have 1 manager of whom you can’t fire.

Dropouts cost 5np an hour.
Graduates cost 6np an hour.
Trainees cost 8np an hour.
Journeymen cost 12np an hour.
Managers cost 40np an hour.

It is best to employ Journeymen and trainees. Journeymen are very good and trainees are good. Dropouts and graduates are rubbish but are cheap. Managers are only there to give commands – don’t bother to hire any extras!

The Warehouse
Here is where all your plushies go after they have been made. You can’t separate them. You have to send them off to the shop and they will automatically be priced up. There isn’t much you can do here except wait for them to be loaded onto a lorry.

The Store (shop)
Here you can choose what goes on in your shop.

You have 4 options


You can have a look what is in your shop and sales history.

Here you can upgrade your shop. You can upgrade the following:

Store Security
Display shelves

Front Sign
The higher level you choose of each one – the more expensive it gets.

Here you can make your shop size bigger – this makes the rent higher. The highest you can go is shop size 9

Here is the page where you can advertise. You can advertise in many ways:

In-store promotion
Neopian Times ad

The higher up level you go on each one – the more expensive it gets.

That is basically all of it. You will find out some stuff for yourself, what is the best plushie, best material.

Here is what is written on the help section of this game…

You are now in charge of your own plushie empire!
Your job is to oversee every aspect of getting these plushies manufactured, in your store and sold. 

Your Factory, Warehouse and Store are working from 9 am til 5 pm NST every day. Your information will be updated at the end of each of those hours.

Raw Goods
Red? Blue? Paper or velvet.
A lot of choices to make here. Target the upscale buyer or go for the cheapskate. If you spend too much on materials you may not have enough NP left to advertise your plushies. Best advice here is to start with small runs early.

If you don't advertise... No one will know you have a store.
Your store should look nice but remember. They are not coming in to buy the store. You can sell more plushies if you expand your store.

Too many chiefs... Not enough indians.
You start out with one manager. Your work force has to be balanced. You don't want 30 high school drop outs runing around lost with no one to tell them what to do. If you are in a rush, hire. Just remember, managers don't do any actual work.

You can't sell any plushies until you ship them to your store. Keep checking to see if they are loaded and ready to ship.

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