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C2 Weekly Rants: November 6, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

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To Rant or not to Rant….

I know it’s been a while since my last rant, but to hell with you all.  Sorry, but I just had to vent.  I have been so wrapped up in work that I have been slacking in my rants, and to everyone out there that actually read these things, I apologize, and, to those that read them to catch my typo’s and grammar mistakes, you all need to concentrate your efforts to get Kappy a new sticker for his helmet.  For all of you pansies that think I am slacking just because of work, I actually work all day and don’t have time to exchange emails about hair arranged in weather patterns on certain player’s backs, or, the growing ethnic war brewing between the Polish and the Greeks (even though both cultures are genetically designed to have their body hair harvested for the hairpiece industry).  But I digress and there for I rant.

I have lost track of the rumors that need to be kept up, but they have put to rest by the actions of the parties involved.  Billy has, through therapy, ended his infatuation with the scorekeepers.  He has mainly accomplished this by not getting penalties and curbing the flirting associated with sitting in the penalty box.  But he has since developed an obsession with diseased toe nails.  Rogie and JJ seem to have ended their relationship and the absence of JJ over the last two weeks has driven home the point that a couple can work together or play together but never both.  Charlie and his ability to exit the locker room before the second beer has been consumed is only making a stronger push for the Anti-Greek policy set forth by the GM.  And the ongoing court battles of Kappy trying to fend off the restraining orders put in place by six of the 8 top female teen pop stars and newest lawsuit put forth by the website “am I hot or not” (ask the GM for the address, he spends most of his work day there) concerning his posting of the team web page lead in photo.  Enough of the rumors…..

The last three games have see me show up for the game and the rest of the team present in mind but not in ability and me showing up after the first period twice.  I attribute the last two performances by my self and the inability to have my game from the very start to the lack of my rant on Kappy’s web site.

Back to the beer and waitresses…..

Everyone’s favorite sieve……

     Week 1

     Week 2

     Week 3

     Week 4

     Week 5

     Week 6 (BYE)

     Week 7