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Success Stories - Angel

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~Angel~ (account names: tyger_lilies, sweet_angel_sailors, & sweet_angel_serenity)

My success didn't come very easy. I started out with one account and four neopets! It was hard and I used to spend everything I had. Then I saved more than I spent and gradually I saw my bank account rise: 1000, 2000, 10K, 20K. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then I did the unthinkable, I tried to cheat! I didn't get away with it and my account was frozen...

So I overcame that and created a new account and only had one pet. I wasn't very successful at first and spent everything I had, in hopes of getting my old account back. That never happened. So I started saving my neopoints, only spending enough on the essentials such as food and healing potions. Then I played as many games as possible, saving everything! Before I knew it I had 100k, then 200k, and now nearly 300k! So I created another pet.

Then when I really had the feel for Neopets, I created a second (third) account because I had completed the Secret Lab Map. I had one pet for a while, then I created a second.

What are my tips for success? Here are some:

  • Save more then you spend
  • Play as many games as possible
  • It's Ok to be alittle stingy at first
  • Don't always depend on others for help
  • Try to help others the best you can
  • The longer you are a member, the easier it gets!

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