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cover.jpg (123063 bytes) Once upon a time, in a forest, stood a little Fir Tree. The

sun was warm and, the air was fresh. The little Fir Tree

was not happy. He wanted to be as big and as tall as the

other trees in the forest.

Sometimes little children would come by the little Fir Tree. They would say: "How small the Fir Tree

is!" The tree did not like to be small. "If only I could be big and strong like the other trees" said the Fir

Tree. It took no pleasure in the sun, birds, clouds, or anything around it. The forest was a beautiful

place to live. A little rabbit was playing in the forest. The little tree was very small. The rabbit hopped

over the tree. The little Fir Tree did not like it. It made him very angry.



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stood c'est le passé du verbe to stand: se tenir debout, se dresser  

fir tree

as big and as tall as... aussi gros et aussi grand que...   if only si seulement
took c'est le passé du verbe to take: prendre   pleasure plaisir
clouds nuages   anything around it rien autour de lui
hopped c'est le passé du verbe to hop: sauter   angry fâché