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Ever get the feeling you don't understand the contests?
Or do you just want to know more about them?

Then check out this page for updates on the guilds latest contests!

Random Quest!: MISSING ITEMS!

The Battle Faerie

Needs YOUR help to find her missing items!

She lost several of her favorite items all around the website and she needs your help to find them for her! If you find them all, you will get an awesome prize.
Your quest is to search around the site and keep an eye out for her missing items. Once you find them all neomail TYGER_LILLIES or SWEET_ANGEL_SAILORS with the pages and/or links of the pages where you found her missing items.
Here are a list of the items she lost:
After The Battle - Her favorite book all about her! No bedtime stories would be complete without it.
Battle Ready! - Another bedtime favorite! Who can sleep without it? Not the Battle Faerie!
Faerie Portrait - Who knows why she treasures this picture so, but it does bear a striking resemblance. Don't you think?
Faerie Notebook - Perfect for jotting down those last minute messages! Maybe there's a few she needs. You better find it soon!
Battle Faerie Snowglobe - Her Favorite toy! She can't possibly live without it!
Faerie Paint Brush Plushie Just another cute toy. Another of her favorites. It's just so cute!!

Random Prizes - Anytime and All the Time!: Yes, Mfairy87 is at it again! She's going to give out prizes at random to all those who post on the message board. So get at it and get yourself some free stuff!
From now on, she will randomly pick a number in her head and whoever posts that message # will win a prize! However, no one is allowed to post more than 3 consequtive messages (Excluded: Muse, Angel, and, of course, Mfairy87)

Refer a Friend - Anytime and All the time!: From now on, anyone who refers a friend to the guild will get a free present! However, the person you refer must be active in the guild and post often on the message board and it can't be a second acount of yours. But we trust that you are all honest and we don't need to be telling you this...
Have the person you refered contact (neomail) madguild or milleniumfairy87 when they have joined and have posted at least 5 times on the message board. They will then receive a newbie pack and you will receive a prize for referring them
That means: put a link in your shop, post it in chatrooms, tell members of your neocircle, ANYTHING!
Just get those referrals in! There might even be a bigger prize for the most referrals! So get to it!

If this still doesn't help you, then neomail one of our guild members!

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