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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 10/10. Last part. E-mail me w/ feedback, and I might do a sequel??
Rated: PG-13
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


Angel had drawn a protective circle around himself, as he got everything ready. Buffy
must be awake when he performed the spell, so Willow made a barrier that could not be
penetrated around the still-frozen Buffy. Since Angel had been the one to bring Buffy
back, he had to perform this spell too.

Okay, everything’s ready, Angel thought to himself. But am I? All he had to do was wait
for Buffy to un-freeze, and then he would perform the ritual. He didn’t know how long
that would take.

About ten minutes later, Buffy started to move. Angel started to chant. The spell was
powerful, Willow said, and would most likely take all of his strength to complete it.

Buffy un-froze completly, and looked around her. She could see the barrier up around her,
and tried to break through it. It wouldn’t budge. She looked at Angel, and saw he was
completely engrossed in the spell he was enchanting. Buffy recognized it. He was trying to
get rid of her! Well, Buffy thought, I won’t let that happen!

Buffy tried to harm Angel, throw things at him with her mind, but there was a protection
spell around him.

“Damn you!” Buffy shouted at him. She tried everything to break free of the barrier up
around her, but it wouldn’t budge.

The door opened, and Buffy thought, Yes! Xander entered, then saw Angel was doing the
ritual, and tried to go back out just as quickly. But Buffy threw him backwards, and he
went crashing down the stairs, landing on the last floor with a thump, blood flowing from
his head.

Angel just kept on chanting. He needed to bring Buffy back, he needed to! Angel plunged
on through the spell with more force, and the roof blew right off of the house. Clouds
covered the horizon, and it started to thunder. Rain poured in, and Angel was soaking, but
he kept on going. For Buffy, he thought, for Buffy.

A weird golden mist surronded Angel, starting at his feet, and moving up towards his
head. It passed over, and kept on moving up towards the sky. Once there, it intercepted
with a cloud, and a blue-black lightning bolt formed.

Buffy looked up, awed. She had never seen anything like it before! It seemed to be
looking for something...

Angel knew he was doing the spell right. The lightning bolt was searching, searching for
something... or someone...

All of a sudden, the bolt came streaking down towards the Summer’s house.

Buffy gasped in shock, as the bolt came faster and faster down towards her.

Angel kept on chanting, louder and louder, until he was yelling the Gaelic words out. He
watched, as the bolt struck Buffy, and saw her scream, as it pulled at her, pulled
something out of her, and then just as quickly as it had happened, it was gone. The sky
was clear again, and Buffy lay on the ground, shaking.

Angel collapsed. The spell had really taken a lot out of him. He crawled over to Buffy, the
barrier having been broken by the lightning bolt. He took her in his arms, and she cried.
Angel just held her, and everything seemed right in the world.


After Buffy and Angel had gotten some much needed rest, they went downstairs to explain
to the gang what had all happened. And of course, what came first, was hugs and

After the explanations, Buffy needed to tell them something. “You guys... I just want to
thank you. For caring so much to bring me back, twice, I guess you could say. I love you
all, and thank you for putting up with evil bitchy Buffy too,” she added with a laugh.
Dawn was cradled against her, and she was stroking her hair.

“And, you need to stop dying, Buff!” Xander said. “That’s twice already!” He had gotten
counsciousness back, and didn’t want to miss out on all of the fun, so he had refused the

Buffy asked Giles, “Do you think there will be another Slayer called?”

Giles pondered it, and then said, “I don’t know. Reasonably, you already died, and Faith
was called. So, techincally, you would already be dead, and Faith would have to die for
another Slayer to be called. But I guess we’ll just wait and see.”


Angel and Buffy were alone in her bedroom. She had asked to speak to him.

“Angel, did you ever get my letter?” Buffy asked him.

He nodded, and took it out of his pocket. It looked like he had read it a lot, there were
creases, and wet splotches, which she guessed had to have been tears.

“I’m sorry. I-I... I shouldn’t have wrote it,” Buffy whispered.

Angel shook his head, and walked over to her sitting on her bed. He pulled Buffy into his
arms, and they hugged.

“I’m glad you wrote it,” Angel began. “I needed to know how you felt... and I love you,
Buffy. More than anything else possible. But we can never have a life together, the

Buffy interrupted, “I was going to tell you this before, but... I guess I forgot. Well, Willow
recently found out that when she did the spell to give you your soul back, there was no
happiness clause to it. So Angelus is sealed... forever, I guess.” Buffy didn’t know how he
would react to this.

Angel looked shocked. “My, my soul...”

“It’s permanent,” Buffy finished for him. “But I don’t know what you want to do from
here, or where you want to go.”

Angel didn’t know what to say. Of course he wanted to stay here with her, but did she
want him to? “Buffy, you know I would stay here without hesitation. But you have a life
right now. Would it be too much to just wedge myself back into it? And do you want me

Buffy stood up, and started pacing. “Yes, I have a life now. But I want you to be in it. No,
scratch that. I need you to be in it. I need you to be a part of my life again. I’ve missed
you so much...” she finished.

Angel’s answer was to kiss her. She smiled happily after the kiss ended, and they walked
back downstairs, hand in hand.


The End. Might do a sequel? Feedback me!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

