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Journal Entry:  December 11, 2000

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Aeros 8, Beavers 4

Overall Record:  6-4-2

Record With Beer:  5-3-2

     One word: Ramirez.

     Had to get that out of the way before I started up the journal.  If we get a legitimate number 2 pitcher, we are serious contenders.

     Somewhat of a trouncing against the lowly Blues, 8-4.  The line of Kaplan/Diamandis/Boudreau once again, stole the show, being on the ice for 7 of the 8 goals scored and not on the ice for any of the Blues' goals.  That's a plus 7 if you're scoring at home, which I know J.J. is, nursing his bad hand.

     After Vin Garino scored his 3rd (or was it the 15th) goal of the season, he immediately began to taunt each member of the opposing team, inciting a mini-brawl at center ice.  J.J. won his battle quite handily, pounding the face and helmet of a Blues player, while Bo also had a good handle on his opponent getting the upper hand and taking him down to the ice where he beat up the cage of his victim with hockey gloves.

     Everyone, please make sure that you don't say anything about Vinny's nose next week, as he is scheduled for a nose job later this week and is extremely self-conscious about said issues.

     A nice job by Skeeva Lips to get to the rink early (with beer, mind you) and help the undermanned Red Wings come close to beating the Bulls.

     We have one more game in the month of December to complete the streak:

     September: 0-2-0

     October: 4-0-0

     November: 0-2-2

     December: 2-0-0

     We'll just have to deal with January when the time comes.  The only game that I know of is on the 10th against Precision Auto.  This should be a great match-up considering we have yet to play them and they are probably the dirtiest team from the Wednesday night league.  Good times...Good times...

     On the scorekeeper front, some dude was taking the reigns for this game.  Unacceptable.  Can our GM go to the league office and get a ruling on this, please?  In a related story, Billy has become so downright depressed about Grimace's no show's/restraining order that he looks borderline suicidal.  Maybe somebody could do some research on her and invite her to the festivities on Friday.  I think it would be a big boost for Billy, and for the younger crowd at the Halfway who get to see their real-life McDonald's icon.  Maybe she could blow up some balloons for the kids.  I don't know.  Just brainstorming, that's all.

     Carrier couldn't help out his Goals Against Average in this game, raising it a couple of decimal points to 3.75.  Not a bad performance, although J.J. brought it to the goaltender's attention that he would probably benefit from using a glove that isn't made out of stone.

     Please don't blame me for not having more of the games on the schedule because the league manager, Jimmy "The King" Lawler has not distributed the schedules as of yet.

     Also, Mr. Lawler asked me if everyone on the team could chip in a couple of bucks because the league needs more funding to supply me with my weekly Hat-Trick patches.  I must also give a shout-out to Rogie, who also notched a Hat-Trick against the Blues.

     Also, worth noting:  Scott performed part of a suicide drill at the end of the game against the Blues to demonstrate his frustration with his line's performance.  Kudos to Scott for setting an example for the other two-thirds of the "minus" line.

     Lastly, another quick reminder that Friday, December 15th is when we are having our first team-bonding activity of the season.  I believe that it would behoove people to show up in the range of 8:00-9:30 to ensure that most of us will be shut-off before closing.  Hopefully, the Hudson house will be gracious enough to host a little "Kegger" (keg-party) Friday night just in case we want to prolong the activities (and so that J.J. and Rogie can get a room).