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page_11.jpg (89883 bytes) "What are they doing?" thought the tree.

"What is going to happen?"

Days and nights came and went. Nobody came to see or

talk to the tree.

When someone did come, it was only to put empty boxes in the room.

"It is winter and cold outside" thought the Fir Tree.

"I think these people are keeping me until winter is over. How kind they are." thought the tree.

"I only wish it was not so dark and lonely in here."

The tree heard a tiny "Squeak, squeak." It was a mouse.

"It is so cold here" said the mouse. Another mouse came into the room. They started to ask the tree all

kinds of questions. The tree told the mice many stories. It told them of the beautiful sunbeams and the

birds in the forest.

"You have done many things." said the mice.

"You must be very happy."

The tree went on and told them about Christmas Eve.



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what is going to happen Qu'est-ce qui va se passer?




boxes pluriel de box: boîte   are keeping me to keep: garder

ils me gardent

How kind kind: gentil

how kind: comme c'est gentil

  lonely triste
tiny très petit   all kinds toutes sortes
mice pluriel de mouse: souris   have done done: part. passé de faire

have done: tu as fait

went on passé de go on: continuer

He went on: il a continué

  Christmas eve veille de Noël